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District Coordinator Training

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1 District Coordinator Training
West Virginia General Summative Assessment District Coordinator Training General Information Spring 2015

2 for all personnel with access
Annual Training Training is required annually for all personnel with access to secure materials per WVBE Policy 2340

3 Calendar of Testing Activities
Grade 12 Retest (College and Career Readiness) Opens 5 days prior to General Summative Window Testing Window Determined by District - Approved by State Test Materials Returned to AIR (Large Print and Braille) End of Window 3

4 Large Print and Braille
Shipments Shipment Contents 1 Large Print and Braille Test Booklets

5 State Test Window Each district/school has a unique window
No state testing window

6 District Test Window Each district has a unique window
Schedule training accordingly District testing window should be based on school testing windows Only student instructional days count Election and Memorial days do not count Spring break days do not count Any professional development days do not count

7 School Test Window School testing window
Must be inside district testing window Guidelines Instructional days needed to complete testing Twenty-five testing days Five make-up days following 25 days Last week of school used for make-up test administration Need more than 25 days (exclusive of 5 day make-up) Request approval from WVDE Can use up to 36 days The last day of the testing window should be the last instructional day for students Scheduled testing should be completed 5 days prior to end of testing window. Grade 12 Retest (CCR) 5 days prior to opening of General Summative Window

8 Grade 12 Retest (College and Career Readiness)
School Test Window Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Grade 12 Retest (College and Career Readiness) WVGSA WVGSA WVGSA WVGSA WVGSA WVGSA Make-up Testing

9 School Test Window Eliminates opening of summative tests
prior to school testing avoiding summative vs interim mistakes

10 Operational Test Window
Each school has a unique window Must supply us with a testing window for each school We will provide a spreadsheet with each school in your district listed and a place for start and stop dates General summative and a start date for Grade 12 Retest District will be able to update this window once the adjusted calendar, if necessary, is approved Due date for initial school testing windows is January 15 Adjusted calendar date forthcoming

11 District/School Window

12 Full Academic Year vs. Participation Rate
FAY vs PR Full Academic Year vs. Participation Rate A student enrolled 135 nonconsecutive instructional days is counted in that school’s accountability numbers Students enrolled on the last day of instruction count toward the participation rate

13 New for 2016 No classroom activity ELA Performance Tasks may be completed in ONE (1) session

14 Things to Remember Ten Calendar days for PT Limit disruptions
Schedule make-ups ASAP

15 Technology The secure browser was updated in July
If the secure browser works with the practice, training and interim tests -- The browser was updated

16 Technology iOS 9.x for iPads and El Capitan for Apple products will be supported for summative testing. New Chromebook browser will be posted this weekend. At this time you should not need to update if you updated in July.

17 AIR Help Desk AIR is working with WVDE to Correct the issues last year
Facilitate quicker response times

18 Operational Test Content areas: Math and ELA Grades 3-11 Science*
Grades 4, 6 and 10 Social Studies* Not Tested in 2016 *In Policy 2340

19 Operational Test First Name = Student WVEIS first name SSID = WVEIS number or WVDE assigned assessment ID SSID must be a 9-digit number (leading zeros must be used)

20 The WV General Summative Assessment requires standardized
Operational Test The WV General Summative Assessment requires standardized testing conditions

21 Operational Test Consistency of test administration is crucial to the accuracy of test results

22 Operational Test To facilitate student performance during the testing process, defined required conditions for testing must exist

23 Data Accurate data is important

24 Data Changes to student information Made in WVEIS
Daily Information Push Accommodation Demographics Home-Instructed Cut off times 3:00 PM daily Changes may take UP TO 48 hours to appear in TIDE

25 Alternate School Students
Tested at the school site where they receive instruction

26 Homebound Should be tested at school or other designated area
If you need to test at the student’s home, must have WVDE permission

27 Homebound Examiner Examiner must meet examiner qualifications/training
No family member may be present during test administration No family member may read any of the test materials All test security procedures and schedules must be followed

28 Home-Instructed Testing - Local decision
One location or spread out among schools Need to be in the TIDE before testing can start Home-instructed students cannot show up on the day of testing

29 Nonpublic/Home School Participation
WVDE Assigned Assessment ID Number 9-digit number

30 Nonpublic/Home School Participation
Submitting Home-School and Nonpublic Rosters West Virginia Student Assessment ID Request Form

