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MERRAC Activities in 2015 and 2016 NOWPAP MERRAC NOWPAP MERRAC

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1 MERRAC Activities in 2015 and 2016 NOWPAP MERRAC NOWPAP MERRAC
Northwest Pacific Action Plan Marine Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response Regional Activity Centre (established at KRISO, Daejeon, R. Korea) MERRAC Activities in 2015 and 2016 Seong-Gil Kang, Jeong-Hwan Oh, Yoon-Young Back, Siyeon Lee, Narae Yoon, Chang-Gyuen Kim (Advisor) NOWPAP MERRAC Hello, I’m Seong-Gil Kang, Director of NOWPAP MERRAC. Today, I would like to present “MERRAC activities of 2013”.

2 Outlines 1 2 3 4 NOWPAP MERRAC Mission Major MERRAC Activities
MERRAC Workplan and Budget for Conclusion and Discussions 1 2 3 4 The outline of this presentation is like this.


4 MERRAC covers sea-based marine pollution in the NOWPAP region
Oil Spill accident (Hebei Spirit, ‘07.12) HNS accident (Firecracker, ‘06.3) Oil pipeline explosion (Dalian, China,‘10, 7) Due to the increase of shipping and maritime activities, the NOWPAP region has been exposed to marine environmental problems such as oil and HNS spill incidents, marine litter and Ballast water. Due to the reason, the NOWPAP region has been exposed to high risk of oil and HNS spill incidents due to rapid economic development and high vessel traffic. Increasing shipping density also poses environmental problems such as marine litter and Ballast water. Sea based marine litter

5 Oil and HNS Spill Incidents (ITOPF, 2012)
NOWPAP sea is regarded as one of hot spot areas of oil and HNS Spills in the world…

6 Spill accidents in NOWPAP area (>10t)
318 oil spill incidents over 10 tons (‘90-’15) Oil spills HNS spills 61 HNS spill incidents MERRAC collects the list of Oil & HNS spill incidents, annual basis as a Routine Task. NOWPAP members also directly report when marine pollution incidents occur using the POLREP format, in order to share information promptly In order to facilitate the exchange of information on spill incidents regarding the article 5.2 (Initial Warning System) of the Plan, existing paragraph is being amended. 61 HNS spill incidents over 10 tons (‘90-’15) Data: MERRAC (2016)

7 Statistics on Oil and HNS Spill Accidents (’90-’15)
Category No. of Oil Spills No. of HNS Spills Major Spills (>1,000 tons) 15 11 Intermediate Spills (50~1,000) 173 26 Small Spills (<50) several thousand 7 (>10tons) Unknown 6 16 (Source: MERRAC website, Kill by Oil Spill, by Richard Mock (1991) In fact, as you can see from these statistics on oil and HNS spill accidents, 15 oil spills and 8 HNS spills with spillage over 1,000 tons have occurred, The number of HNS spill is less than one of oil spill, However, we also should be more cautious and prepared for HNS spills because of the HNS property such as the explosion, fire, and toxicity. Therefore HNS spills can cause great damage not only to the environment, but also to human lives and property. and several thousand cases of small spills with less than 50 tons have occurred.

8 In order to increase regional response capacities to oil and HNS spills in the NOWPAP region,
NOWPAP Members has worked together to develop regional co-operation system on oil and HNS spill preparedness and response in region, especially, within the framework of NOWPAP and MERRAC, with support from IMO and UNEP

9 Relation with Sustainable Development Goals
MERRAC collects the list of Oil & HNS spill incidents, annual basis as a Routine Task. NOWPAP members also directly report when marine pollution incidents occur using the POLREP format, in order to share information promptly In order to facilitate the exchange of information on spill incidents regarding the article 5.2 (Initial Warning System) of the Plan, existing paragraph is being amended. SDG 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development Inter alia, Oil & chemical spill issues belong to Indicator 14.1 (By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution)

