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Unit II - Equilibrium - Chapter 13

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1 Unit II - Equilibrium - Chapter 13

2 2.1. Characterize chemical reactions in terms of reversibility and relative concentrations of reactants and products. [Readings 13.1 Problems 18]

3 Demonstration: Fe+3 + SCN- --> FeSCN+2 Fe+3 SCN- FeSCN+2

4 Demonstration: Fe+3 + SCN- --> FeSCN+2 Fe+3 SCN- FeSCN+2

5 Fe+3 + SCN- --> FeSCN+2
Add Fe+3

6 Fe+3 + SCN- --> FeSCN+2
Add Fe+3

7 Fe+3 + SCN- --> FeSCN+2
Add Fe+3 Darker More FeSCN+2 Excess SCN- The relative amounts of reactants and products in a chemical reaction are effected by concentration changes.

8 Fe+3 + SCN- --> FeSCN+2
Add Fe+3 Darker More FeSCN+2 Excess SCN- Add SCN-

9 Fe+3 + SCN- --> FeSCN+2
Add Fe+3 Darker More FeSCN+2 Excess SCN- Add SCN-

10 Fe+3 + SCN- --> FeSCN+2
Add Fe+3 Darker More FeSCN+2 Excess SCN- Expt. Shows that Fe3+ and SCN- must be present after the rxn. All three species must exist at the same time. Add SCN- Darker More FeSCN+2 Excess Fe+3 All reactants and products are present during the reaction.

11 Observations on the chemical reaction: Fe+3 + SCN- --> FeSCN+2
All reactants and products are present during the reaction. Reactions are reversible. The relative amounts of reactants and products in a chemical reaction are effected by concentration changes.

12 AgNO3(aq) + NaC2H3O2(aq) --> AgC2H3O2(s)+ NaNO3(aq)
25 mL .08 M = .002 moles AgNO3 25 mL .08 M = .002 moles NaC2H3O2 AgNO3(aq) + NaC2H3O2(aq) --> AgC2H3O2(s)+ NaNO3(aq) Ag+ + NO3- + Na+ + C2H3O2- --> AgC2H3O2(s) + Na+ + NO3- Net Ionic Equation Ag+(aq) + C2H3O2-(aq) --> AgC2H3O2(s)

13 Ag+ + C2H3O2- --> AgC2H3O2(s)
Initial moles moles moles Final (expected) moles moles moles Final (experimental) g = moles Where did the rest go? moles moles moles = ==> M reactants are left.

14 AgC2H3O2(s) -->Ag+ + C2H3O2-
Initial moles moles moles Final moles moles moles Initial moles moles moles Final moles moles moles Turn the reaction around to show silver acetate dissolving. The moles Ag+ and Ac- are the max soluble If start with .02 moles of Silver acetate ==> ?? same

15 AgC2H3O2(s) <==> Ag+(aq) + C2H3O2-(aq)
[Ag+]i [C2H3O2-]i [Ag+]e [C2H3O2-]e 0.1 M 0.1 M 0.062 M 0.062 M 0.1 M 0.2 M 0.1 M 0.3 M Initial concentrations | final concentrations after rxn. 0.038 M Ag+ form the silver acetate solid. 0.1 M 0.4 M

16 AgC2H3O2(s) <==> Ag+(aq) + C2H3O2-(aq)
[Ag+]i [C2H3O2-]i [Ag+]e [C2H3O2-]e 0.1 M 0.1 M 0.062 M 0.062 M 0.1 M 0.2 M 0.029 M 0.124 M 0.1 M 0.3 M 0.016 M 0.209 M Final data table 0.1 M 0.4 M 0.012 M 0.302 M

17 [Ag+] vs. [C2H3O2-] Final concentrations 0.07  0.06 0.05 0.04 [Ag+]
0.03 0.02 0.01 Final concentrations 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 [C2H3O2-]

18 [Ag+] vs. [C2H3O2-] ---------- [Ag+] vs. 1/[ C2H3O2 -]
0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 [Ag+] [Ag+] 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 Silver vs. 1/Ac gives a linear relationship [Ag+] = K 1/[Ac-] or K = [Ag+][Ac-] 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 [C2H3O2-] 1/[C2H3O2-]