31 Transfer Student– Started Testing
Transfer student having completed/started one or more tests prior to transferring Students can test anywhere in the state, however student settings are only visible to the school of enrollment Student settings are visible at new school once the data is changed in WVEIS is uploaded into TIDE Tests already completed will be grayed in student select test screen

32 Students Not Tested Use the Online Reporting System to
Generate list of students tested Generate list of students not tested Monitor student progress during testing

33 Test Incident Log Test Not /Tested
2016 General Summative Assessment — Test Security Incident Log Incident Type Date of Incident District Name District ID School Name District-School ID SSID (WVEIS) Grade Enrolled Content Area/Test Description of Incident District/School Action DC/SC Requested Action in TIDE WVDE Resolution in TIDE # *Impropriety *Irregularity *Breach *Math-CAT *Math-PT *ELA-CAT *ELA-PT *Science *Invalidate *Reset *Reopen *Restore EXAMPLE Impropriety 3/9/2015 Kirk 001 Randall Elementary 4 Math-CAT Describe the incident here — how it happened, when etc. Describe how the issue was dealt with at the school. Reset Test Not /Tested Chart of shipment 1 2 and 3 with dates.

34 Training Material Video Page Screen Shot of portal

35 Out of State Placement Out-of-State Placements. Out-of-state placements by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources include students who have been placed by a non-IEP decision in out-of-state schools/facilities due to special education needs and related services. These students are not instructed using the CSOs; therefore, they are not assessed using the West Virginia accountability assessments or included in measures of school and subgroup annual progress calculations.

36 Out of State Placement Out-of-State Placements. Out-of-state placements by districts include students who have been placed by an IEP decision in out-of-state schools/facilities due to special education needs and related services. These students are instructed as defined by the CSOs, and therefore, are assessed using the West Virginia accountability assessments and are included in WVAI measures.

37 Court Based Placement Court based placement. When the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services places a student in an out-of-state school or facility, the decision is considered to be a non-IEP decision. The placement decision is based on factors other than disability status. However, some of these students in out-of-state placements do have IEPs. These students should not be assessed with the West Virginia statewide general or alternate summative assessments. The schools will provide documentation to the district test coordinators explaining why these students were not tested and are to be excluded from accountability calculations (e.g., participation, proficiency, growth). A copy of the court based placement is sufficient documentation and should be kept on file at the district level.

38 District Placement District Placement. Students placed in out-of-state schools/facilities by the IEP teams. These students should be assessed using the West Virginia statewide general summative assessment and the West Virginia statewide alternate summative assessment and included in school calculations (e.g., participation, proficiency, growth) if they are enrolled as a student in WVEIS

39 Scribe Verification Make sure that the Scribe Verification Form is completed. No Answer Sheets in 2016 All answers entered into Data Entry Interface Webinar on use Scheduled for Mid February

40 Aides Must complete the Request to Utilize Other Personnel
Must be instructionally assigned to student Aide Request Form Provided on website ed on Listserve

41 Invalidations and Resets
No Score Resets Retesting with score Requested using TIDE

42 Fixed Form vs CAT Fixed Form Computer Adaptive Test Items are static
Students with receive same items Computer Adaptive Test Items are fluid Students receive items based on prior responses

43 √ Fixed Form vs CAT Test Fixed Form Computer Adaptive Math CAT Math PT

44 Medically Emergency Refers to a situation in which a student is suffering from a terminal illness or physical or psychological emergency. These students may qualify for a participation rate exemption. Information about the appeals process is available from the Office of Research, Accountability and Data Governance. Same process as last year

45 Reports Online Reporting System Same system for Summative and Interims
Results viewable once hand scoring is complete

46 TIDE User Accounts Adding additional District Coordinator (DC) users Request sent to/added by WVDE Adding additional School Coordinator (SC) users Request sent to/added by District Test Coordinator Adding additional Teachers (TE) or Test Administrators (TA) Request sent to/added by School Coordinator

47 TIDE User Accounts Once an account is created the new user receives an from

48 iOS 9.X and El Capitan WVDE and AIR are supporting the use of iOS 9.x (iPads) and El Capitan for testing.

49 Chromebooks AIR released a new browser for Chromebooks
AIR will push the latest Chrome Secure Browser (v2.8) to Google’s store.  The ONLY change in this app is to permit audio recording on Chromebooks.  This is change needed for ELPA21 support for other AIR clients. This is an OPTIONAL update for WV.  It will make no difference if this is updated or not for WV.

50 ?

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