10 NOWPAP area- High risk of marine spill accidents, but low level of preparedness against them
The Mission of MERRAC is….. to develop the regional cooperative system on marine pollution preparedness and response in the NOWPAP region

11 NOWPAP Regional Oil and HNS Spill Contingency Plan (RCP)
To provide a framework under which NOWPAP Members can co-operate at the operational level in responding to major oil and HNS spill incidents Adopted originally by 8th NOWPAP IGM in 2003 as a technical and operational guidelines for regional co-operation during major oil spill in NOWPAP sea HNS has been added to this existing Plan & its Resolution adopted by 13th IGM in 2008 MERRAC is the secretariat for the administration and co-ordinatnion of the RCP in co-operation with members As one of the outstanding achievements of MERRAC, the NOWPAP Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan and its MoU were developed and adopted by NOWPAP IGM as technical guidelines for regional co-operation on marine pollution preparedness and response. MERRAC has maintained and updated the RCP, in order to make it living as basic guidelines for our activities. HNS has been added to this existing Plan and its Resolution was adopted by the 13th NOWPAP IGM last year. Currently, the NOWPAP Regional Oil and HNS Spill Contingency Plan is in effect.

12 MERRAC’s working system
Through the MERRAC Focal Points who are charge of the marine pollution preparedness and response, MERRAC has carried out relevant activities efficiently and effectively in co-operated with NOWPAP Members. In order to facilitate the implementation of MERRAC’s designated activities, “MERRAC operates the National Focal Point system. A Focal Point is nominated by each NOWPAP member, and he or she is responsible for marine pollution preparedness and response in their respective countries” Through the Focal Points system, MERRAC has established an efficient working system and co-operated with NOWPAP Members. Every year, MERRAC organizes the NOWPAP MERRAC Focal Points Meeting. The 15th NOWPAP MERRAC Focal Points Meeting was held in May of this year. MRS “MERRAC is operating the system of National Focal Point for MERRAC, who is nominated by each country and is responsible for the marine pollution preparedness and response in the respective NOWPAP Members”

13 II. Major Activities in 2016 Next, I will talk about our Major Activities in 2014.

14 MERRAC’s Program of Work (PoW) under MTS
(agreed by 20th IGM) Expected PoW Outputs and Specific Activities for Theme 3. Pollution prevention and reduction (including marine litter) 1) Strengthened regional co-operation to prepare and to respond to emergencies . Update and maintenance of the NOWPAP RCP 2) Increased sharing of relevant information on oil and HNS spill preparedness and response . Activation of the RCP In case of major spill accidents in the region including POLREPs and request and offer assistance . Update of the lists of oil and HNS spills and relevant information . Update of the latest information on marine pollution response resources including equipment, institutions and experts 3) Improved regional capacity to respond to oil and HNS spills . Organization of communication exercises (4 times) . Organization of regular table-top and joint oil spill response exercises (in 2016)

15 MERRAC’s Program of Work (PoW) under MTS
Expected PoW Outputs and specific activities for Theme 3. Pollution prevention and reduction (including marine litter) 5) Better understanding on technical issues on marine pollution preparedness and response in the region . Organization of expert meeting to discuss technical issues on oil and HNS spill preparedness and response (in 2017) 6) Well-organized NOWAPAP MERRAC Focal Points Meeting and Competent National Authorities Meeting . Organization of annual FPM and CNA meeting 7) Effective measures for regional cooperation in marine pollution preparedness and response . Implementation of MERRAC specific projects (Marine litter) 8) Workshop proceedings with best practices of ML management in the region 9) Empowered general public with better understanding of ML problems

