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2 Service Oriented Architecture
Presenter: Madhav Abhyankar

3 What is SOA Wikipedia: A SOA is an architectural style where in services are provided to the other components by application components, through a communication protocol over a network. W3C: A set of components which can be invoked, and whose interface descriptions can be published and discovered

4 Principles of SOA Explicit Boundaries Standardized Contract Autonomous
Loose Coupling Abstraction Reusable Stateless Discoverable Composable Vendor independent Policy driven

5 Benefits of SOA Loose coupling Testability
Availability and Scalability Parallel development Reusability

6 SOA Patterns Logic Centralization Asynchronous Queuing
Event Driven Messaging Enterprise Service bus Service Façade Authentication Broker Callback

7 Challenges Service Identification Granularity Location
Messaging standards Service Governance Deployment and Maintenance Service Identification: What Business functionalities are proved by a service Service Granualarity: Optimal Location: Where should the service live in an enterprise Messaging Standards: Protocal – Think about protocall bridging  Bringing SOA to life, he observed, "is a lot like delivering a baby — it requires a copious nurturing, understanding, labor, and ultimately … pushing.

8 SOA in our Enterprise Change in mindset
Isolating components Contract Design Database independence Authorization Review vendor driven “SOA” applications Inter service communication channel and protocol

9 Micro Service Pattern Extension of SOA patterns
Loose coupling Single Contract Responsibility and Ownership

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