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The Chain of Production

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1 The Chain of Production

2 The Sectors of the Economy
Primary Sector – Extractive Industry Secondary Sector – Construction & Manufacturing Tertiary Sector – Service Sector

3 Primary Sector Also known as extractive insdustry.
Turns natural resources into raw materials for use in secondary sector. Eg. agriculture/farmer, forestry, fishing, mining.

4 Secondary Sector The manufacturing & construction sector of the economy. It turns raw materials into finished products. e.g. Baker, builder, factory, machinist……

5 Tertiary Sector Service Sector.
Provides support services for the extractive & manufacturing sectors and to consumers. e.g. finance, insurance, medical, beauty, recreation……… It is the last to develop, but eventually becomes largest employer.

6 Distinguish Between Chain of Production How the product is created
Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector Chain/channels of Distribution How/where the product is sold Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Consumer

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