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One August morning several years later, Belisa Crepusculario was sitting in her tent in the middle of a plaza, surrounded by the uproar of market day,

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Presentation on theme: "One August morning several years later, Belisa Crepusculario was sitting in her tent in the middle of a plaza, surrounded by the uproar of market day,"— Presentation transcript:

1 One August morning several years later, Belisa Crepusculario was sitting in her tent in the middle of a plaza, surrounded by the uproar of market day, selling legal arguments to an old man who had been trying for sixteen years to get his pension. Suddenly she heard yelling and thudding hoofbeats . She looked up from her writing and saw, first, a cloud of dust, and then a band of horsemen come galloping into the plaza. They were the Colonel's men, sent under orders of El Mulato, a giant known throughout the land for the speed of his knife and his loyalty to his chief. Both the Colonel and El Mulato had spent their lives fighting in the civil war, and their names were ineradicably linked to devastation and calamity. The rebels swept into town like a stampeding herd, wrapped in noise, bathed in sweat, and leaving a hurricane of fear in their trail. Chickens took wing, dogs ran for their lives, women and children scurried out of sight, until the only living soul left in the market was Belisa Crepusculario. She had never seen El Mulato and was surprised to see him walking toward her. Made By: Keli, Kari, Wendy

2 When I go to the Farmer’s Market in Missoula there are lots of different people. As I walk down an aisle looking at vegetables and fruit I hear a guitar, the chatter of children, another language I don’t understand, and a person humming on the corner. I smell coffee brewing, fresh cut flowers, and the guy that didn’t wear deodorant today.

3 As I read this description I was asking myself questions
As I read this description I was asking myself questions. Was she fearful? If so, what was she afraid of? If not, what calmed her in this moment.

4 Chilean Civil War The Chilean Civil War of 1891 was an armed conflict between forces supporting Congress and forces supporting the sitting President, José Manuel Balmaceda. This conflict ended with the defeat of the presidential forces and President Balmaceda committing suicide as a consequence.

5 Ineradicably Pronunciation: Function: Date:
\ˌi-ni-ˈra-di-kə-bəl\ Function: adjective Date: 1818 : incapable of being eradicated (to get rid of)

6 Calamity (k -l m -t ) n. pl. ca·lam·i·ties
1. An event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; a disaster

7 “wrapped in noise, bathed in sweat”
As I am reading I hear the banging and clanging of their metal protective gear. I hear the yelling of orders among soldiers. I hear the hoof beats of the horses. And the screaming of the people who are terrified. I see the sweat off their foreheads on their angry faces. The sweat from the fear of the running civilians. (My inferences)

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