16 Summary of the major MERRAC activities
in 2015 and 2016 Meeting Organization of the 19th MERRAC FPM and 11th CNA Meeting (31 May-3 June 2016, Jeju, Republic of Korea) Routine Tasks Maintenance and update of Information on Focal points Exchange of information on oil and HNS spills Maintenance and update of Information System Maintenance and update of the MERRAC website MERRAC Specific Project Update of DB on Oil and HNS Spill Response Equipment and Experts (concluded, led by MERRAC Secretariat) Online Pollution Reporting System (concluded, led by MERRAC Secretariat) Risk Assessment of Oil Spill Incident: Likelihood analysis (finalized, led by MERRAC Secretariat) Development of MERRAC Information System based on the Web GIS (ongoing, led by MERRAC Secretariat) Development of information sharing platform on oil and HNS spills in the NOWPAP regions (ongoing, led by MERRAC Secretariat) Development of a technical repot on oiled wildlife (mainly birds and marine mammals) response in the NOWPAP region (ongoing, led by MERRAC Secretariat) Establishment of oil sample exchange procedure for transboundary marine pollution incidents in the NOWPAP region (ongoing, led by MERRAC Secretariat)

17 Summary of the major MERRAC activities
in 2015 and 2016 Training and exercise Conduction of the 16th NOWPAP BRAVO exercise under the leading role of China (27 November 2015) Conduction of the 17th NOWPAP BRAVO exercise under the leading role of Russia (17 May 2016) Conduction of the 6th NOWPAP DELTA exercise hosted by China and co-hosted by Korea (14 July 2016, Weihai, Shandong Province, China) Marine Litter activities Development of report on “Understanding of Floating Marine Litter Distribution and Impacts in the NOWPAP Region” (finalized, led by MERRAC Secretariat) Development of report on “Review and Analysis of Existing Floating Marine Litter Prediction Models in the NOWPAP region” (ongoing, led by MERRAC Secretariat) Co-operation with RCU, RACs and other organizations Participation in other RAC FPM meetings, IMO PPR Meeting and NOWPAP International Coastal Cleanup These activities requested to MERRAC under Program of Work (PoW) under MTS, which was agreed by 20th IGM

18 (31 May-3 June 2016, Jeju, Republic of Korea)
1) The 19th NOWPAP MERRAC Focal Points Meeting and 11th Competent National Authorities Meeting (31 May-3 June 2016, Jeju, Republic of Korea) Review of MERRAC activities including routine tasks (Oil and HNS pollution incidents, update of the information system) , results of the specific projects, and identification of future works (new specific projects, RAP MALI activities for the biennium etc.) Discussion on efficient implementation of the RCP (procedure for exchange of oil sample for transboundary marine pollution incidents) Planning of the exercises (6th DELTA exercise, 18th BRAVO exercise) etc. MERRAC has organized the annual MERRAC Focal Points Meeting and Competent National Authorities Meeting. At the 16th MERRAC FPM, we reviewed ~ “----”.

19 Meeting agenda for 19th FPM and 11th CNA
Opening of the meeting Organization of the meeting Adoption of the agenda Overview of the progress made during the intersessional period after the Eighteenth NOWPAP MERRAC Focal Points Meeting (reports from RCU, IMO, MERRAC) Review of the progress made for each task agreed at the Eighteenth NOWPAP MERRAC Focal Points Meeting and identification of future work - Routine Tasks : Focal Points / Information system (equipment, institution, experts, and performance standards) / Report on oil and HNS pollution incidents - The 2015 NOWPAP MERRAC Expert Meeting - Specific Projects : Development of MERRAC information system based on Web GIS / Development of information sharing platform on oil and HNS spills in the NOWPAP region / Development of a technical repot on oiled wildlife (mainly birds and marine mammals) response in the NOWPAP region - Sea-based Marine Litter activities The NOWPAP Regional Oil and HNS Contingency Plan - Revision and/or amendment of the NOWPAP Regional Oil and HNS Contingency Plan - Establishment of a procedure for exchange of oil sample for transboundary marine pollution incidents in the NOWPAP region NOWPAP training and exercises (2 BRAVO Exercises) Exchange of latest information on marine pollution preparedness and response in the NOWPAP members (presentation by the representatives of CNAs) : National Contingency Plans / Case Studies of Recent National Oil/HNS Spills / National/Sub-regional Training and Exercises / Others Workplan and budget for the 2016/2017 biennium and other future activities Arrangement of intersessional work and venues and dates of the 20th NOWPAP MERRAC FPM and the 12th CNA Meeting Other matters Adoption of the report of the Meeting Closure of other Meeting MERRAC has organized the annual MERRAC Focal Points Meeting and Competent National Authorities Meeting. At the 16th MERRAC FPM, we reviewed ~ “----”.

