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The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain

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Presentation on theme: "The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain
Mary Ann Guthrie, VP, R&D, UX & Customer Management Solutions Luc Janssen, VP, R&D, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Solutions May 9, 2017

2 Safe Harbor The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain
This presentation includes forward-looking statements about QAD and its business. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results and events to differ materially.  These risks and uncertainties are detailed in QAD’s SEC filings, including the company's latest Annual Report on Form 10-K dated April 7, 2017 and in particular the section titled “Risk Factors” therein and other periodic reports the company files with the Securities and Exchange Commission thereafter. This presentation contains certain references to financial measures that have been adjusted to exclude certain expenses and other specified items.  These financial measures differ from comparable measures calculated and presented in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”) in that they exclude unusual or non-recurring charges, losses, credits or gains.  This presentation identifies the specific items excluded from the comparable GAAP financial measure in the calculation of each non-GAAP financial measure.    Management believes that financial presentations excluding the impact of these items provide useful supplemental information that is important to a proper understanding of the Company’s  business results by investors.  These presentations should not be viewed as a substitute for results determined in accordance with GAAP, nor are they necessarily comparable to non-GAAP financial measures presented by other companies. The following is intended to outline QAD’s general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract.  It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, functional capabilities, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functional capabilities described for QAD’s products remains at the sole discretion of QAD. QAD undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements.

3 Introduction Mary Ann Guthrie Luc Janssen
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Introduction Mary Ann Guthrie VP, R&D UX & Customer Management Solutions Luc Janssen VP, R&D Manufacturing & Supply Chain Solutions

4 The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain
And the Oscar Goes To . . .

5 The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain
Ready for Framing…

6 What could be the problem???
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain What could be the problem???

7 Usability is bringing a bit of human rights into the world of computer-human interaction
- Joel Spolsky

8 Agenda Channel Islands User Experience The Collaborative Supply Chain
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Agenda Channel Islands User Experience The Effective User The Collaborative Supply Chain Sales Service Purchasing Demo Q&A

9 Channel Islands 45 Focused Role-based Menus
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Channel Islands 45 Focused Role-based Menus Customer Management Finance Manufacturing Supply Chain

10 Channel Islands in 2017: Santa Rosa
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Channel Islands in 2017: Santa Rosa Cloud functions that support the Effective User in interacting with the outside, connected world Customers: Actionable sales and services Suppliers: Visibility and collaboration Supported by Actionable Insights Activity Feed Action Center

11 Channel Islands Today Sales Service and Support Requisitions
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Channel Islands Today Sales Service and Support Requisitions Purchasing Product Structures Supplier Portal Supporting Base Functions Customer, Supplier, Item, … Actionable Insights Activity Feed Action Center Personalization Process Maps Mobile Action Center

12 Sales Sales Quotes Sales Orders Contacts Leads Returns Open Shipments
CRM Sales Release Sales Orders Picklist Confirm Shipment Invoice

13 Service Sales Order Reference Docs Sales Quotes Sales Orders
Create New POs Sales Quote Service Order Returns Service Orders Invoices Assign To Information Action Request Service

14 Release to Purchase Order
Purchasing Purchase Order Release to Purchase Order QAD Supplier Portal Supplier Approved Requisition Create AVL AVL

15 Side by Side: Mobile − Channel Islands − .NETUI
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Side by Side: Mobile − Channel Islands − .NETUI The most effective access for the task at hand

16 Actionable Insights Inbox Activity Feed Dashboards
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Actionable Insights Inbox Activity Feed Dashboards Mobile Action Center

17 Channel Islands Demo

18 Planned Near-term and User Research
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Planned Near-term and User Research Customer Service Order allocations Credit approvals Service and Support Service order activity RMA / returns Purchasing MRO purchase orders (EAM) PO receipts and returns QAD Supplier Portal Interaction

19 Channel Islands Plans Midterm
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Channel Islands Plans Midterm Service and Support Mobile Field Service Field Scheduling Service Contracts Purchasing and Requisitions Supplier Schedule Orders Inventory Management UX Transformation QAD Financials QAD Trade Activity Management QAD Enterprise Asset Management

20 Channel Islands Smart, UX-driven, cloud functions that enable you to:
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Channel Islands Smart, UX-driven, cloud functions that enable you to: Become more effective Act with insight Access at any time, in any place

21 “Easier, quicker and more efficient” “Everybody likes the UI . . .”
“QAD is on the right track”


23 The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain
Highlighted Sessions Automating Revenue Recognition and Compliance Update Rene Bergkamp, R&D QAD Mike Lane, R&D QAD Wed, May 11:00 am Ambassador 3 Making Your Manufacturing Agile in an Industry 4.0 World Guido VanDenBroeck, R&D QAD Bengt Johansson, R&D QAD Wed, May 1:30 pm Ambassador 3 More CI in QAD Booth and Demo Theater CI for Purchasing - LaSalle B Wednesday, May 11:00 am CI for Service & Support Mgmt - LaSalle B Thursday, May 9:45 am

24 Questions and Answers Mary Ann Guthrie Luc Janssen
The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain Questions and Answers Mary Ann Guthrie VP, R&D, UX & Customer Management Solutions Luc Janssen VP, R&D, Manufacturing & Supply Chain Solutions Would you like to participate in future UX Studies?

25 The Effective User Throughout the Supply Chain
©QAD Inc. 2017


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