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Bell Ringer The visibility of the ISD MTSS work is important to sustainability. Ideas to keep the work visible: Standard agendas Documented vision An.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer The visibility of the ISD MTSS work is important to sustainability. Ideas to keep the work visible: Standard agendas Documented vision An."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer The visibility of the ISD MTSS work is important to sustainability. Ideas to keep the work visible: Standard agendas Documented vision An accessible Implementation Plan A documented list of team members and roles Share with a partner activities that have occurred this school year to improve the visibility of ISD MTSS supports or ideas you have to do this in the coming months Trainer Notes: While we are not required to have the 7-hour day for trainings, we have decided to keep a bell ringer activity in place to help teams get started for each training. Visibility to ISD staff, district staff and school staff. Would likely include both partnering and non-partnering districts.

2 ISD Mid-Year Continuous Data Review
Winter 2017 Trainer Notes: Welcome to the ISD Fall Continuous Data Review.

3 Group Expectations Be Responsible Attend to the “Come back together” signal Active participation…Please ask questions Be Respectful Please allow others to listen Please turn off cell phones and pagers Please limit sidebar conversations Share “air time” Please refrain from and Internet browsing Be Safe Take care of your own needs Trainer Notes: These are the standard group expectations that we use during trainings.

4 Getting Ready for Today
Take a moment to identify the following roles for today’s training: Facilitator MIDATA Facilitator MTSS Implementation Plan Recorder Accomplishments/Barriers Recorder MTSS Update Developer Trainer Notes: Please take a few moments to make sure the team has assigned roles for the day. The team may not need all roles listed here, or may have others that make sense to assign. This is flexible based on the needs of the team.

5 Communication Support
During today’s Data Review you have been provided a template MTSS Update This can be used to support communication of “Nice to Know” information across the ISD There is a template provided on the website. Most ISDs seem to have their system for this down. Remember, the update can come in any form. A newsletter, a PPT, a video for staff. However it is done is fine. The goal is to keep this work at the forefront across the ISD. At this data review, it would be great to focus on including data and sharing successes.

6 New for Data Review Analysis of ISD Data Report School Dashboard
Process to follow as an ISD Implementation Team analyzes their data Less PowerPoint slides Guided by the Key Questions of ISD Data Review School Dashboard New this winter! Can more easily dig into school-level data through the dashboards when needed

7 Intended Outcomes By the end of this session:
Review ISD MTSS Implementation Plan objectives Review and revise ISD MTSS Implementation Plan activities based on data analysis and the needs that have been identified Develop strong communication across ISD and district stakeholders Trainer Notes: This slide lists the intended outcomes for the day.

8 Agenda 1.0 Unpacking Data Review 2.0 Gather, Study, Plan 3.0 Do
Trainer Notes: We have set up our agenda for the day to reflect the Continuous Improvement Cycle from Michigan’s School Improvement Framework with an additional emphasis on the Coaching System. You may want to also post the agenda somewhere in the room as a reference throughout the day.

9 ISD Implementation Team MTSS Work
Create and carry out an ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Deepen knowledge in MTSS supports, content and measures Support district teams with MTSS implementation Organize training, coaching and data coordination supports Here are the main activities that the ISD should be engaging in to get improved outcomes within districts and schools.

10 Activity - Starting the Day Out Right
Throughout the first half of the school year a lot of work supporting MTSS has occurred Review ISD accomplishments from the first half of the year and discuss ways to capitalize on this momentum for the second half of Consider adding ISD accomplishments to the “MTSS Accomplishments” section of the MTSS Update Use any information from the school or district data reviews that have occurred this Winter.

11 Activity – Looking Ahead
Navigate to the Context Tab for your ISD Dashboard Complete the following tasks: Review accuracy of your IT Members Review upcoming PD Review Data Coordination capacity along with upcoming PD

12 1.0 Unpacking Data Review You can unhide the following slides and present them or use the team time on the next slide to have the teams interact with the slides on their own. If this is going to be too much review and no one on the team is new, feel free to head right down to the team time following the hidden slides.

