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Universidad de Antioquia School of Languages

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Presentation on theme: "Universidad de Antioquia School of Languages"— Presentation transcript:

1 Universidad de Antioquia School of Languages
Tools and Strategies for E-Learning, a Workshop Combining Theory and Practice Jorge Pineda Luis Tamayo @jorgeepineda @ludotano

2 The institution (1) Colombia Medellín
7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

3 University of Antioquia
The institution (2) University of Antioquia Facts about the University: 130 undergraduate programs 184 graduate programs About undergraduate students About 3000 graduate students About 2000 faculty members 7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

4 Key concepts (1) Professional development.
An ongoing learning process in which teachers engage voluntarily to learn how best to adjust their teaching to the learning needs of their students. A renewal of professional skills and knowledge. The preparation of teachers has to continue because the pre-service preparation of language teachers is insufficient or inexistent. González (2003), González, A., Montoya, C. & Sierra, N. (2002), Sierra, A. (2007), Diaz-Maggioli (2004), Richards and Farrell (2005) E-moderation. the teaching and learning processes carried out in online or in blended environments . E-moderator. the person in charge of administering those processes. E-moderators’ characteristics. understand online processes, certain level of technical and communications skills, certain level of content expertise, the determination to become an e-moderator. Salmon, (2002, 2011, 2013) 7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

5 Key concepts (2) E-tivity.
A framework for facilitating active learning in an online environemt.  It  involves learners interacting with one another and with the course tutor in an online communication environment (in order to complete a particular task).  Salmon, (2002, 2013) Instrumental use of technology. The operative use of technological tools (setting up a blog, a wiki, a website) Pedagogical use of technology. The integration of technology in the teaching and learning processes to make a concept or a process teachable. Ministery of Education, Colombia. (2008) UNESCO. (2008) 7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

6 The workshop (1) Objective Structure
To provide teachers with tools and strategies to improve their pedagogical practices in hybrid, and web-based language courses 5 modules Module 0. Basic Information about the course Module 1. E-moderation and E-tivities Module 2. Moodle Resources Module 3. Out-of-moodle resources Module 4. Practical activity 7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

7 The workshop (2) Activities and materials Readings Online discussions
7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

8 The workshop (3) Tutorials Video tutorials
7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

9 The workshop (4) Final activity Participants design, implement and evaluate an e-tivity using at least (1) moodle resource and (1) out-of-moodle resource. 7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

10 Lessons learned Positive aspects Aspects to Improve
It’s been offered to all the faculty from the School of Languages It’s been incorporated as an institutional initiative from the School of Languages It’ll be offered continuously It was offered in a blended modality Very short (only 32 hours) Some participants dropped the course due to their poor technological skills 7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

11 What’s next for the course
To be offered completely online To devote more time to deeper explore the concepts and tools To offer online and in-office advisory sessions To become a continuous professional development strategy Link to view the course 7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

12 References Diaz-Maggioli, G. (2004). A passion for learning: Teacher-centered professional development. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum. Retrieved from González, A., Montoya, C. & Sierra, N. (2002). What do EFL teachers seek in professional development programs? Voices from teachers. IKALA 7(13) González, A. (2003). Who is educating EFL teachers: a qualitative study of in-service in Colombia. IKALA 8 (14) Ministery of Education. Colombia. (2008). MTIC - Programa Nacional de Uso de Medios y Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación del Ministerio de Educación.  Available in: Richards and Farrell (2005). Professional Development for language teachers. Strategies for teacher learning. New York. Cambridge University Press. Salmon, G (2011). E-moderating. The key to teaching and learning online third edition. New York. Routledge. Salmon, G. (2002). E-tivities. The key to active online learning. London. Routledge. Salmon, G.(2013). E-tivities. The key to active online learning. Second edition. New York. Routledge. Sierra, A. (2007). Developing knowledge, skills and attitudes through a study group: a study on teachers' professional development. IKALA, 12(18), UNESCO. (2008). Estándares de Competencias en TIC para Docentes. Available in: Consultados el 11 de junio de 2009 7th Annual International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Online Learning. April 2014

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