20 Specific projects and/or activities coordinated by MERRAC
during the intersessional period

21 Organization of Experts Meetings
- To undertake specific advisory functions relating to scientific and technical issues on oil/HNS in implementing the regional cooperation in the region: Forum on Sakhalin Projects, Wakkanai, Japan, Sept. 2010) Expert Meeting on HNS Spill Preparedness and Response (Qingdao, Russia, October 2013) Expert meeting on Oiled Wildlife Response (Vladivostok, Russia, Oct. 2015) (planned) Symposium on Hebei Spirit Oil Spill (2017, Korea) Expert meetings in different types such as training course, workshop, technical meeting 2005 MERRAC EM Incheon, Korea 2009 MERRAC EM Hokkaido, Japan 2013 MERRAC EM Qingdao, China (HNS) 2015 MERRAC EM Vladivostok, Russia

22 2) Maintenance and update of the contacts
of NOWPAP members on marine pollution prevention and response MERRAC Focal Points Mr. Leyi DONG Dr. Natalia KUTAEVA Department of Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention, China Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) People’s Republic of China Federal Budgetary Institution “Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot”(MRS) Russian Federation Mr. Nobuhisa KANEKO Mr. Young YOU Marine Environment Protection & Disaster Prevention Division Guard and Rescue Department Japan Coast Guard (JCG) Japan Division of Marine Pollution Response Planning, Marine Pollution Response Bureau, Korea Coast Guard (KCG) Ministry of Public Safety & Security Republic of Korea MERRAC collects the list of Oil & HNS spill incidents, annual basis as a Routine Task. NOWPAP members also directly report when marine pollution incidents occur using the POLREP format, in order to share information promptly In order to facilitate the exchange of information on spill incidents regarding the article 5.2 (Initial Warning System) of the Plan, existing paragraph is being amended.

23 3) Maintenance and update of the lists of
oil and HNS spills in Collection of information on oil and HNS spill accidents including additional information on fate and effects of oil and HNS spills over 10 tons in the NOWPAP region. 318 oil spill incidents over 10 tons (‘90-’15) 61 HNS spill incidents MERRAC collects the list of Oil & HNS spill incidents, annual basis as a Routine Task. NOWPAP members also directly report when marine pollution incidents occur using the POLREP format, in order to share information promptly In order to facilitate the exchange of information on spill incidents regarding the article 5.2 (Initial Warning System) of the Plan, existing paragraph is being amended. Number of spill accidents with spillage over 50 tons ( ) and over 10 tons ( ) China Japan Korea Russia Total Oil 107 63 146 2 318 HNS 22 26 13 - 61

24 In 2015, 5 oil spills and 1 HNS spill incidents were occurred in Japan, Korea and Russia.
Nationality Name of Vessel Location Date Cause Quantity Japan No.2 WAKOMARU Kanmon Strait 17 Oct 2015 Collision unknown Korea daejeung8 Off Incheon 6 Jan 2015 Sinking 25 tons Eastern Amber Seogwipo 13 April 2015 Collision & sinking 118 tons 707baruna Off Busan 24 Sep 2015 sinking 52 tons Russia Nadezhda Sakhalin 28 Oct 2015 grounding 426 tons HNS spill Nationality Name of Vessel Location Date Cause Quantity Korea Hanyang Ace Port of Ulsan 11 Jan 2015 Hull damage 198 tons

