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Unit 4: Congress Reading Quiz # 14 : 5 points

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1 Unit 4: Congress Reading Quiz # 14 : 5 points
1. Your textbook suggests that the United States Congress is a decentralized institution. It provides these two factors as evidence: A) Congress members are more concerned with their party and party President. Congress members are more concerned with their own constitutes and their own careers Congress members are more concerned with their party interests and their own careers. Congress members are more concerned with the success of the President than their own careers. 2. Your textbook outlined the history of the U.S. Congress. It labeled the early history of Congress as Phase One: A Powerful House, this title described: A) A Congress where leadership was supplied by the president and his cabinet B) A Congress where leadership was supplied by party caucus meetings C) A Congress where leadership was supplied by the Speaker of the House A Congress where leadership was supplied by the individual representatives

2 3. A filibuster is: A) a vote of 3/5th of the Senate to end debate B) a vote to override a presidential veto C) a prolonged speech made to delay action on a congressional bill D) a series of short speeches designed to promote a congressional bill Gerrymandering is : A) the act of blocking the ability of a state legislature from redistricting B) the act of redrawing a district boundary in a bizarre or unusual shape for political reasons C) the act of unlawfully voting for candidates not on a ballot D) the act of allowing PAC’s to redraw congressional districts

3 5. The ability to create congressional districts designed to make it easier for minority citizens to elect minority representatives was tested by the Supreme Court in the case: A) Smith v. Texas B) Shaw v. Reno C) Perry v. United States D) North Carolina v. Reno

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