13 By End of Module 1.0 Review purpose of Data Review
Consider regional and state connections to MTSS work

14 ISD Data Review Is Designed to Support ISD Capacity for MTSS Implementation
RCA Items Related to Data Systems: Item 17 – RIT has access to relevant data Item 18 – RIT has a process for using data for decision making Item 19 – REA has an implementation plan for developing regional implementation capacity Item 20 – RIT has an implementation plan for developing district implementation capacity Item 21 – RIT continuously improves the use of implementation plans Data Review supports items related to communication and updates to stakeholders

15 Purpose of ISD Data Reviews
To look across data at multiple levels to continuously improve ISD supports for implementing MTSS with fidelity focusing on efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability

16 Activity 1.1 Take 5 minutes to review the next 8 slides
As you read through the basics of data review, consider how you would describe the data review work that is occurring at the ISD level to a staff member within a partnering district or school Share this description with a partner You can unhide the following slides and present them or use the team time to have the teams interact with the slides on their own. If this is going to be too much review and no one on the team is new, feel free to head right down to the team time following the hidden slides.

17 Benefits of Data Review
Formal time set aside to develop and progress monitor your ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Organize your data to intentionally communicate priorities, efforts and progress You cannot just HAVE data. We need to DO something with the data.

18 Big Ideas of ISD MTSS Work
Creating and carrying out an ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Deepening knowledge in MTSS supports, content and measures Supporting district teams with MTSS Implementation Organizing training, coaching and data coordination supports We use this slide regularly to describe the main work of the ISD team.

19 Timeline of Continuous Data Review
If folks want to know more about the overall schedule, they can look at the “Data Review Windows” handout. Also, districts that are in earlier stages of implementation have a different schedule for meetings. This graphic is the long-term picture for all schools, districts and the ISD. It will take awhile to get all districts and schools on this schedule. In the fall the ISD and District get a chance to prep and communicate to the schools prior to their data review. In the winter schools hold their data reviews and communicate work, progress and barriers up to the ISD and district. In the Spring, the schools continue their 3 times a year look at their progress toward goals. Formally, districts and schools wait until the Fall when they can combine all end of year data and are sure of what supports they have in what roles as they start out the year (turn over and change of roles typically occur in the summer at district and ISD levels). We will then see district and ISDs again in the fall for formal data review. Of course ISDs and districts should be having “back at the ranch” meetings monthly or more often based on need.

20 Recall the Focus of Data Review
Student Outcome Data: Meeting educational goals and objectives Fidelity Data: Extent that implementation occurs as intended Capacity Data: The ability or power to do Reach Data: Extend the range of contact and influence The teams have seen this slide a number of times.

21 Questions to Consider During Study of MTSS Data:
Where are we heading with our MTSS work? How close are we to getting there? Will our current work get us there in the designated timeframe and address any barriers related to MTSS implementation? These questions will drive the data review process. Questions 1 and 2 will be used during “gather/study” and question 3 will be used during “plan”.

22 Purpose of an ISD MTSS Implementation Plan
Continuous Evaluation of Outcomes/Impact through Progress Monitoring Clarify goals Motivate action Filter in/out opportunities Enable celebration of progress Quick review regarding the benefit of an ISD MTSS Implementation plan.

23 ISD MTSS Implementation Plan

24 Essential Components of an ISD MTSS Implementation Plan
Organized and easy to navigate Used and updated Objectives related to: Improving Fidelity and Outcomes ISD Reach and Capacity Supporting District Reach and Capacity Objectives are: Written SMART and specify the desired level of success/improvement Linked to activities that will be done to address objectives This is taken from the MIBLSI MTSS Implementation Plan checklist. Gives an idea of what teams should be striving for in their plans. If you have a team that would benefit from discussion the structure/organization of their plan prior to getting the day going, feel free to unhide this slide and talk about it as a group prior to starting the day. If your team’s plan is pretty well organized, I would not do this at this point in the day. Instead this is prompted at the end of the day for them to go back and evaluate to be sure they are heading out of the room with a well organized plan.

