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OGT Review Two 2011.

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1 OGT Review Two 2011

2 The Federal Reserve System

3 History 1800s: People lost faith in the banking system. (Panics and Depressions) Paper money could be printed by states, cities, and private businesses. Federal Reserve Act (1913): created a safer and more stable monetary and banking system

4 Structure It is a “decentralized central bank.”
Both private and public elements are at work. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve is a government agency. 12 Federal Reserve Banks represent the private component of the Fed.


6 Monetary Policy The primary focus is price stability.
Regulates the amount of money and credit in the economy (through interest/discount rate).

7 Financial Services The Fed is the “bankers’ bank.”
Provides banks with currency and coin. Processes checks and electronic payments. Encourages new payment technologies.

8 Bank Supervision The Fed promotes the safety and soundness of the banking system. Bank examiners analyze financial records, risk, and compliance.

9 The Fed Today Write new banking laws and incorporate technologies as needed. New democratic governments have used the Fed as a model.

10 Industrialization Industrial Revolution started in the textile industry in Great Britain and spread to the U.S. and other nations.

11 What were the effects of industrialization?
More people engaged in manufacturing Demand for more factory workers Rural to urban migrations and growth of cities Emigration from Europe More good available at lower costs Improved standard of living Increased trade Men, women, and children working long hours for low wages Working and living in unhealthy conditions Rise of labor unions Monopolies and trusts Reform movements to combat abuses (ex.: Progressivism)

12 Immigration

13 Immigration and Movement of People
Why do people move? Economic opportunity Political freedom Religious freedom Economic development, population growth, and environmental change have resulted in more people living in urban areas. Suburbanization Examples: Irish to America as a result of the potato famine in Ireland Immigrants from all over the world to America Refugees from wars African-Americans moving from the South to the North in the early 1900s (The Great Migration) Moving from the North and East to the South and West in latter party of the 20th century (from the rust belt to the sun belt)

14 Different Cultural Perspectives
People from different cultural groups often view the same event in different ways Creation of the state of Israel Partition of India and Pakistan (Hindus and Muslims) Reunification of Germany End of apartheid in South Africa

15 Different Cultural Perspectives Lead to Political Action Groups
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) NOW (National Organization for Women) AIM (American Indian Movement) United Farm Workers

16 Consequences of Oppression, Discrimination, and Conflict
Exploitation of indigenous peoples in areas ruled by other nations Genocide during the Holocaust and in Armenia, Rwanda, Bosnia, and Iraq Discrimination based on race in the U.S. (Jim Crow laws) and in South Africa (apartheid)

17 Exchanges of Cultural Practices
Words from one language being incorporated in another language Sporting events Food Music Clothing Styles Television programs and movies Online chatting and ing Medical practices (ex: acupuncture)

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