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Oncology Topic-Adenocarcinoma, Lung

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1 Oncology Topic-Adenocarcinoma, Lung
Figure 1. Pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Figure 2. Pulmonary bronchiolar carcinoma. Figure 3. Pulmonary fibrosarcoma. Topic-Adenocarcinoma, Skin (Sweat Gland, Sebaceous) Figure 1. Adenocarcinoma, skin (sweat gland, sebaceous). Figure 2. Adenocarcinoma, skin (sweat gland, Topic-Adenocarcinoma, Thyroid – Dogs Figure 1. Gross specimen of thyroid adenocarcinoma. Figure 2. Thyroid scan, lateral projection, thyroid adenocarcinoma. Figure 3. Thyroid scan, ventrodorsal projection, thyroid adenocarcinoma. Figure 4. DV thoracic radiograph of metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma. Topic-Bile Duct Carcinoma Figure 1. Bile duct carcinoma in a cat. Figure 2. Bile duct carcinoma in a dog. Topic-Hemangiosarcoma, Spleen and Liver Figure 1. Hemangiosarcoma of the spleen of a dog. Figure 2. Hemangiosarcoma on the right atrium of a dog heart. Topic-Hepatocellular Adenoma Figure 1. Hepatocellular adenoma in a dog. Figure 2. Hepatocellular adenoma in a dog. Topic-Interstitial Cell Tumor, Testicle Figure 1. Interstitial cell tumor of a testicle of a dog. Figure 2. Interstitial cell tumor of a testicle in cross section. Topic-Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis Figure 1. Ultrasound image of a kidney from a cat with lymphoma. Figure 2. Radiograph from a cat with renal lymphoma. Figure 3. Kidney from a cat with renal lymphoma.

2 Oncology Figure 4. Radiograph from a cat with mediastinal lymphoma.
Figure 5. Cat heart heavily infiltrated by lymphoma. Topic-Mammary Gland Tumors – Dogs Figure 1. Metastatic mammary tumor to the lung. Figure 2. Mammary tumor in a dog. Figure 3. Mammary adenocarcinoma in a dog. Figure 4. Inflammatory mammary tumor in a dog. Topic-Mast Cell Tumors Figure 1. Inguinal mast cell tumor—dog. Figure 2. Mast cell tumor—dog. Figure 3. Mast cell tumor in dog, on side. Figure 4. Multicentric mast cell tumor—dog. Topic-Melanocytic Tumors, Skin and Digit Figure 1. Malignant melanoma on the digit of a dog. Topic-Mesothelioma Figure 1. Cytology obtained by thoracocentesis from a dog with mesothelioma. Figure 2. Radiograph of a thorax of a dog with mesothelioma. Topic-Ovarian Tumors Figure 1. Ovarian papillary cystadencarcinoma from a dog. Topic-Sertoli Cell Tumor Figure 1. Hypoadrenocorticism in Cats Microcardia and Decreased Lung Perfusion Figure 2. Feminizing changes and alopecia in a dog with Sertoli cell tumor. Figure 3. Same dog as in previous figure but after castration for Sertoli tumor treatment. Topic-Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Gingiva Figure 1. Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. Figure 2. Gingival squamous cell carcinoma in a cat. Topic-Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Skin Figure 1. Ulcerative lesions typical of squamous cell Carcinoma

3 Oncology Topic- Adenocarcinoma, Lung
Figure 1. Pulmonary adenocarcinoma.

4 Oncology Topic- Adenocarcinoma, Lung
Figure 2. Pulmonary bronchiolar carcinoma.

5 Oncology Topic- Adenocarcinoma, Lung Figure 3. Pulmonary fibrosarcoma.

6 Oncology Topic-Adenocarcinoma, Skin (Sweat Gland, Sebaceous)
Figure 1. Adenocarcinoma, skin (sweat gland, sebaceous).

7 Oncology Topic-Adenocarcinoma, Skin (Sweat Gland, Sebaceous)
Figure 2. Adenocarcinoma, skin (sweat gland, sebaceous).

8 Oncology Topic-Adenocarcinoma, Thyroid - Dogs
Figure 1. Gross specimen of thyroid adenocarcinoma.

9 Oncology Topic-Adenocarcinoma, Thyroid - Dogs
Figure 2. Thyroid scan, lateral projection, thyroid adenocarcinoma.

10 Oncology Topic-Adenocarcinoma, Thyroid - Dogs
Figure 3. Thyroid scan, ventrodorsal projection, thyroid adenocarcinoma.

