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Requirements Executive Overview Workshop Welcome!

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1 Requirements Executive Overview Workshop Welcome!
RQM403 Requirements Executive Overview Workshop Welcome! Requirements Management Certification Training

2 affordable solutions to current warfighting needs
RQM 403 Learning Outcomes Recognize importance of relationships among requirements, PPBE, and acquisition communities [“Big A” context] Analyze how open communications among the acquisition, resourcing and requirements communities can optimize warfighter capabilities across the acquisition life cycle Appreciate the roles of stakeholders responsible for clarification, approval, acquisition, and advocacy of warfighter requirements Partnering among requirements, acquisition, and resourcing communities to discover on better ways to deliver and sustain affordable solutions to current warfighting needs DSMC Values: Character; Integrity; Teamwork; Innovation; Trust

3 Knowledge and Skills Development for Requirements Managers and Leaders
Requirements Management Certification Training (RMCT) Model Level C Certification Level B Level A Level D Executive Certification RQM 413 Senior Leader Requirements Course 4-star GO/FO, Agency Head hours online 1-week classroom 1-day Classroom Requirements originators and support CLR 101 Introduction to JCIDS RQM 310 Advanced Concepts and Skills for Requirements Management RQM 403 Requirements Executive Overview Workshop 1-3 star GO/FO, SES Tailored Desktop Discussion RQM 110 Core Concepts for Requirements Management 4 - 6 hours online Core Plus Courses (online) CLR 151 Analysis of Alternatives CLR 250 Capability-Based Assessments CLR 252 Developing Performance Attributes Requirements writers and developers Requirements presenters and trainers Make decisions Set priorities Approve & Validate JCIDS Documents Core Courses – Mandatory for RM Certification Core Plus Courses (aka “Just-In-Time”) -- Not Required for Cert Unless Directed by Component Learning and Development Support for All Customers - Military & Civilian, All Grades - VCJCS Gen Paul Selva's Introduction Video Tab 0 – DAU Overview

4 Strategic Workforce Management
Requirements Management certification process governed by DoD components Civilian RM Role: Program Continuity Military RM Role: “Warfighter” Perspective Typical Tour of Duty: Career Requirements/JCIDS Experience: Typically Most Knowledgeable (as long as maintaining currency w/ changes) Operational Experience: Probably not current Training Timeline: Unlimited Career Progression (but must maintain currency w/ JCIDS changes) Certification Standards: Similar to DAW – DAU Training, Experience, Education Typical Tour of Duty: 18 months – 2 years Requirements/JCIDS Experience: Very Limited (if any) Operational Experience: Current experience critical Training Timeline: ASAP (within the first months of tour) Certification Standards: Similar to DAW – DAU Training, Experience, Education

5 DAU Roles Reach Beyond our Campuses A Global Learning Environment
A foundation of continuous learning and development opportunities to the requirements and acquisition workforce Learning in the workplace via web assets, online communities, lunch ‘n learns… embedded support, on demand Empowered workforce performance via Mission Assistance [consulting, rapidly deployed and targeted training] Assistance at the Point of Need

6 Accessible By Our Customers
Midwest Region Capital/Northeast Region & Defense Systems Mgmt College Midwest Region Mid-Atlantic Region South Region Part of your community, partners in service to our warfighters

7 Online Learning Assets at:
DAU Training & CL Courses Online Resources Consulting Services Defense Acquisition Guidebook Communities of Practice ACQuipedia DAU Knowledge Repository

8 Mission Assistance Portfolio
Strategic Planning Establishes organizational goals, imperatives & measures Identifies key process enablers Builds consensus Performance-centric Various Workshops “Hands-on” and collaborative Either activity or event-based Spotlights major challenges ahead Solution-based Executive Coaching Helps Senior Leaders achieve their Extraordinary Futures Focused on high-level AT&L interest areas “Quick learn” venue Tailorable One-on-one Defense Acquisition Executive Overview Workshop (DAEOW) Team Training Wide variety of courses (over 40!) Intended for cohort groups Ideal for on-site workplace setting Some can be tailored Outcome-based MA Targeted Training List.aspx Leverages Survey tools MDAPs/non-MDAPS Identifies problems Uses multiple data collection methods Involves intensive analyses Actionable results Consulting ACQ 450/452/453 Hybrids Focused on stakeholders & specific workplace challenges Customer-centric Pre-Milestone/Gate Reviews Preparatory Serves as “dry run”opportunity Better Buying Power

9 Connect with Us On… Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn
/DAUNow Twitter @DAUNow Instagram @DAU_Now LinkedIn /Defense-acquisition-university Flickr /defenseacquisitionuniversity

10 DSMC Values: Character, Integrity, Teamwork, Innovation, Trust
Our Learning Climate Engage and challenge our faculty and each other Non-attribution Leave with your questions asked & answered Consider DAU a resource before, during, and after your course Have fun DSMC Values: Character, Integrity, Teamwork, Innovation, Trust

11 We’d Like to Stay Connected With You
DSMC Dean Pat Wills, , Associate Dean for Requirements, Executive & International Programs Maryann Watson, , Associate Dean for Outreach & Mission Assistance John Mueller, , DSMC Director, Requirements Center Tony Romano, , DSMC Values: Character; Integrity; Teamwork; Innovation; Trust Assistance at Your Point of Need

12 Questions?

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