19 [Ag+] vs. [C2H3O2-] ---------- [Ag+] vs. 1/[ C2H3O2 -]
0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 [Ag+] [Ag+] 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 Silver vs. 1/Ac gives a linear relationship [Ag+] = K 1/[Ac-] or K = [Ag+][Ac-] 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 [C2H3O2-] 1/[C2H3O2-] [Ag+] = 4.0 x 10-3 / [C2H3O2-] + 0 [Ag+] [C2H3O2-] = 4.0 x 10-3

20 [Ag+] vs. [C2H3O2-] ---------- [Ag+] vs. 1/[ C2H3O2 -]
0.07 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 [Ag+] [Ag+] 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 Silver vs. 1/Ac gives a linear relationship [Ag+] = K 1/[Ac-] or K = [Ag+][Ac-] 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 [C2H3O2-] 1/[C2H3O2-] [Ag+] = 4.0 x 10-3 / [C2H3O2-] + 0 K = [Ag+] [C2H3O2-] [Ag+] [C2H3O2-] = 4.0 x 10-3

21 2.2. Determine equilibrium expressions for homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions from stoichiometry. [Readings 13.2, 13.3, & 13.4 Problems 1, 2, 26, 28, 34, 36, 38, & 46]

22 aA + bB <==> cC + dD
[ C ] [ D ] K = a b [ A ] [ B ] In heterogeneous equilibria, pure liquids or solids are not included. In aqueous equilibria, pure water is not included.

23 Superscripts? A + B <==> 2C A + B <==> C + C
K = [C] [C] / [A] [B] K = [C]2 / [A] [B]

24 Example Reaction N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) –––> 2 NH3 (g)

25 Example Reaction N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) –––> 2 NH3 (g) K = ?

26 Example Reaction N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) –––> 2 NH3 (g)

27 Example Reaction N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) –––> 2 NH3 (g) For rxn:
2 NH3 (g) –––> N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) K’ = ?

28 Example Reaction N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) –––> 2 NH3 (g) For rxn:
2 NH3 (g) –––> N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) K’ = 1/K

29 Pure solids or liquids? What is the [AgC2H3O2] ?
= moles / Liter {moles = weight / MW} = weight / Lx MW = density / MW = constant for pure substance

30 Water not included? What is the concentration of water in pure water?
1000g / L (1 mole / 18 g) = 55.6 M What is the concentration of water in 0.1 M NaCl solution? (5.9 g) 994g / L (1 mole / 18 g) = 55.2 M Therefore [H2O] in solutions is a constant.

31 aA + bB <==> cC + dD
[ C ] [ D ] K = a b [ A ] [ B ] In heterogeneous equilibria, pure liquids or solids are not included. In aqueous equilibria, pure water is not included.

32 Example Write equilibruim expressions for the following reactions: (in a 1 liter container) A. 1/8 S8 (s) + O2 (g) –––> SO2 (g) B. NH3 (aq) + H2O (l) –––> NH4+ (aq) + OH- (aq) A. K = [SO2]/[O2] B. H2O is not included

33 Gas Phase Reactions Often partial pressures are used instead of concentrations for gas phase reactions. Rxn: N2O4 (g) –––2 NO2 (g) What is the eauilibrium constant? Solve for Kp

34 Gas Phase Reactions Often partial pressures are used instead of concentrations for gas phase reactions. Rxn: N2O4 (g) –––2 NO2 (g) What is the eauilibrium constant? Solve for Kp

35 K is temperature dependent:
Units: Kc M Kp atm Kp = Kc (RT) ∆n K > 1 K < 1 K = 1 N2 + 3H2 ––> 2 NH3 {>,<, OR = 1} M=mol/L = n/v Thus: P = N/V * RT = M * RT

36 K Values for Related Chemical Equations
(1) A <=> B K1= x (2) B <=> A K2= K1-1 = x-1 (3) 2A <=> 2B K3= K12 = x2

37 2.3. Determine the stoichiometric relationship between initial and equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products. [Readings 13.5 Problems] Determine values for K from equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products in a chemical reaction. [Readings 13.5 Problems 80, ]

