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Creating Community Change Working together to prevent violence

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1 Creating Community Change Working together to prevent violence


3 What we do: Families Promoting Great Parenting:
Strategies with children under the age of five (SKIP) Conversations about discipline and punishment Linking parenting service providers to support collaboration and sharing Events eg Toddler Day Out & Great Parenting Fair Celebration of local role models, parents (Westie Dads in Action)

4 Toddler Day Out

5 What we do: Education Education to raise awareness
Little Kauri.. Transition to school Violence Free Begins with Me schools programme Jade Speaks Up DVD and manual for facilitators/ teachers/ therapists Bullying – Not Our Future: mentor programmes and creative arts to change culture of bullying

6 What we do: Community Our Amazing Place Community Treasure Hunts
Training courses in conflict resolution/ facilitation skills National campaigns eg White Ribbon Day / Its Not OK Community development: Mark it Up, SPEAK, Surveys and feedback, Community Champions for Change

7 Our Amazing Place snapshot

8 Challenges Finding sufficient funding
Engaging people in conversations about the ‘hard stuff’ of violence Engaging on the ground community members and families Providing and resourcing adequate research to justify expenditure on projects Capacity building of community organisations Who leads the process? Establishing the culture of collaboration

9 Rewards Change is happening…
People are engaged and excited at some of the changes they see Some promising partnerships eg sponsorship from a local real estate firm, involvement with local businesses More conversations happening in community about issues and use of strategies Remembering that while large numbers of people are affected by violence, many more aren’t… what can we learn from them to help us all?

10 Spreading word… “My oldest son got depression at 32 years old and was only during that time was  able to tell his dad how he was sooo scared of him and his dad and I  said sorry (sad) started a healing process which glad to say worked!!  I have confronted 2 neighbours in different situations where violence had occurred I called the police for one and the other I asked the man to leave as the children ran to my house screaming ... Elaine what you have started at Violence Free is helping to bring it out of the home and children can speak about it more openly and safely!!” Cherril Rave October 2015

11 A few indicators of impact locally
Data from Child, Youth and Family (Findings are not distinct clients)

12 So how could this apply to Tasmania?
Geographically you are an easily identifiable area You have great people and agencies interested in collaborating You have social media tools such as Made Open to link you together You all care about the future of your children There are many great ideas just waiting to get going So what stops you???

13 Contact us for: Templates and manuals of projects
Training in use of material Elaine Dyer :

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