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Presentation on theme: "LEADING LIFELONG LEARNERS"— Presentation transcript:

A TLC Study of Strategies for Facilitating and Leading Adult Learners January 7, 2008

2 Happy New Year!

3 Paul G. Hawkens – Founder, Smith & Hawkens
We lead by being human. We do not lead by being corporate, professional, or institutional. Paul G. Hawkens – Founder, Smith & Hawkens

4 KODAK MOMENTS At your table:
Share a “Kodak moment” from your winter break.

5 PURPOSE To provide resources, support, and experiences
that build facilitation skills and increase confidence for teachers to lead meetings, present workshops, and/or facilitate TLC activities.

25 Responses VALUE Average: Range: 6X4, 3x4.5, 16X5 FOUND USEFUL Working in groups, talking & discussing Time for reflection Being a part of the session – experiencing the activities IMPROVEMENTS Coffee and/or chocolate reminders ahead of time More note paper APPLICATIONS Read the book Continue to reflect on strengths & areas for improvement Use activities with students & colleagues

7 TODAY’S OUTCOMES Insights gained from reflection and dialogue
Working knowledge of content in Chapters 2 & 3 Strengthened sense of community Renewed commitment & enthusiasm!

8 TODAY’S AGENDA Kodak Moments Reflections & Sharing Mini-Presentations
Process & Expectations Just do it! Feedback & Debrief Sign-Ups Reflections & Evaluation Homework & Closing Thoughts

9 NORMS for Our Learning Listen to understand.
Speak openly and honestly. Learn by doing: apply to your own work. Pay attention to your feathers. Postpone distractions.

10 What have you learned since we last met?
Reflection What have you learned since we last met? What insights have you gained about yourself as a facilitator? What facilitation challenges have you encountered?

11 Let's Share! You’ll have 5 minutes to move from here to your small group session. Once you’re in the room the facilitator for that group will tell you what the activities will be for the next hour and a half. At 3:45 we’d like everyone to come back into this room for final wrap up and to evaluate the day. Room assignments on next slide.

12 With your icon group … Share what you heard from your dialogue with colleagues. Summarize and be ready to share the learning of the group as a whole. Talk it over!

13 Professional Book Study
Process: 30-minute mini-presentations Facilitated in teams of two or three Interactive (1/3 gum, 2/3 chew) Feedback from colleagues

14 Get Ready, Get Set ... GO! You’ll have 5 minutes to move from here to your small group session. Once you’re in the room the facilitator for that group will tell you what the activities will be for the next hour and a half. At 3:45 we’d like everyone to come back into this room for final wrap up and to evaluate the day. Room assignments on next slide.

15 Professional Book Study
How did it go? Process: 30-minute mini-presentations Facilitated in teams of two or three Interactive (1/3 gum, 2/3 chew) Feedback from colleagues

16 TLC ~ Scheduling Identify your co-facilitator(s), and select your chapter of interest. Sign up for a mini-presentation: March 10 – Chapters 4 & 5 ( Diagnosing & Building Team Energy) April 14 – Chapters 6 & 7 (Fostering Thinking & Productivity) May 14 – Chapters 8 & 9 (Managing Yourself & Difficult Groups)

17 Anyone too busy to reflect on one’s practice is also too busy to improve.
Anyone too busy to reflect on one’s practice is also too busy to improve. Robert Garmston Robert Garmston

18 With an Eye Contact Partner…
What are you “taking away” from today’s session? What are your next steps?

19 Feedback Please You’ll have 5 minutes to move from here to your small group session. Once you’re in the room the facilitator for that group will tell you what the activities will be for the next hour and a half. At 3:45 we’d like everyone to come back into this room for final wrap up and to evaluate the day. Room assignments on next slide.

20 HOMEWORK Complete your Professional Growth Planning Template and Action Plan Read chapters 4 & 5 Practice your facilitation skills!

21 What we know today does not make yesterday wrong, it makes tomorrow better.
Carol Commodore


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