25 Statistics on Oil & HNS Spill Incidents (‘90-’15)

26 to inform other member countries of occurrence major spill accident
List of POLREP issued in to inform other member countries of occurrence major spill accident MERRAC collects the list of Oil & HNS spill incidents, annual basis as a Routine Task. NOWPAP members also directly report when marine pollution incidents occur using the POLREP format, in order to share information promptly In order to facilitate the exchange of information on spill incidents regarding the article 5.2 (Initial Warning System) of the Plan, existing paragraph is being amended. The POLREP of total 9 cases has been activated in 2013/15

27 4) Maintenance and update of the Information System
Update of the lists of the equipment indicating which items are available for assistance to other members. Also updating the lists of institutions and experts as below; Equipment Lists Oil recovery boat Oil recovery system Oil booms Aircraft Oil transfer pump Beach cleaner Dispersant Sorbents Institutions and experts related to the marine pollution preparedness and response National performance standards and/or regulations on the application of non mechanical methods MERRAC collects the list of Oil & HNS spill incidents, annual basis as a Routine Task. NOWPAP members also directly report when marine pollution incidents occur using the POLREP format, in order to share information promptly In order to facilitate the exchange of information on spill incidents regarding the article 5.2 (Initial Warning System) of the Plan, existing paragraph is being amended.

28 Example of information system
(To be digitalized)

29 5) Maintenance and update of the MERRAC website
Upload of latest relevant information List of Oil and HNS spill incidents Maintenance and updating of the contact points Information on the oil spill response equipment and experts Regular update of MERRAC website ( Through the MERRAC website, information sharing and public awareness were facilitated.

30 6) Implementation of MERRAC Specific Projects
To facilitate the designated mandates of MERRAC Expert groups consisted from NOWPAP members: technical advice - Guideline on sensitivity mapping, shoreline cleanup, use of dispersants - Minimum level of preparedness, oil spill prediction model - HNS operation guidelines - HNS DB - Manual for HNS training - Regional Report on HNS Preparedness and Response

31 Specific Projects carried during the 2014-15 biennium:
Update of DB on Oil and HNS Spill Response Equipment and Experts (led by MERRAC, concluded) Online Pollution Reporting System (led by MERRAC, concluded) Risk Assessment of Oil Spill Incident: Likelihood Analysis (led by MERRAC, concluded) Specific Projects for biennium: Development of MERRAC Information System based on the Web GIS (led by MERRAC & NOWPAP members, on-going) Development of Information Sharing Platform on Oil and HNS Spills in the NOWPAP Region (led by MERRAC & NOWPAP members, on-going) Development of a technical report on oiled wildlife (mainly marine mammals and birds) response in the NOWPAP region (led by MERRAC & NOWPAP members, on-going) MERRAC has developed and published a series of technical reports through MERRAC’s specific projects. MERRAC has implemented the following Specific Projects for Next, I will briefly explain the projects.

32 Specific project : Development of guideline on Requesting and rendering relevant oil samples for the trans-boundary incident between members The case of “Hyundai Bridge” accident Japan Coast Guard requested Korea Coast Guard an oil sample taken from pollution source vessel occurred on 28 December 2014 but it was delayed due to absence of relevant procedure agreed between the NOWPAP members. In this regard, Korea proposed revision of the RCP for development of procedure on exchange of oil sample for trans-boundary marine pollutants. At the 19th MERRAC FPM, members decided to collect relevant information to understand the existing oil sampling procedures of the NOWPAP members and other regions and established a CG to carry out the activities. Results are to be reported to the 20th MERRAC FPM for further directions. MERRAC has developed and published a series of technical reports through MERRAC’s specific projects. MERRAC has implemented the following Specific Projects for Next, I will briefly explain the projects.

33 7) NOWPAP BRAVO - Communication Exercise
To test the functioning of communication system of reporting, requesting and providing assistance between NOWPAP members in the event of large-scale oil and HNS spills Using POLREP format of the Plan. Develop the Exercise of Scenario Conduct twice a year using fax and/or . 17-20th BRAVO Exercise ( biennium) 17th NOWPAP BRAVO (May. 2016) led by Russia 18th NOWPAP BRAVO (Nov. 2016, Japan) 19th NOWPAP BRAVO (first half of 2017, Korea) 20th NOWPAP BRAVO (second half of 2017, China) MERRAC has also organized NOWPAP BRAVO (alarm exercise) twice a year, table top exercise at every Competent National Authorities (CNA) meeting, and The 10th and 911h NOWPAP BRAVO exercises were conducted by Japan and Korea, respectively. The 12th NOWPAP BRAVO exercise will be conducted by China on 12 December this year.

