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Development of NAPHA in Thailand

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1 Development of NAPHA in Thailand
Dr Anupong Chitwarakorn Department of Disease Control Thailand

2 NAPHA in Thailand Start in 2001
Shift from research based to service based Target 3,000 patients, ARV budget 6 m$ Service provider sites increased from 55 to 110 hospitals

3 NAPHA in Thailand Scaling up in 2003
Target 10,000 patients, ARV budget increased to 9 m$, service sites increased to 400 hospitals In 2004, target 50,000 patients, ARV budget increased to 20 m$, all 800+ public hospitals involved In 2005, target 80,000 patients, ARV budget will increase to 30 m$ Additional budget from GFATM 1st, 2nd

4 Key area of development
VCT Capacity building for physicians Laboratory networking Nurse, community and home care Drug supply

5 Key information for patients monitoring
Adherence BW., KS OI Side affects CD4 Viral load 4 S’s

6 Program M/E Monthly report, indicate which projects.
Service sites to provincial coordinators (75 plus BMA) to regional coordinators and to national level 4 S’s: Numbers of pt. still on drugs as of last month, number of new enrollment this month, number of pt stopping and why, number of patients died and why, number of pt. still on drugs as of this month.

7 Latest status of NAPHA as of 31st January 2004
No. of pts. enrolled as of 31st December 2003 was 23,158 No. of new pts. Enrolled in January was 2,503 No. of pts. still on ARV as of 29th February 2004 was 20,896 Lowest achieved was region 1 (central), 20% Highest achieved was region 10 (northern), 75%

8 CD4 after 3TC, d4t, NVP at 6 months: study from the northern Thailand
Mean CD4 at starting: 58 cell/ Mean CD4 increase at 2 months: 61 Mean CD4 increase at 6 months: 118 95.5% of pts. had CD4 increase

9 Computerized information
Start to develop in 2003 All level: laboratory, facility, provincial, regional and national Now in training process Monthly report with diskette from hospitals to provincial coordinators to regional and to national level

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