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FUNGI Eukaryotic, spore-bearing, heterotrophic organisms that produce extracellular enzymes and absorb their nutrition.

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Presentation on theme: "FUNGI Eukaryotic, spore-bearing, heterotrophic organisms that produce extracellular enzymes and absorb their nutrition."— Presentation transcript:

1 FUNGI Eukaryotic, spore-bearing, heterotrophic organisms that produce extracellular enzymes and absorb their nutrition.

2 JAMUR ■ Natural decomposers of organic matter – saprophytic
■ Plant pathogens ● Obligate parasites, species dependent eg rusts and mildews ● Facultative parasites eg smut fungi

3 ■ Industrial importance
● Fermentation processes eg yeasts in beers, wines (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) ● Antibiotic production eg Penicillium notatum (penicillin)

4 ■ Human and animal pathogens –
superficial and systemic mycoses & allergies ■ Mycotoxins ■ Research – genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology

5 Characteristics of fungi
■ Eukaryotes ■ No chlorophyl (distinguishes them from plants and algae) ■ Unicellular to filamentous ■ Rigid cell wall

6 ■ Spore bearing stages in the life cycle
■ Usually reproduce by sexual and asexual ■ Insensitive to antibacterial antibiotics

7 Spores - a minute propagative unit functioning
as a seed, but differing from it in that a spore does not contain a preformed embryo

8 Fruiting body - any complex fungal structure that contains or bears spores; a sporocarp

9 TUBUH VEGETATIF ■ unicellular (yeast),
■ filamentous, or both (=dimorphic) ■ Hypha (pl. hyphae) is the basic “cellular” unit in filamentous fungi; they may be septate or coenocytic (aseptate); collectively a mycelium



12 Rizomorf Rizoid

13 Heterotrophic Secrete extracellular enzymes Absorptive nutrition Saprobes: decay dead organic matter pathogens: biotroph, necrotroph symbionts: parasites - commensals - mutualists



16 mitokondria Dinding sel Badan golgi glikogen mikrotubul vakuola Membran sitoplasma Inti sel Retikulum endoplasma ribosom



19 Asexual reproduction ■ Asexual spore formation:
• chlamydospores (formed within sporangia) • conidia (formed naked at tips of hyphae) ■ Budding (cell division) ■ Fragmentation (of mycelium)


21 Sporangium Peronosclerospora maydis

22 Phytophthora sp. Aspergillus sp. Alternaria sp. Fusarium sp.

23 Phytium sp. Helminthosporium

24 Pertunasan (budding) pada khamir (yeast)

25 Sexual spores ■ Some fungi also produce sexual spores as a
result of sexual reproduction – Result of fusion of • unicellular gametes or • specialised hyphae (gametangia)

26 • from the fusion of 2 haploid cells to yield a diploid
cell which then undergoes meiosis and mitosis to yield individual spores • The nature of the spore depends on the group of fungus – Ascospores (Ascomycetes) – Basidiospores (Basidiomycetes) – Zygospores (Zygomycetes)

27 Ascospores (Ascomycetes)


29 Pembentukan spora seksual pada kelas Basidiomycetes

30 Basidiospore

31 Zygospore Spora seksual pada kelas Zygomycetes

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