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DMG Divorce Mediation Group

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1 DMG Divorce Mediation Group
Miriam L. Zimmerman, EdP ----- Meeting Notes (10/12/15 13:37) ----- Good Evening everyone, my name is Michelle Santiago. I am here with Maria Lopez Alcantar and Gwen Rushlow. We are here to present a high level overview of the DMG group, which stands for Divorce Mediation Group. We had the opportunity to interview Miriam L. Zimmerman, who is the founder of DMG. DMG Divorce Mediation Group October 12, 2015 By: Maria Lopez-Alcantar, Gwen Rushlow and Michelle Santiago

2 Agenda What is Mediation? Background Mediation Benefits of Session
Summary Background - Miriam zimmermen and Richard Zimmerman Mediation – How to book a session, what is the process

3 What is Mediation? Mediation is a private process in which neutral facilitators help couples develop options, evaluate alternatives, and reach mutually agreed-upon decisions. Mediators help couples focus on the present to provide for the future. Divorce mediation is about you and your soon to be ex-spouse deciding your own divorce and what is best for the both of you and most importantly, your children. In mediation, you and your spouse meet with a neutral third party, the mediator, and with their help, you work through the issues you need to resolve so the two of you can end your marriage as amicably and cost effective as possible. The issues covered include but at not limited to the following Distribution of property Child custody and parenting time Child support and maintenacce Reirement taxes

4 Background Business opened in 2001.
DMG – Divorce Mediation Group Richard G. Zimmerman, JD, CPA State Bar of California California Society of CPAs American Institute of CPA Licensed Real Estate Broker Association for Conflict Resolution Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center, Volunteer Mediateor Certified Mediator Miriam L. Zimmerman, EdP Counseling Psychology National Communication Associateion Association of Conflict Resolution, Educatior Peninsula Conflict Resolution Center, Volunteer Mediator Business opened in 2001. Miriam received undergrad at Northwestern University and her Masters at USF, She was teaching teaching for 2 years, and then decided to be a therapist. She took psychotherapy, which she also conducted. Miriam is a Notary Republic, she doesn’t include this in fees.

5 Who is Richard and Miriam?
Richard Zimmerman CPA for 40 years He recently let go of his CPA license He continues to renew his Attorney license every 2 years Richard is 70 years old Miriam Zimmerman Is from the Midwest College Professor at NDNU, teaches on Friday’s – Hollicost History She handles the Marketing side of DMG

6 Mediation “If you haven’t talked about Finances, you better start!” by Dr. Miriam Zimmerman Mediation services are needed often when families have concluded that they want to proceed with a divorce. Conflict is expensive, mediation is less expensive than litigation. Some have even paid $100k for their services Individual sessions are $400 an hour $4800 flat fee (everything included) paid in two-parts. It cost $1800 at the first meet. $3000 is due at the end of the process. Usually takes 5-7 sessions, hours of mediation. Longer sessions when there are children.

7 Mediation Clients are selected based on their first phone conversation. How long have you been married? Do you have minor children have? She will not take clients that are in an abusive relationship, or alcoholics Mediators do have an out, in other words, they can decide if they do not want the case or not. Those phone 30 minutes

8 Benefits of a Session One session – meets individually. (This ensures that each side is being heard) By doing so you will have two mediators creating a trusting communication climate conducive to effective problem solving. These benefits come with high quality of confidentiality and nothing is exposed to the public, only to the clients or admissible in court. Cost effective, avoids time-consuming court proceedings and delays as well as the high cost of litigation. Accelerates the divorce process by working together. This image was pulled from the COLIN FAMILY MEDIATION GROUP. With mediation, all options remain on the table for settlement, and various nuances can be explored to address the parties' actual needs and desires. Unlike the court, which is bound by the various "cookie-cutter" approaches dictated by our statutes and case law, there are no such limitations present through mediation. The flexibility through the mediation process allowed my client and her husband to reach an amicable resolution to all their divorce-related issues, which was specifically tailored to their family. With mediation, any and all communications during the process will remain confidential and the threat of your personal information and settlement terms being made available to the public is eliminated. Mediation process is not just about the money. Some couples have at least one child, and through mediation, the can maintain an amicable relationship after the divorce to ensure the child can have good relationship with both parents.

9 Summary No credentials are needed No training required.
Volunteers are always needed at PCRC (Pacific Conflict Resolution Center) Conflict is expensive! Mediation is cost effective. DMG teams help divorcing couples resolve their legal, financial, and parenting issues while facilitating communication They don’t chase down their clients No interns accepted due to privacy issues. Volunteers are always needed at PCRC (Pacific Conflict Resolution Center. High 80% success rate in their business. Her mediation has not failed. This is where she did 30 hours of services

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