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The Academic Technology Center

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Presentation on theme: "The Academic Technology Center"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Academic Technology Center
Designing & Teaching Online UWF

2 Presentation Topics About Us Brief Orientation to eLearning
Support and Resources for Teaching Online at UWF Overview of Quality Matters (QM) Rubric & Program

3 About Us


5 Mission The mission of the Academic Technology Center is to train faculty members who are teaching fully online or blended courses. We have 3 full time instructional designers who meet with faculty and help them with their course design. The goal for our department is to make sure that faculty have all the tools and training that they need to ensure quality online instruction for our students.

6 ATC Instructional Designers
Cindy Mersereau: Phone: (Pen) / (FWB) June Watkins:  Phone: Sara McCool: Phone:

7 eLearning

8 What is eLearning? UWF's online courses are made available through eLearning, hosted by Desire2Learn (D2L) / Brightspace Used by instructors to hold fully online/blended courses and/or to supplement F2F courses with online content. Accessing eLearning:

9 Tools in eLearning

10 Support Links

11 Resources


13 Course Design Templates

14 ATC Build-A-Course Workshop
Self-paced, provides the steps necessary to build your first course in eLearning Auto-enrolled, look under your Student role in eLearning Follow the links below and get started creating your very first class! Create a new development shell Import your course template Create and modify a grade book Create and modify course content Create and modify a course checklist Create and modify discussion forums Create and modify drop boxes Create and modify quizzes

15 Faculty Professional Development Courses
Designing a Quality Online Course (6-weeks, fully-online) Teaching a Quality Online Course (6-weeks, fully-online) Improving Your Online Course (2-weeks, fully-online) Quality Course Program Initiative Others – check our website (

16 Faculty Media Room Production equipment – video/audio
Training to use it

17 Quality UWF

18 What is Quality Matters?
Rubric for online course design Peer review process Professional development opportunities The Quality Matters Rubric is a set of 8 general standards and 43 specific standards used to evaluate the design of online and blended courses. The Rubric is complete with annotations that explain the application of the standards and the relationship among them. A scoring system and set of online tools facilitate the evaluation by a team of reviewers.

19 QM Standards Based on national standards of best practice, research and ID principles Promote student learning Continuous improvement

20 Eight General Standards
Course Overview and Introduction Learning Objectives Assessment and Measurement Instructional Materials Course Activities and Learner Interaction Course Technology Learner Support Accessibility and Usability Key components that must align

21 Why QM Works When aligned, critical components are tied to and support the learning objectives, reinforcing one another to ensure students can achieve the desired outcomes.

22 Questions?

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