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Stream Depletion Through SGMA Lens Workshop

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1 Approaches and Considerations for Assessing Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction in Sonoma County
Stream Depletion Through SGMA Lens Workshop Groundwater Resources Association of California August 29, 2017, Sacramento, California Marcus Trotta, PG, CHg, Principal Hydrogeologist Sonoma County Water Agency

2 Overview of Presentation
Background on Sonoma County Water Agency Focused Studies at Riverbank Filtration Facility/Russian River Alluvial Aquifer Basin-wide Assessment Approaches Considerations for SGMA Implementation

3 Sonoma County Water Agency
Wholesale Water Supply Flood Control Sanitation Energy Production Cooperative groundwater study programs with USGS Pre-SGMA: Lead Agency for two Voluntary Groundwater Management Programs Part of and providing Technical Services to three GSAs

4 Riverbank Filtration System
Russian River Riverbank Filtration System One of the largest riverbank filtration systems in the world Treatment accomplished via natural filtration. Production Capacity of up to 92 million gallons per day Overview of Water Agency Riverbank Filtration System Six radial collector wells at the Wohler and Mirabel production facilities adjacent to the Russian River. Each collector well consists of a 13 to 18 foot diameter concrete caisson extending approximately 60 to 110 feet into the alluvial aquifer. Russian River Well Field consisting of seven vertical wells located in the Mirabel area. These wells are currently not operated as primary production facilities, but are maintained for standby production and may be used as primary production facilities as needed. Inflatable dam on the Russian River near Mirabel that allows for operation of five infiltration ponds at Mirabel that increase the area of infiltration along the Russian River. The pumping capacity of the six radial collector wells is estimated to be approximately 92 mgd; however, significant variations to this estimated capacity can occur due to seasonal variations in river flows, operation of infiltration ponds, and sedimentation patterns along the riverbed. 6 Radial Collector Wells 5 Infiltration Ponds Inflatable Dam

5 Russian River Facilities: Focused Surface Water-Groundwater Assessment Techniques and Methods
Temperature as a tracer Seepage meters Riverbed sediment sampling program Geophysical Methods to Evaluate SW-GW Interactions Electrical Resistivity Spontaneous Potential Water-Level measurements & vertical gradient analysis Surface water and groundwater quality studies



8 Method: Temperature Profiling
20cm 50cm 80cm Riverbed June (Near Thalweg) June (Edge of Channel) Diurnal signals extend beneath riverbed – losing conditions Differences in spatial propagation of diurnal signal reflect highly localized variations in streambed morphology Decrease in depth of diurnal temperature signal between June and September – increase in riverbed clogging Stand alone data loggers logging every 10 min, Lack of diurnal variations at depth indicate lower permeability zone, Short/long residence times September (Edge of Channel)

9 Methods: Seepage Meters and Cryocoring
Seepage meter: steel 55-gal drum, hose connection (~2m), and bag shelter Seepage Cryocoring: Retains structure, pore fluids & microbial ecology Single point measurement of vertical flux (downward or upward) Biomass

10 Method: Electrical Resistivity
Resistivity along A-A’ (red indicates dryer regions) Apparent resistivity increases captures spatial and seasonal temporal changes (May through November) Unsaturated zone development ~4 to 6 feet below riverbed, with exception of area beneath thalweg Describe may is background and that inversions were constrained by using YSI field conductivity probe and water depths. and july is after deposition, Piezometer installation during Sept campaign confirmed unsaturated zone at 1.5m depth

11 Sonoma County Medium Priority Basins
3/17/2015 Became law in 2015 Affects Medium & high priority DWR Bulletin 118 basins: Sonoma & Petaluma Valleys, Santa Rosa Plain

12 Basin-wide Surface Water-Groundwater Assessment Techniques and Methods
Seepage runs (synoptic streamflow measurements) Paired streamflow gauge/groundwater monitoring wells Regional Numeric Groundwater Flow Models GSFLOW: Santa Rosa Plain MODFLOW-OHM: Petaluma Valley and Sonoma Valley

13 Sonoma Valley: Seepage Runs
Discharge Segments (Groundwater flows into Stream) Most of Sonoma Creek Most of Calabazas Lower reaches of Fryer and Nathanson Recharge Segments (Stream recharges Groundwater) Sonoma Creek near Kenwood Carriger Upper reaches of Fryer and Nathanson Portion of Felder Creek May 2010 Paired Gauge Location

14 Paired Stream/Groundwater Monitoring Location

15 Simulated Change in Streamflow With and Without Groundwater Pumping (USGS, 2014)
Average 8% change in total simulated streamflow (35 year simulation) USGS currently updating model and developing stream capture maps (USGS project with SWRCB )

16 Unique Features/Challenges
Limited long-term streamgage records Geologic Complexities Majority of groundwater pumping not measured/reported Habitat and ESA Considerations with SW-GW Interactions Biological Opinion issued by NMFS SWRCB Emergency Drought Regulations - Priority Russian River Tributary Watersheds California Water Action Plan Priority Streams - Mark West Creek

17 Considerations for SGMA
Spatial and temporal scales for assessing streamflow depletion as an undesirable result Start with broader-scale assessments Finer-scale assessments/monitoring as needed Consider addressing spatial scale through Management Areas? Consideration of other regulatory programs and standards Surface water rights and surface water diversions Instream flow requirements Basin Plans Others?

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