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Presentation on theme: "TEMPERATE DESERT BIOME"— Presentation transcript:

By Lalitha Durlin

2 Characteristics Climate Precipitation is much less than 100 cm/year
Average temperature ranges from 10° C to 25° C Area ranges between 15° and 35° (North and South of the Equator Located in Southeast and Northeast Trade Winds Typically support animal life that can adapt to temperature and can conserve water Plants are usually salt and drought tolerant

3 A Worldwide View The temperate desert regions are indicated in yellow
Equator Tropic of Cancer Tropic of Capricorn

4 Common Vegetation Sagebrush Artemisia tridentata: Has wide roots that are close to the surface that efficiently absorb water when it rains Creosote Bush Larrea tridentata: Have long tap roots that can reach water far below the surface Big Sagebrush Creosote Bush

5 Common Vegetation Saxaul Tree Haloxylon ammodendron: Stores water in its bark and is related to cacti Desert Needlegrass Achnatherum speciosum: Grows in clumps rather than as ground cover Rubber Rabbitbrush Ericameria nauseosa: Lives near roads where it can catch the rain runoff and thrive Desert Needlegrass Saxaul Tree Rubber Rabbitbrush

6 Common Animals Mammals
American Jackal Canis latrans: Hearty mammal that can live almost anywhere Rock Hyrax Procavia capensis: Has the widest distribution in Eastern Africa and lives in colonies Dama Gazelle Gazella dama: Graceful and fast, it is the largest of the gazelle species

7 Common Animals

8 Common Animals Birds Red-tailed hawk Buteo jamaicensis: Adaptable carnivore that consumes mostly small rodents Roadrunner Geococcyx californianus: Quick enough to catch rattlesnakes and prefers to run or walk rather than fly Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis: Smallest of the seven pelican species and eats about 4 lbs. of fish per day

9 Common Animals

10 Common Animals Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles & Insects
Desert Pupfish Cyprinodon: Likes warm desert pools and feeds on green and brown algae Red-Spotted Toad Bufo punctatus: Called “desert singers” due to the male’s high-pitched mate call Desert Tortoise Gopherus agassizii: Land-dwelling herbivore that is dormant from November to March Fire Ant Solenopsis xyloni: Scavengers that disperse venom onto attacker if threatened

11 Common Animals

12 Specific Adaptations Plants have small leaves or hairs to collect water and retain it for a long period of time Slender bodies help retain heat Leaf reduction to spines helps reduce water loss Long eyelashes and scales are some characteristics that protect animals in the desert


14 Climatogram

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