11 Oncology Topic- Adenocarcinoma, Thyroid - Dogs
Figure 4. DV thoracic radiograph of metastatic pulmonary adenocarcinoma.

12 Oncology Topic- Bile Duct Carcinoma
Figure 1. Bile duct carcinoma in a cat.

13 Oncology Topic-Bile Duct Carcinoma
Figure 2. Bile duct carcinoma in a dog.

14 Oncology Topic- Hemangiosarcoma, Spleen and Liver
Figure 1. Hemangiosarcoma of the spleen of a dog.

15 Oncology Topic- Hemangiosarcoma, Spleen and Liver
Figure 2. Hemangiosarcoma on the right atrium of a dog heart.

16 Oncology Topic-Hepatocellular Adenoma
Figure 1. Hepatocellular adenoma in a dog.

17 Oncology Topic-Hepatocellular Adenoma
Figure 2. Hepatocellular adenoma in a dog.

18 Oncology Topic-Interstitial Cell Tumor, Testicle
Figure 1. Interstitial cell tumor of a testicle of a dog.

19 Oncology Topic-Interstitial Cell Tumor, Testicle
Figure 2. Interstitial cell tumor of a testicle in cross section.

20 Oncology Topic- Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis
Figure 1. Ultrasound image of a kidney from a cat with lymphoma.

21 Oncology Topic- Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis
Figure 2. Radiograph from a cat with renal lymphoma.

22 Oncology Topic- Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis
Figure 3. Kidney from a cat with renal lymphoma.

23 Oncology Topic- Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis
Figure 4. Radiograph from a cat with mediastinal lymphoma.

24 Oncology Topic- Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis
Figure 5. Cat heart heavily infiltrated by lymphoma.

25 Oncology Topic- Mammary Gland Tumors - Dogs
Figure 1. Metastatic mammary tumor to the lung.

26 Oncology Topic-Mammary Gland Tumors - Dogs
Figure 2. Mammary tumor in a dog.

27 Oncology Topic-Mammary Gland Tumors - Dogs
Figure 3. Mammary adenocarcinoma in a dog.

28 Oncology Topic-Mammary Gland Tumors - Dogs
Figure 4. Inflammatory mammary tumor in a dog.

29 Oncology Topic- Mast Cell Tumors
Figure 1. Inguinal mast cell tumor—dog.

30 Oncology Topic- Mast Cell Tumors Figure 2. Mast cell tumor—dog.

31 Oncology Topic- Mast Cell Tumors
Figure 3. Mast cell tumor in dog, on side.

32 Oncology Topic- Mast Cell Tumors
Figure 4. Multicentric mast cell tumor—dog.

33 Oncology Topic- Melanocytic Tumors, Skin and Digit
Figure 1. Malignant melanoma on the digit of a dog.

34 Oncology Topic- Mesothelioma
Figure 1. Cytology obtained by thoracocentesis from a dog with mesothelioma.

35 Oncology Topic- Mesothelioma
Figure 2. Radiograph of a thorax of a dog with mesothelioma.

36 Oncology Topic- Ovarian Tumors
Figure 1. Ovarian papillary cystadencarcinoma from a dog.

37 Oncology Topic-Sertoli Cell Tumor
Figure 1. Hypoadrenocorticism in Cats Microcardia and Decreased Lung Perfusion.

38 Oncology Topic- Sertoli Cell Tumor
Figure 2. Feminizing changes and alopecia in a dog with Sertoli cell tumor.

39 Oncology Topic- Sertoli Cell Tumor
Figure 3. Same dog as in previous figure but after castration for Sertoli tumor treatment.

40 Oncology Topic-Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Gingiva
Figure 1. Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity.

41 Oncology Topic- Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Gingiva
Figure 2. Gingival squamous cell carcinoma in a ca.

42 Oncology Topic- Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Skin
Figure 1. Ulcerative lesions typical of squamous cell carcinoma.

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