34 - Joint Oil Spill Response Exercise
8) NOWPAP DELTA - Joint Oil Spill Response Exercise In order to increase the level of preparedness of the NOWPAP members to jointly respond to major marine pollution incidents within the framework of the NOWPAP Regional Oil and HNS Spill Contingency Plan, joint pollution combating exercises are conducted on regular bases i.e. once in two years. 1st DELTA Exercise (‘06, Russia/Japan, Sakhalin, Russia) 2nd DELTA Exercise (‘08, China/Korea, Qingdao, China) 3rd DELTA Exercise (‘10, Japan/Russia, Wakkanai, Japan) 4th DELTA Exercise (‘12, Korea/China, Yeosu, Korea) 5th DELTA Exercise (‘14.10, Russia/Japan, Vladivostok, Russia) 6th DELTA Exercise (‘16. 07, China/Korea, Weihai, China) For the practical implementation of the RCP, MERRAC has supported the conduction of several NOWPAP Joint oil spill exercises. The 3rd NOWPAP DELTA led by Japan and Russia was held in Hokkaido, Japan. The 4th NOWPAP Joint oil spill exercise was conducted in Yeosu Korea, in conjunction with the 15th MERRAC Focal Points Meeting and CNA meeting. The 5th NOWPAP DELTA Exercise will be conducted on October 2014 in Russia.

35 The 6th DELTA Joint Oil Spill Response Exercise
(‘16. 07, China/Korea, Weihai, China) A total of 18 vessels, 1 rescue helicopter, 2 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and 400 personnel mobilized by China MSA, and 1 specific oil spill response vessel and 13 staffs dispatched from KCG


37 9) Implementation of the RAP MALI
The implementation of marine litter activities (MALITA) to cover the sea-based marine litter issue as MERRAC activity ( ) & RAP MALI (2008-present) - organized marine litter meetings & workshops - developed guidelines, brochures and regional reports MERRAC has also carried out activities related to sea-based marine litter under the RAP MALI projects.

38 Recent MERRAC RAP MALI activities
Compilation of Best Practices in dealing with Marine Litter in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Shipping Sectors in the NOWPAP Region (published) ( ) Understanding of Floating Marine Litter Distribution and Impacts in the NOWPAP region (final draft under review) ( biennium) Under RAP MALI for Review and analysis of existing floating marine litter prediction models in the NOWPAP region

39 10) Regional co-operation with UNEP, IMO, Regional Seas Programmes and other RACs
14th CEARAC FPM (Toyama, Japan, 7-8 April 2016) 14th DINRAC FPM (Beijing, China, May 2016) 13th POMRAC FPM (Vladivostok, Russia, May 2016) 3rd IMO Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR Meeting) (15-19 February 2016, London, UK) 2016 NOWPAP International Coastal Cleanup and NOWPAP-TEMM Joint Workshop on Marine Litter Management (Slavyanka, Russia, September 2016) 18th Global Meeting of the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans (Incheon, Republic of Korea, 30 September-1 October 2016) MERRAC cooperated with UNEP, IMO, Regional Seas Programmes and other RACs during 2013. For Co-operation with NOWPAP RCU and other RACs, MERRAC attended several meetings and workshops and discussed how to enhance regional cooperation.