25 Maintaining Focus on MTSS
Public Act 306: Third Grade Reading Legislation House Bills 5409 to 5417: Use of Seclusion and Restraint

26 Third Grade Reading Legislation
Sign into law in October of 2016 Addresses how to help ensure that more students achieve a score of “at least proficient” in ELA on the grade 3 state assessment Outlines responsibilities for the Department, Board of a School District or Board of Public School Academy, Schools, and District Superintendents

27 Seclusion and Restraint Legislation
Legislation package Signed into law December 2016 Focuses on the defining the emergency use of seclusion and restraint Defines key terms Identifies how data are to be collected and reviewed Links to proactive and preventative work of School- wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

28 What Needs to Happen? MTSS implementation needs to remain relevant among district and staff priorities Sustain a sense of urgency around the work of MTSS within the districts Link the work of MTSS to additional outside influences (e.g., legislation)

29 MIBLSI as a Value Added System
Schools and districts are faced with critical issues that must be addressed as a matter of best practice, political factors or legal mandates. The MIBLSI as a Value Added System document emphasizes the alignment of the MIBLSI project, as well as overall MTSS implementation work, with the mandates, priorities and policies of the State of Michigan Department of Education. MTSS implementation is not an add-on or additional work. It is work that is braided within the mission and vision of the MDE, and MIBLSI. Trainer Notes: This resource may help the ISD to connect MTSS work to relevant issues schools and districts are facing.

30 Activity 1.3 Read through the MIBLSI as a Value Added Document paying particular attention to the new legislation included in the document Consider as a team whether this document could be used to support ISD staff understanding of the connections between MTSS and district/school mandates Continued by-in conversations with existing district partners As part of the work to connect with districts that are not yet partnering with the MTSS work Trainer Notes: Do not push the teams to read this document in depth. Rather, have them skim it and talk about next steps in using this type of resource. Teams all used this when doing their initial discussions with district teams regarding MTSS work. Is it time to revisit this type of resource with district cabinet teams?

31 Activity 1.4 Are there regional or state updates to legislation or initiatives that would be helpful to share with ISD leadership or staff? Add any identified information to the MTSS Update or create an action item to share in another format Trainer Notes: Consider whether any updates would be helpful with the MTSS Update.

32 2.0 Gather, Study, Plan Trainer Notes:
This is a transition slide. Move quickly through it.

33 By End of Module 2.0 Review measurable objectives within your ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Update activities previously planned to support each objective Review data related to each objective Create summary statements of progress for each objective Create hypothesis statements for each objective Review any district / school Accomplishments and Barriers Forms Add / modify activities Set = write Confirm = keep what you have but make sure it is appropriate

34 Gather, Study, Plan Resources for the Work:
MIDATA Dashboards and Reports Analysis of ISD Data Report ISD MTSS Implementation Plan

35 Functions of MIDATA Provides dashboards and reports that are available to schools, districts, and ISDs for data review MIBLSI’s primary system used for housing data for systems-level problem solving, training event information, and project reporting Trainer Notes: This slide can be hidden if teams are familiar with MIDATA. The intent of this slide is provide some context to what MIDATA is and the functions it serves.

36 When is Data Entered into MIDATA?
Meeting Data Entered RCA Administration Regional Capacity Assessment (RCA) DCA Administration District Capacity Assessment (DCA) School Data Review Coaching Support Session Aggregate Student Outcomes, School Fidelity No data needs to be entered at data review meetings

37 New – School Level Dashboard
At the most recent school data reviews, schools used a visual display of their current and historical data ISDs can access these dashboards as needed

38 Activity 2.1 There are 3 sections to the “Getting to know the District and School Dashboards” activity Split up the sections across the team and complete the activity Consider when your ISD team may use information from these dashboards to support the ISD data review process Share out how you anticipate using these dashboards There is an answer key that has the answers and more specifics about where to find those answers in the “Trainers Only” section of the content page and/or in dropbox.

39 Analysis of ISD Data Report
Support data analysis Fosters independence and a movement away from reliance on multiple PowerPoint slides Move toward a more automatic structure of data review Mimics the Analysis of School-wide Data Report used with school level data review for increased consistency across data review processes

40 Activity 2.2 Read the first page of the Analysis of ISD Data Report
With a partner summarize the purpose and anticipated results of using the Analysis of ISD Data Report May want to discuss this with the MTSS-C prior so any key points about how to best complete the plan in a timely way are stated.

