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5- Religion: Censorship & Blasphemy

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1 5- Religion: Censorship & Blasphemy
Clip: Monty Python’s The Life of Brian (1979) - (final scene) - ‘Always Look on the Bright Side of Life’ [words & music, Eric Idle]

2 What is blasphemy? – Terminology, legal usage
noun (plural blasphemies) [mass noun] the action or offence of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; profane talk: A blasphemy law is a law limiting freedom of speech and expression relating to blasphemy or irreverence towards holy personages, religious artifacts, customs or beliefs. The USA: blasphemy is not a crime. Any attempted prosecution for blasphemy would violate the nations’ constitution (the First Amendment). In the UK laws against blasphemy were abolished in 2008 in England and Wales. Blasphemy laws in England applied only to Christianity.

3 Socio-cultural conditions- Blasphemy in late 1970s Britain
Mary Whitehouse & the Festival of Light Mary Whitehouse was an English social activist known for her opposition to social liberalism and the media in Britain, both of which she accused of encouraging a more permissive society. She was the founder and the first president of the National Viewers’ and Listeners’ Association, through which she led a long standing campaign against the BBC. A staunch conservative, the motivation for her activities derived from her traditional Christian beliefs. Rose to prominence & influence in the 1970s The Festival of Light: a group of British Christians upset about the permissive nature of society

4 Socio-cultural conditions II- Social Upheaval & Chaos
Clip: The Filth and The Fury (Julien Temple-dir.) first 4 minutes

5 Monty Python’s Flying Circus -John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Graham Chapman, Michael Palin, Terry Gilliam Themes: surreal, absurdist Influence on comedy: commonly compared to the Beatles influence on modern music. ‘Pythonesque’ (adj.) – denoting or resembling the absurdist or surrealist humour or style of MPFC.

6 Monty Python’s The Life of Brian- Blasphemy, Controversy and Censorship
Watch ‘The Secret Life of Brian’ (Channel 4 documentary) ] Related reading: ‘Welease Bwian’ by Robbert Sellers -

7 Discussion

8 The Life of Brian -2 Scenes: Ex-leper

9 The Life of Brian -2 Scenes: Follow the shoe!

10 The Republic of Ireland & the United Kingdom -The problem of differentiation/ Anglo-Irish Joint productions What is nationality? ‘Claiming’ talent… Pictures (left to right): Jonathan Swift; Oscar Wilde [born in Ireland, educated in England]


12 Father Ted -cast of characters
The show follows the misadventures of three Roman Catholic priests who live in a parish on the fictional Craggy Island, located off the west coast of Ireland. Father Ted Crilly, Father Dougal McGuire & Father Jack Hackett live in a parochial house with their housekeeper Mrs. Doyle. The three priests answer to Bishop Len Brennan, who has banished them to Craggy Island as a punishment for various incidents in their pasts.

13 Father Ted -Father Ted Crilly (Dermot Morgan), Father Dougal McGuire (Ardal O’Hanlon)

14 Father Ted -Father Jack Hackett (Frank Kelly)
‘Feck! Girrrls! Drink!’ – Father Jack

15 Father Ted ‘The Plague’ S2 E6 – handout #27

16 Work, etc. 6- Satire and Current Affairs
Reading: ‘“Find out exactly what to think – next!”: Chris Morris, Brass Eye, and Journalistic Authority’ by Graham Meikle Viewing: Brass Eye (episode), Brass Eye Special: Paedogeddon (episode/special) Brass Eye 02 Drugs Type: Brass Eye Episode 2 Drugs part 1 Brass Eye 07 Paedogeddon Type: Brass Eye Episode 07 Paedogeddon (special)

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