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THROUGH MY EYES PAVEL DVOŘÁK future student from grade one

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1 THROUGH MY EYES PAVEL DVOŘÁK future student from grade one
Albrechtice, Nová Louka / language camp

2 I want to share my experiences from an English education summer camp with you. I have already enjoyed this camp twice and you should visit it, too.

3 The camp is carried out by Mrs
The camp is carried out by Mrs. Grant who leads a private school - Grant Language School in České Budějovice. The camp takes place mostly in the first two weeks in July in a holiday centre Nová Louka, not far from Albrechtice nad Vltavou ( near Týn nad Vltavou).

4 We live in small wooden huts
We live in small wooden huts. It is fine that near our huts there is a pond with a beach where we go swimming. When it isn't the best weather, we can play tennis on courts, basketball and volleyball or table tennis and gulf. Everywhere around there are forests you can enjoy plenty of adventure in. There is also a meadow near the camp you can play football in.

5 Don't think this English language camp is just full of studying like at school. We use English during various games and in tests. We also get the assignments of various tasks in English. Sometimes it is quite fun, mainly if we don´t exactly know what we are supposed to do. Each year a different main game is played for the whole camp stay. Last year we had a competition between "Americans and Englishmen" and we even made a nautical battle on handmade rafts. This year the main game setting was four wart colleges and quidditch. Sometimes we finished some mutual game fights at the camp fire. It wasn´t so important who won finally. The sweet reward for winners was eaten by all of us in the end.

6 I don´t know how many English words have been left in our heads but we didn´t want to go home. And I know I am looking forward to going to the camp the next summer again.

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