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Data Analysis & Conclusion

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1 Data Analysis & Conclusion
Take out your data from the seed germination and growth lab And a flash drive if you have one You should have typed out the title thru the data/observations portion of your lab report already. If not, you will begin with the rest of the class on the graphs and complete what you have missed if time permits.

2 Data Analysis of the Class Data
The data must be analyzed with the purpose of answering the research question: Does placing a seed in fish nutrient water affect the germination and growth of a __________ plant? You will need to produce a _____ graph for your group’s data You will also need to produce a _____ graph for your entire class’ data

3 Excel Graphs – You will need to produce a _____ graph for your group’s data You will also need to produce a _____ graph for your entire class’ data Excel data formated for graphing – Topics on the first row Categories in the column before the data Data under the appropriate topic (column) After adding your graphs to your report, write a paragraph explaining what both graphs show. No inferences only facts

4 Conclusion Write this in 3 paragraph form: Paragraph 1
Introduce and Restate Problem – this is the same as the research question Content - what did you learn from the experiment to help you answer the research question? Real world example - How would this be used in the real world? Paragraph 2 Introduce and Restate Hypothesis – Write your hypothesis here (it does not matter if you were correct or not, just that you are honest) The hypothesis is – choose either validated or refuted and state it in a sentence. Explain how the evidence validates or refutes the hypothesis – use the data numbers from your chart/graph to as examples to explain how your evidence validates (matches) or refutes (does not match) your hypothesis Explain how the evidence answers the problem – use the data numbers as examples to explain what you did learn from the experiment. Paragraph 3 Error Analysis – Explain what areas of the experiment could have given your class error. What kinds of things could go wrong in the experiment, based on technique, environment, lab tools and instruments, or human error? How to Improve Lab – What could we do to eliminate or lessen the errors caused by technique, environment, lab tools and instruments, or human error?

5 Peer Editing Sit in working pairs
Take out your planner and write the assignment Seed Germination Lab Report Due Sept. 4 – Period 1 and 2 Due Sept. 5 – Period 3, 4, 5, 6 Take out your Seed Germination Lab Report Papers Pre-Lab Write-Up Class Data Chart Conclusion

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