41 Tips for use of the Analysis of ISD Data Report
Read each step carefully before getting to work Follow the process from start to finish Complete prep work prior to beginning data analysis Begin by considering progress on activities written at the last data review Frame and summarize current data results Consider why results are as they are Action plan once your team fully understands progress in all MTSS data

42 Recall…Ability to Dig Deeper
Use the district and school dashboards as questions arise Create aggregate reports as needed, especially for the DCA or TFI data, using the report feature in MIDATA Include throughout the day additional ISD, district or school data that support MTSS problem solving and action planning

43 Recall…Focus of the Plan
Focus on what we can control Attend to big areas where long-term effort and work will show improvement in fidelity and outcomes Consider making plans to tackle the smaller items that can have high yield/impact

44 Recall…Sustainability and Durability are the Goal
Sustainability: MTSS is embedded into standard practice and is a part of the fabric of the ISD, district and schools Durability: MTSS is sustainable and it withstands the test of time Trainer Notes: Consider an analogy for sustainable and durable: You can compare these concepts to buildings on the west coast that are built to endure earthquakes – the earth quake building codes are “embedded into the standard practice” of new construction and buildings that are built up to these codes have proven to be durable over the years as minor to moderate earthquakes have occurred An example of durability & sustainability would be when a district administrator leaves the practices put in place relative to MTSS continue to be part of the district and are embedded into the job description and interview process. Suggested engagement activity: Have elbow partners identify at least one thing that would be an indicator of sustainability and/or durability related to MTSS implementation – answer the question what would it look like, what products, tools or resources would you see indicating that MTSS is sustainable and durable within your district?

45 Activity 2.3 Gather, Study and Plan Using: MIDATA
Analysis of ISD Data Report Current ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Follow each step as described in the Analysis of ISD Data Report

46 Activity 2.4 Return to your MTSS Update
What about the data analysis, summary statements, hypothesis statements or resulting plan should be shared within the MTSS Update?

47 Create Summary Statements
We are currently just below 80% on the RCA. Our Capacity in the areas of Leadership and Organization have stayed consistent but in the area of Competency is low. Secondary schools across the county have low percentages that are moving to 0 flags on EWS across time and we are seeing through the barrier forms that secondary schools are struggling to have time to follow through on created action plans. We have 1 out of 5 schools that have reached fidelity on PBIS implementation with the other 4 schools showing Tier I implementation as a low area. This slide can be used by the IS as needed.

48 “If-then” Hypothesis Statement
Links contributing factors to actions that will results in improvements Examples: If we focus on improving ISD coaching and training supports, then the ISD will have more capacity for implementation of MTSS. If we work with District Implementation Teams to find creative solutions for secondary schools to have more time to meet, then they will be able to follow up on action plans and implement programs that can have an impact on student outcomes. If we focus provide additional coaching related to Tier 1 PBIS implementation then we will see higher fidelity of implementation. This slide can be used by the IS as needed.

49 Summary of Study – Example 1
Current Status Target Summary Statement Hypothesis Statement RCA = 83% 93% by Feb 2017 Objective Met in the area of ISD Capacity to Support Districts. Will continue to further develop any identified areas of weakness If we develop our coaching system, then our role as coaches will be more intentional and targeted If we improve communication then we will know how to better support all ISD, district and school efforts This slide can be used by the IS as needed.

50 Summary of Study – Example 2
Current Status Target Summary Statement Hypothesis Statement 2/2 schools meeting behavior fidelity targets 0/2 schools meeting reading fidelity targets Maintain and improve behavior fidelity Increase reading fidelity by at least 10% in each school by Feb 2017 Schools are meeting behavior fidelity objectives but not yet meeting reading objectives. Schools have been implementing behavior a year longer. If we provide follow-up training for coaching in tier 1 reading systems, then we will see strong implementation supports from coaches If we do additional item analysis within the Reading TFI then this should help target and strengthen supports to coaches and teams This slide can be used by the IS as needed.

51 Lunch Activity Return to the MTSS Update, accomplishments, and barrier forms Be sure all necessary communication has been added to the tools from the morning discussions

52 3.0 Do Trainer Notes: Now we are transitioning to the final module of the day.

