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Educational Orientations

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1 Educational Orientations

2 Different learning theories have different foci
Behaviourist Humanist Cognitive Social Cognitive Constructivist

3 Behaviourist Environmental factors determine behaviour John Watson
Classical Conditioning Edward Thorndike Early 20th Century Law of Effect: A pleasing after-effect strengthens the action that produced it Stimulus-Response Theory

4 Behaviourist Ivan Pavlov B.F. Skinner (1938) Reinforcement
Conditioned reflex B.F. Skinner (1938) Operant conditioning Reinforce desirable behaviour Ignore undesirable behaviour

5 Discussion What educational practices are informed by the behaviourist perspective?

6 Humanist Human potential for growth. Educate the whole person.
Maslow (1970) Hierarchy of needs

7 Humanist Rogers (1983) Characteristics
Learning that leads to personal growth Often adopted for Adult learning Characteristics Personal Involvement Self-initiated Pervasive Evaluated by learner Making meaning of experiences

8 Discussion What educational practices are informed by the humanist perspective?

9 Cognitive Learning is influenced by internal state of the mind
Prior knowledge Processing of information in memory Jean Piaget Assimilation and accommodation Sensorimotor stage Pre-operational stage Concrete operational stage Formal operational stage

10 Cognitive Ausubel (1967) Bruner (1965) Rote learning = no context
Meaningful learning = new information related to existing experiences Bruner (1965) Discovery-based learning Acquire new knowledge Manipulate knowledge to fit task Evaluate whether it is a good fit

11 Discussion What educational practices are informed by the cognitive perspective?

12 Social Cognitive Recognition that learning occurs when observing others Albert Bandura (1976) Learning through imitation Vicarious learning Learning involves individual and the environment Self-efficacy Estimate of ability to succeed in a given context

13 Discussion What educational practices are informed by the social cognitive perspective?

14 Constructivist Learning is the process of constructing meaning
Neo-Pigetian theorists Learning is individual Process of adjusting internal schema to environment Practical activities are central

15 Social Constructivist
Knowledge constructed through discussions and social interaction Shared understanding of meaning Lev Vygotsky (1978) Learning mediated through culture Foundation for Activity Theory, which focuses on activities and artefacts that form the basis for learning in the classroom Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

16 Discussion What educational practices are informed by the social cognitive perspective?

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