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Unit 1 – Revolution Vocabulary

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1 Unit 1 – Revolution Vocabulary
Week 1

2 Objective Today students will identify, state, and use vocabulary needed to gather meaning from this unit.

3 revolution To overthrow an established government by the people who are governed. The college students started a revolution after __________ ____________________.

4 unalienable That which cannot be taken away
You have an unalienable right to __________________.

5 endowed given to; born with
Prince William and Katie’s son was endowed with ________ ____________________.

6 representative Someone who stands in the place of another or for others I wish that our state representative will _______ ____________________ for me.

7 democratic Ruled by the people.
Our government is democratic because ______________.

8 Parliament The lawmaking body of England, consisting of representatives from throughout the kingdom Parliament is where _______ ____________________.

9 Summary Student need to write a summary answering this question using all of their new vocabulary words How does student government work?

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