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Presentation on theme: "Scaffolding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scaffolding

2 Critical thinking Learning skills Content L2 L1

3 Sessions expected outcomes
You will be able to: define scaffolding think about your thinking type think about cognitive load work with scaffolding select ideas for scaffolding develop scaffolds

4 What is scaffolding in the context of education?

5 Definition of scaffolding
Scaffolding includes support from people or materials that help students to reach beyond what they could do on their own. Scaffolding always supports critical thinking. It does not make learning easier, but helps learners to stay in the zone of their proximal development.

6 Zone of proximal development
Lev Vygotsky

7 ZPD ZPD What is currently beyond
the reach of the student even with help What a student can do with help with content scaffolding What a student can do with help with language scaffolding What a student can do on his or her own ZPD ZPD Source: Peeter Mehisto

8 Scaffolding features Temporary but ubiquitous
Keeps students within their zone of proximal development Gradually withdraws Helps students develop narratives about facts, ideas and concepts Aimed at developing universal competences

9 Your thinking and its effect on students’ learning
Stable Against Flexible thinking

10 What about you? Answer the following five questions. You are not obliged to share your answers.

11 What do you feel and what do you do, when:
Carol Dweck (2012) Mindset: How you can fulfil your potential. Constable & Robinson Limited. What do you feel and what do you do, when: You come across a problem or an obstacle You come across difficulties You are criticized You are asked to make more effort You see that someone else succeeding?

12 7

13 7 generations (Жеті ата)

14 7 wonders of the world… Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt
2,600 BC Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Iraq Date unknown Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Turkey 6th century BC Statue of Zeus, Greece 5th century BC Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Turkey 4th century BC Colossus of Rhodes, Rhodes - Lighthouse of Alexandria, Ehypt 3rd century BC

15 7 celestial spheres

16 7 seas Arctic ocean Northern part of the Atlantic ocean
Southern part of the Atlantic ocean Indian ocean Northern part of the Pacific ocean Southern part of the Pacific ocean Southern ocean

17 7 deadly sins Envy Gluttony Greed Lust Pride Sloth Wrath

18 7 virtues Humility Kindness Patience Diligence Charity Temperance


20 Supermarket of ideas Look at the ideas on the wall. Find 5 you like
Explain how you could use one of them

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