38 H2O + HC7H5O2 <=> H3O+ + C7H5O2-
Initial M M M Equilibrium ? x ? Change x x x 10-3 Equilibrium x x x 10-3 Initial amount based on experiment Change amount based on stoichiometry Equilibrium amount based on equilibrium

39 2.5. Determine the equilibrium concentrations of reactants and products of a chemical reaction from initial concentrations and values of K. [Readings 13.5 Problems 10, 11, 25, 48, 52, 54, 56, & 58]

40 H2O + HC7H5O2 <=> H3O+ + C7H5O2-
If 61 g of HC7H5O2 is dissolved in 1 L of solution, what is [H3O+] at equilibrium? Kc = 6.3x10-5 61 g = 0.50 mol (122g/mol) ICE Table!! H2O + HC7H5O2 <=> H3O+ + C7H5O2- I M C x x x E x x x Because magnitude is -4, very little of the reactant breaks down, thus we can assume that 0.5-x ≈.5 (If the magnitude is -1 or -2, then use the quadratic eqn.

41 2.6. Determine if equilibrium has been reached in a chemical reaction; determine the direction the reaction will shift if equilibrium has not been reached. [Readings 13.5 Problems ex 13.6 & prob. 13.7]

42 rR <==> pP K = [P]ep / [R]er Q = [P]ip / [R]ir

43 2.7. Use Le Châtelier’s Principle to predict the direction a reaction at equilibrium will shift as a result of changes in concentration, pressure/volume, and temperature as it approaches a new equilibrium. [Readings 13.6, 13.7, 13.8, & 13.9 Problems 66, 68, 70, & 72]

44 Le Châtelier’s Principle
If a stress is put on a system in equilibrium, it will shift (adjust) to minimize (offset, reverse) the effect of the stress.

45 Le Châtelier’s Principle
If a stress is put on a system in equilibrium, it will shift (adjust) to minimize (offset, reverse) the effect of the stress.

46 Equilibrium: r a t e f o r w a r d R P r a t e r e v e r s e A system is at equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction is equal to the rate of the reverse reaction. This does not mean: The amounts are equal The reaction has stopped

47 . . A <==> B

48 Stress -- changes that effect rates of forward and reverse reactions differently
concentration temperature catalyst? pressure?

49 Shift -- An adjustment in the concentrations of reactants and products
Shift to right -- increase [P], decrease [R] Shift to left -- increase [R], decrease [P]

50 Minimize A(g) + B(g) <=> 2C(g) K = [C]2 / [A] [B] I 2 5 0
E K = 1 add 19 A Q ≠ 1 C new E K = 1

51 N2 + 3 H2 <==> 2 NH3 .

52 N2 + 3 H2 <==> 2 NH3 Concentration H 2 NH 3 N 2 Time ------->
. . N2 + 3 H2 <==> 2 NH3 Concentration H 2 NH 3 N 2 Time >

53 Demo: 2 NO(g) + O2(g) --> 2 NO2(g)
Initial mL mL Predicted mL Actual mL 2 NO2(g) <==> N2O4(g) + ∆ brown colorless

54 Change Temperature 2 NO2(g) <==> N2O4(g) + ∆ Increase T -- More Heat -- P constant Equilibrium Shifts to Reduce Heat Color Deepens K = [N2O4] / [NO2]2 , K decreases Therefore K is T dependent

55 Change Pressure (by decreasing V)
2 NO2(g) <==> N2O4(g) + ∆ PT Kp Equilibrium atm atm atm P x 2 (1/2 V) atm atm atm Change atm atm New atm atm atm Equilibrium Increase pressure ==> a decrease in the number of moles of gas decrease in pressure ==> an increase in the number of moles of gas, thus achieving equilibrium.

56 Self Test X(g) + H2O(l) <==> Q (s) + Y(g) ∆H = +150 kJ
Change Shift Change in K increase Px increase [Y] remove 1/2 Q increase PT increase T catalyst Change Shift ∆K? increase Px right no increase [Y] left no remove 1/2 Q right no increase PT no chng no increase T right yes catalyst no chng no

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