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student: Eng. Dumitru Nuca supervisor: PhD.Eng.Andrei Chiciuc

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Presentation on theme: "student: Eng. Dumitru Nuca supervisor: PhD.Eng.Andrei Chiciuc"— Presentation transcript:

1 student: Eng. Dumitru Nuca supervisor: PhD.Eng.Andrei Chiciuc
Technical University of Moldova Innovation Management and Technology Transfer Promotion of Technologies via Technology Transfer Office’s website of the Technical University of Moldova student: Eng. Dumitru Nuca supervisor: PhD.Eng.Andrei Chiciuc 3rd TecTNet CONSORTIUM MEETING

2 Outline Internship Internship influence Thesis plan and results

3 Internship Overview Location: The University of Sannio located in Italy, Benevento. Period: 21 September 2015 – 21 October 2015 Aim: Experience and knowledge exchange Objectives: coming to the Unisannio ; meet university staff and TecTNet project members from Benevento; visiting incubators, labs and technological factories; create relationships; Acheivements: All objectives are accomplished, partial or integral.

4 Arrival and accommodations
Internship Arrival and accommodations The accommodation in Benevento was much easier thankful to the Italian staff. We have been met there and got introduced to the internship plan, as well we got any help we needed. Our objective of the first week was to get used to places, people, Italian language and culture.

5 Internship Activities
In the first week, as planned, we got introduced to Italian course and visited the University of Salerno located near Benevento. At that time, in the university Borsa della Ricerca has been held, which is an initiative to build a network of researchers (groups, PhDs or spin- off) and Research & Develop managers, through an original interaction format enabling real technology transfer and innovation.

6 Internship Activities
Second week started with Italian course, also we were introduced into Marketing course. Both courses were held twice a week. Main activity of the week was the visit to Incipit Business Incubator named “leditech”. Incubators ore occupation was producing low power consumption and high performance bulbs. Also they are producing smart power supplies and electric bicycles.

7 Internship Activities
In the second half of the internship, we continued to learn Italian and Marketing. But the most important was the visit to CONFINDUSTRIA BENEVENTO, which is the local association representing manufacturing and service companies, and it is one of associations of the CONFINDUSTRIA Network.

8 Internship Activities
Most activities of the last week were canceled due to bad weather. Many factories were closed because of inundation. Therefore, we weren’t able to visit plants and analyze technological processes we were meant to.

9 II. Internship influence
Working in a multicultural environment Cooperating with university staff and industrial agents Communication Market analyze and promoting product Incubators activity Knowledge

10 III Thesis Theme Promotion of Technologies via Technology Transfer Office’s website of the Technical University of Moldova Motivation: Too many works and innovations don’t become more than thoughts, because these kind of things usually need investments. Not often students or university staff can afford to develop, promote or implement it due to financial conditions.

11 III Thesis Aim In the main work will be explained the promotion of innovations and technologies by using the technology transfer process. In order to reach the goal or either facilitate the process, the Technology Transfer Office of the Technical University of Moldova is developing a website regarding this activity. Although, the website was named and it is almost functional.


13 Meaning of technology transfer
III Thesis Meaning of technology transfer In this topic will be related the definition of Technology Transfer, why it is an important and a needed process, which are the limits of its potential. Also, will be explained how technology transfer can be classified, which are the main differences and how it works.

14 Need of Technology Transfer Office
III Thesis Need of Technology Transfer Office The second topic, Need of Technology Transfer Office, gets closer to the main study. After relating the meaning of Technology Transfer, the existence of units meant to promote the TT will be motivated. On the other side, the amount of such offices in Moldova will be correlated to the growth of universities, research units, governments, private sector and the relationships between them. Universities TTO Industry

15 Website of the Technical University of Moldova
III Thesis Website of the Technical University of Moldova The necessity of the “online” office has appeared almost at the same time as the Technology Transfer Office. Therefore, a website regarding the office of the Technical University of Moldova was planned to be developed. At the end of “TecTNet” project which has as a part this master program, as well as the creation of specialized units in the universities of Moldova.

16 Website of the Technical University of Moldova
III Thesis Website of the Technical University of Moldova Mission: Transferring knowledge and innovation from a public research organization to the private sector for commercial application and public benefit. Aim: To ease the process of transferring technologies, knowledge, skills, innovations and loaning persons from the Technical University of Moldova and it’s subdivisions or partners to the private sector, as well, to provide needed information to both parties.

17 Website of the Technical University of Moldova
III Thesis Website of the Technical University of Moldova The TTO site contains a list of products classified in five categories plus a category for other products that do not belong to the main five.

18 Website of the Technical University of Moldova
III Thesis Website of the Technical University of Moldova It also includes brief information about TecTNet project and Contact menu. Address Working hours Contact numbers “Technological Transfer Network” Tempus Project support

19 Website of the Technical University of Moldova
III Thesis Website of the Technical University of Moldova The TTO site is not finished yet, at least couple functions should be added to it. One thing should be Forms regarding Intellectual Property Assignment and Confidential Disclosure Agreement. The other one regarding information about policies, procedures and guidelines in order to make a transparent view for involved parts.


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