53 By End of Module 3.0 Learn about additional resources for ISD Implementation Teams Consider how to deepen knowledge in Coaching Service Delivery Plans Plan for following up regarding training and use of Coaching Service Delivery Plans at the district and school levels Set = write Confirm = keep what you have but make sure it is appropriate

54 Implementation Team Network Resources
There is a Live Binder that has been developed with resources for ISD Implementation Teams and materials from the Regional Implementation Team Network meetings RIT Network LiveBinder Link can also be found on the MIBLSI website within the MTSS Coordinator portion of the site

55 Activity 3.1 Take a moment with a partner to view the resources on the Live Binder Do you see any resources that may help you complete an activity that is within your ISD MTSS Implementation Plan? If so, share out with the group

56 Spotlight on Coaching

57 Effective Coaching Effective coaching is purposeful and planful
Effective coaching is linked to data Fidelity data – what is going well and where are improvements needed Outcome data – are the efforts leading to improvements in student outcomes Capacity data – teams are developing further capacity to support the work To help with this…MIBLSI is supporting the development of Coaching Service Delivery Plans Introducing the CSDP.

58 Coaching Service Delivery Plans (CSDPs)
Developed to focus the supports DIT CSDP are directly linked to the DCA SLT CSDPs are directly linked to fidelity measures Introducing the CSDP.

59 What are the Benefits of the CSDP?
Clarify and focus for coaching Improved support to districts and schools Communicates needs to district or ISD (time, training, etc.)

60 Coaching Service Delivery Plan (CSDP) Components
Coaching concepts / skills Coaching supports Coaching frequency Coaching preparation Mechanisms to provide feedback Timeline for written feedback Coaching effectiveness measure Trainer Notes: This slide calls out the specific components of the coaching service delivery plan. This is a concept that is newer to teams so we want to review the big components but move at a brisk pace since we will have them diving in deeper in the upcoming activity.

61 CSDP: Coaching School Leadership Teams
Each school is at a different point in their use of School-wide PBIS and School-wide Reading Model Coaches need to differentiate their coaching supports based on the specific needs of the school Use fidelity data to build the plan A Coaching Service Delivery Plan defines the specific plan for coaching a school based on the school’s data

62 CSDP: Coaching District Implementation Teams
Each district is at a different point in their implementation of MTSS Those that coach district teams need to differentiate their coaching supports based on the specific needs of the district Use DCA data to build the plan A CSDP defines the specific plan for coaching a district implementation team based on thd district data

63 Coaching Supports Big Idea: Strategies that coaches should use to help support the School Leadership Team implement the concept / skills Observation Teaching Modeling Co-facilitation with SLT member Prompting team or specific team members Assistance with adaptation to local context Providing feedback (verbal or written)

64 Coaching Frequency Outlines the frequency (minimum threshold) and the various venues for the coaching to take place During professional learning sessions Monthly SLT meetings At least 3 SLT events Trainer Notes: What do we mean by SLT events? Great question! We are talking about things like a presentation to the full staff or supporting a presentation to the school board.

65 Coaching Preparation Big Idea: Outlines a continuum of things a coach would need to do in order to be adequately prepared to coach the SLT to implement the prioritized concept or skill

66 How Much Detail? The plan has to include enough detail that it can pass the “substitute” test – if you were out and a new coach stepped in, would she or he know what the plan was in order to use it? If not, you don’t have enough detail On the other hand it should not be so long that it is not realistic, manageable, and doable We have to find the “sweet spot”

67 Role of the ISD Implementation Team
Deepen knowledge in Coaching Service Delivery Plans Continue to send team representatives to the RIT Network Meetings Extend learning to the entire ISD Implementation Team Begin by understanding CSDPs for partnering districts, look for themes in supports and consider how to make coaching more efficient and effective to DITs Trainer Notes: This slide outlines the role of the DIT when it comes to the CSDP. We will be be addressing the last two bullets during the Mid-Year Continuous Data Review session this winter.

