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Presentation on theme: "Synesthesia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synesthesia

2 Medical Synesthesia ABC News:

3 Medical Synesthesia Crossing of Senses Types:
Colored Letters or Numbers Colored Sounds Flavored Sounds Numbers/Days with Personalities

4 Medical Synesthesia House- “I started to hear through the eyes.” –Patient Futurama- “What smells like blue?” “Did everything just taste purple for a second?” Fry “T’s are generally crabbed, ungenerous creatures. U is a soulless sort of thing. 4 is honest, but 3…I cannot trust.” -Synesthete

5 Literary Synesthesia Crossing of senses to create a stronger description Examples: loud/cool/warm colors, smooth sounds, spicy rhythm, sweet smells, feeling blue, green with envy, saw red, tastes purple, and happy food/objects. What can you add?

6 Synesthesia Worksheet
Now it’s your turn. On the Synesthesia worksheet, work with your table to fill in the blanks with your own examples. We will work on this for ten minutes and then share as a class.

7 Your examples Write these down on your paper Happiness:
-Tastes Like: Strawberries, sugar and tea, peaches, chocolate, cookies, butterscotch -Feels Like: Silk, flying, water, milk -Sounds Like: Birds, pop, laughter, music -Smells Like: Candy, cotton candy, daisies, cinnamon, roses -Looks like: Sunshine, yellow, no homework, dog biscuits and milk,

8 Fear Tastes Like: Dirt, blood, medicine, curdled milk, hot soup
Feels Like: Jello, beef chunks, chilly day, pit in your stomach, cold glass Sounds Like: High-pitched, screams, grinding metal, crying Smells Like: Bad breath, gas, butter and eggs, Looks Like: Spiders, buzzards, monster, Lady Gaga, grey, scarlet

9 Work: Tastes Like: Fruit Juice, coffee, sweat, burnt toast,
Feels Like: Sand, square, money, needles, charley horses Sounds Like: Typing, sighs, yawning, rustling papers, hammering, clanking pots Smells Like: Sweat, manure, air freshener, cat, grease, paper Looks Like: Piles of Leaves, paper clips, holes, navy blue, money

10 Play: Tastes Like: Coca-Cola, cake, lollypops, lemonade, candy, pop rocks, strawberries, tropical fruits Feels Like: Gentle Rain, wind, playground, adrenaline, silk, dog biscuits, skinned knees, Sounds Like: Laughter, birds chirping, screaming, whispers, yelling, Smells Like: Flowers, grass, fresh air, ramen noodles, cotton candy Looks Like: Bubbles, stars, hearts, tag, fields, green

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