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United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland

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Presentation on theme: "United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland"— Presentation transcript:

1 United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland
What are the British Isles? The United Kingdom? The geography The Climate Political system The symbols of the country The religion Population History Economy Smith-Dluhá, Gabrielle a kol. Angličtina-Otázky a odpovědi. Dubicko: INFOA

2 British Isles – United Kingdom
British Isles – two major islands of Great britain and Ireland UK – England, Scotland, Wales (Great Britain) together with Northern Ireland

3 Geography North Sea in the north and east, Irish sea and Atlantic Ocean in the west On the south England and France devided by the La Manche Channel The island of GB can be devided into 2 regions: Lowland Britain: midland, southern and eastern England Highland Britain: Scotland, Wales, the Pennines The highest peak is Ben Nevis (1343m – Scotish Highland) The longest river is Severn, other rivers are Thames, the Avon, the Tyne

4 The climate Is influenced by the Gulf Stream – it is quite warm, but it rains often The climate is mild and humid Average temperature from 4° in winter to 16° in summer The summer is the best season for tourists

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