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Chapter 3 History and Geography: Foundation of Culture

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1 Chapter 3 History and Geography: Foundation of Culture

2 1. Lead in: an Panama issue
Formation of Viewpoints Viewpoints of Panamanians to USA History of USA intervention Geographical importance Panama – China Viewpoints of some Americans to USA Historical Sino-US conflicts Domination of part of China TIME

3 2.Effects of history and geography
geographical uniqueness Historical events efforts to improve adaption to it attitudes and behaviors Business opportunities and cross-culture marketing

4 3. Historical perceptive in global business
Japanese behaviors: 1. A distribution system so difficult for an outsider to develop 2. Decisions made by consensus 3. Loyalty to family, to country, to company, and to social group 4. Cooperation Answers found in Japanese history and Confucian philosophy in which loyalty is to country

5 4.Subjective understanding of history
History help understand why a country behaves as it does ——it helps define a nation’s “mission”, how it perceives it neighbors, and how it sees its place in the world. Understanding any nation’s business and political culture is the subjective perception of its history, with biases and SRC (Self reference criterion) —— the unconscious reference to one's own cultural values or one's home country frame of reference.

6 5.Establish a historical perspective
To understand a country’s attitudes, prejudices, and fears, it is necessary to look beyond the surface of current events to the inner subtleties of the country’s entire past for clues.

7 6. Geography and Global Markets
Population Resource, climate, surface, neighboring countries… Efforts made for improvement Culture Industries, Economy

8 7.Climate and Topography
Product Fitness Climate Use and Function Consuming Seasons Topographic Variation Distribution Barrier Infrastructure Construction

9 8.Climate difference and adaptation to it
Africa Europe Adaptation to climate difference

10 9.Topography barrier and improvement of it
Geographic barrier South America 48% is jungle and forest, 5% arable; separation by mountain ranges with high altitute of 4000m, population concentrate on outer periphery. China,Russia, India,and Canada

11 10.Topography barrier and improvement of it
Improvement of Geographic barrier Europe English Channel Sweden-Denmark bridge South America(Argentina, Brazil,Paraguay, and Uruguay) Colonia Bridge in South America

12 11.Geography, Nature, and Economic Growth
Unprivileged countries suffer economic stagnation, many among poorest countries. -----Most people live and work as they do because the resources of their part of country have opened certain opportunities and closed others.

13 12.Geography, Nature, and Economic Growth
Overcoming nature barriers, with social and environmental cost. Displacement Silt clog (in reservoir) Ecosystem

14 13.Geography, Nature, and Economic Growth
Problems in process of development: Disruption of ecosystem Inadequate hazardous waste management Relocation of people Industrial pollution Extractive growth

15 14.Geography in Some Typical Countries

16 15.Social Responsibility &Environmental Management
Manufacturing plants see regulations everywhere against pollution(industrial wastes) and the disposal of hazardous waste. Strengthen environmental crisis —— Whether economic development and protection for the environment can coexist.

17 16.Social Responsibility &Environmental Management
Sustainable development Wise resource management, Equitable distribution of benefits, Reduction of negative efforts on people and the environment —— from the process of economic growth.

18 17. Sustainable Development: Key Propositions that Serve as a Foundation for Practice
There is a crucial and potentially positive link between economic development and the environment. The costs of inappropriate economic policies on the environment are very high. Addressing environmental problems requires that poverty be reduced. Economic growth must be guided by prices that incorporate environmental values. Since environmental problems pay no respect to borders, global and regional collaboration is sometimes needed to complement national and regional regions.

19 18,Resources Importance of oil and gas in world energy consumption
Human labor provides the preponderance of energy in underdeveloped countries Importance of oil and gas in world energy consumption Other energy resources: wood, nuclear power, ocean’s tides, geothermal power, sun.

20 19.World energy consumption

21 20.Dynamics of Global Population Trends
People CONSTITUTE markets for various categories of goods——Changes in the composition and distribution of the population will affect future demand. Necessary to know about: (1) rural/urban population shifts (2) rates of growth (3) age levels, and (4) population control (5) rural-urban migration of world population (6) population decline and aging (7) worker shortage and immigration

22 Russia-China Oil Plan

23 Russia-China Oil Plan

24 21.Rural & Urban Population, 1996~2030

25 22.Change in world population
The developing world’s population is increasing while the industrialized world’s is declining.

26 23. World Population by Major Areas & Life Expectancy

27 24. Percentage of World Population by Age-Group Density

28 25. World Trade Routes and Communication Links
Knowledge about trade routes over land, sea, and air important in making marketing decisions The majority of world trade is among the most industrialized and industrializing countries of Europe, North America, and Asia Need to be aware about communication links—the underpinning of all commerce Impact of the Internet revolution especially for global marketing of products

29 26. World Trade Routes and Communication Links

30 27. The Triad: Trade between USA and Canada, the European Community, and Japan ($ billions)
66.3 195.4 151.6 89.0 UNITED STATES & CANADA JAPAN 91.5 141.7 For additional figures see: “Indicators of Market Size for 115 Countries I” Crossborder Monitor, August, 1997, pp.4-8

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