68 Current and Upcoming CSDP Work
District level coaches developed CSDPs to organize their coaching supports at the November RIT Network Meeting Will follow up at the March RIT Network Meeting School level coaches developed CSDPs to organize their coaching supports at the Fall and Winter Coaching Support Sessions for Data Review Will follow up at the Spring Data Review Coaching Support Session

69 Activity 3.2 If someone from your team was present at the November RIT Network meeting, share your experience developing a CSDP to support district implementation For those who trained or were present at a Fall or Winter Coaching Support Session for Data Review, share your experience developing a CSDP to support school implementation

70 Activity 3.3 Consider next steps needed as an ISD team to deepen knowledge in CSDPs Consider what should be shared within the MTSS Update regarding CSDPs Any additional activities that should be written into your ISD MTSS Implementation plan related to coaching, supporting CSDPs or organizing the coaching structures across the ISD

71 Activity 3.4 Develop a shared understanding of how the MTSS Update will be used Ensure all communication items captured throughout the day have been discussed, next steps are clear and recorded on an action plan Use your Linking Communication Protocols to determine additional topics to add to your update or how any information will be shared with groups across the ISD and Districts Trainer Notes: Please provide 15 minutes for this activity. The deliverables for this activity are: Finalized MTSS Update Additional action items related to communication based on the linking communication protocols

72 Do Assignments Continue to meet monthly as an ISD Implementation Team
Monitor progress of your activities in your ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Distribute your MTSS Update to identified stakeholders Support the creation and use of Coaching Service Delivery Plans for district and school teams Complete the RCA prior to the next Data Review session Identify who will attend RIT Network meetings Use Linking Communication Protocols Trainer Notes: This slide and the next two provide an overview of the next steps for the DIT between now and the District Mid-Year Continuous Data Review. It is meant to provide a wrap up of the day. If you find there is additional time left in the day, teams should spend time creating the agenda for their next DIT monthly meeting and/or pull out the linking communication protocols from last year and determine if they need to be updated and/or if additional protocols will be needed.

73 End of Day Evaluation

74 2 – Part Evaluation Retrospective Self Assessment
Feedback on the Session . . . both using the responders.

75 Scale for the Retrospective Self Assessment Questions
4: I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.

76 End of Training Questions
Rate your knowledge / skills / competence for the following items at the end of this training.

77 Retrospective End 1 1. I can summarize the progress on our ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Objectives. 4: I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.

78 Retrospective End 2 2. I can summarize the progress on our ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Activities 4: I am confident that I know it and I can apply it to my context. 3: I am confident that I know it, but am unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I need more information and examples to know it better. 1: I have more questions than answers.

79 Start of Training Questions
Rate your knowledge / skills / competence for the following items at the start of this training.

80 Retrospective Start 1 1. I could summarize the progress on our ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Objectives 4: I was confident that I knew it and I could apply it to my context. 3: I was confident that I knew it, but was unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I needed more information and examples to know it better. 1: I had more questions than answers.

81 Retrospective Start 2 2. I could summarize the progress on our ISD MTSS Implementation Plan Activities 4: I was confident that I knew it and I could apply it to my context. 3: I was confident that I knew it, but was unclear on how to apply it to my context. 2: I needed more information and examples to know it better. 1: I had more questions than answers.

82 Feedback on the Session

83 1. Today’s learning was a valuable use of my time.
Feedback 1 1. Today’s learning was a valuable use of my time. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

84 Feedback 2 2. I am leaving with tools and strategies to successfully complete the next steps (assignments, communication, activities) that were identified in today’s session. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

85 3. The content included clearly defined outcomes for the day.
Feedback 3 3. The content included clearly defined outcomes for the day. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

86 Feedback 4 4. The content and activities are well aligned with the goals and priorities of my ISD. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

87 Feedback 5 5. The trainer(s) presented the content in such a way that promoted active engagement, opportunities for processing, and time for participants to work together. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

88 Feedback 6 6. The pacing and amount of material presented were appropriate for the time allocated. 4: Just Right 2. Too much or too fast 1: Too little or too slow

89 7. The materials for the day facilitated my learning.
Feedback 7 7. The materials for the day facilitated my learning. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

90 Feedback 8 8. The training space was acceptable for learning (comfortable temperature, good working space, functional technology). 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

91 Feedback 9 9. The Analysis of ISD Data Report helped facilitate the data review work throughout the day. 4: Strongly Agree 3: Agree 2: Disagree 1: Strongly Disagree

92 Written Feedback Please also take a moment to provide written feedback. Forms are provided at the back of your workbook. The most valuable part of this planning session was…. This planning session could be improved if…

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