40 III. MERRAC Workplan and budget for 2016-2017

41 (1) 19th MERRAC FPM & 11th CNA Meeting
Activities Budget (US$) 2016 2017 Total (1) 19th MERRAC FPM & 11th CNA Meeting 20th MERRAC FPM & 12th CNA Meeting 26,000 52,000 (2) Expert Meeting (to be hosted by Korea) - 24,000 (3) MERRAC Specific Projects 40,000 (4) Coordination with IMO/UNEP &Regional Seas - NOWPAP IGM, IMO PPR Meeting, RAC FPMs and others 9,000 18,000 (5) Publication and others - Technical Reports, homepage etc. 3,000 6,000 (6) NOWPAP Exercises - NOWPAP BRAVO Exercise (4 times) - NOWPAP DELTA Exercise (by China-Korea) In-kind Contribution In-kind 82,000 58,000 140,000 MERRAC activities on RAP MALI Grand Total 85,000 61,000 146,000

42 Date Activities May or June 2017 2017 2016-2017 2016
19th Focal Points Meeting & 11th CNA Meeting (31 May-3 June 2016) 20th Focal Points Meeting & 12th CNA Meeting (May-June 2017) 2017 Expert Meeting (to be hosted by Korea) In conjunction with conference in commemoration of the 10th Hebei Spirit Incident New MERRAC Specific Projects Development of MERRAC Information System based on the Web GIS Development of Information Sharing Platform on Oil and HNS Spills in the NOWPAP Region Development of a technical report on oiled wildlife response in the NOWPAP Region Coordination with IMO/UNEP and Regional Seas Publications and others - Technical Reports, Newsletter, Maintenance of Homepage 2016 NOWPAP Exercise - NOWPAP BRAVO Exercises (2016: 2 times, 2017: 2 times) - NOWPAP DELTA Exercise (July 2016, led by China/Korea, Weihai, China) MERRAC activities on RAP MALI Review and analysis of the existing floating marine litter prediction models in the NOWPAP region

43 MERRAC Budget NOWPAP Trust Fund for MERRAC activities
Korea government for MERRAC Operation (KCG) In-kind contribution from members (exercise, meeting, specific projects, etc) Biennium NOWPAP Trust Fund ($) MERRAC operational cost ($) Total (US$) 2000/2001 10,000 118,400 128,400 2002/2003 195,000 202,500 397,500 2004/2005 150,000 270,000 420,000 2006/2007 169,500 280,000 449,500 2008/2009 150,500 240,000 390,500 2010/2011 117,500 280,866 398,366 2012/2013 117,000 334,789 451,789 2014/2015 131,000 325,229 456,229 2016/2017 146,000 146,637 (2016) 227,000 (2017, tbd) 292,637 (2016) (2017) Total ( US$) 1,186,500 2,198,421 3,384,921 First of all, I would like to explain background of MERRAC’s budget. MERRAC budget can be divided into two categories. That is NOWPAP trust fund and Korea government for MERRAC operation. Korea government and UNEP have signed an arrangement regarding MERRAC operational budget in order to support MERRAC operation stably. Table 1 shows the trend of MERRAC budget since 2000/2001 as you may notice that budget have decreased continuously.

44 IV. Conclusions & Summary

45 Risks of oil and HNS spills are relatively high in the NOWPAP Region
Risks of oil and HNS spills are relatively high in the NOWPAP Region. As the volume of the spills is increasing, having an adequate level of a regional oil and HNS spill preparedness and response capacity is very important. The NOWPAP members have tried to increase the level of preparedness and response to the spill accidents under their respective well-designed NCP. Under the framework of the NOWPAP RCP, the NOWPAP members worked together to enhance the regional cooperation to develop efficient countermeasures to minimize the hazard to be imposed by the major oil spills in the region. Lastly, the conclusion is that…

46 MERRAC, as the Secretariat of all the activities imposed under the RCP, has supported the NOWPAP members in strengthening the regional cooperation and enhancing the regional capacity for oil and HNS pollution preparedness and response. Members’ support are further required to MERRAC activities for efficient regional cooperation related to the marine pollution preparedness and response in the NOWPAP region.

47 against Marine Pollution
Save Our Sea against Marine Pollution - Thank you - Thank you for your attention !!!

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