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The Importance of Humanities in the Professions

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1 The Importance of Humanities in the Professions
Name Institutional affiliations

2 Introduction This presentation aims at elaborating the role that knowledge on humanity plays in regard to the profession in elementary school teaching. To elaborate this the presentation shall look at three creative works from three different disciplines. These disciplines include: Literature (Death of Ivan Ilyich) Two dimensional visual art ( drawing on dance of death) Music ( I wish, 2000)

3 “I wish”, 2000 This work belongs to the music discipline.
The song was sang by an artist named R. Kelly in the year 2000. The title of the song is “I wish”

4 Dance of death The art work “dance of death” belongs to a two dimensional visual art due to it being in the form of a drawing(Preston & Child, 2005). This drawing was in different versions by different artists but in this case the paper talks of the drawing version done by Michael Wolgemut The title of Michael Wolgemut’s work is “dance of death”

5 Death of Ivan Ilyich The art work “death of Ivan Ilyich” belongs to literature work based on a Novella. The novella was written by Leo Tolstoy in the year 1886 The tittle of the literature novella is “death of Ivan Ilyich”

6 Thesis statement The three selected works from different disciplines music, drawing and literature all fall under the same thematic umbrella by depicting the inevitability of death as their main theme.

7 Literary work description
Objective analysis refers to an analysis that has no influence of emotions, personal feelings and opinion. The analysis as seen in the discussion below is based on factual ideas that are measurable and questionable (Press, 2003). The literary work “death of Ivan Ilyich” takes the form of a novella through being in the form of a short story. The subject matter of the story is death. It talks about the long and painful process of death in the society. Additionally, it talks about life by explaining between artificial and authentic life.

8 “death of Ivan Ilyich” summary
In “death of Ivan Ilyich” the author has approached the subject matter of death in different aspects within the story. The story talks of Ivan Ilyich living a care free life and through an intolerable marriage. The man despite having moved up the social ladder falls and hurts himself while hanging curtains He then begins his suffering from the pain of his fall and becomes irritable towards his family and his condition becomes terminal (Tolstoy & Briggs, 2006). However, Ivan Ilyich in the painful death process argues that he does not deserve the suffering owing to the belief that he lived his life right. Ivan Ilyich later dies after making a clear split between artificial life characterized by fear of death and authentic life characterized by compassion and sympathy.

9 Two dimensional visual art ( drawing on dance of death)
Michael Wolgemut in drawing “dance of death” has used the late- medieval allegory genre of art to present the artistic work. He has also used pictorial drawing as a media to convey his message The subject matter of the drawing is on the power of death. In addition to that the picture portrays the fact that death comes to everyone eventually. Death therefore, unites all individuals in the society despite of their differences.

10 Techniques in “dance of death”
The author of “Dance of death” has used pictorial drawing as a media technique to convey his message. He has also used the technique of wood cut to differentiate his drawing from that of other artists. He has also used a unique shedding technique in his art work that makes the drawing unique differentiating it from those of other artists in the same discipline.

11 “Dance of death” drawing

12 elements of artistic composition
Michael Wolgemut has used various elements in his drawing named “dance of death” among the elements used include: Texture Shape Space Color These four elements have been used for various purposes in the drawing such as provide contrast, emphasis, balance and movement. For example space on the bodies has been used to create emphasis on the skeletal structure of the individuals dancing.

13 Music as work of art The song, “I wish” was composed and sang by a music artist named by R. Kelly in the year 2000. The artist has incorporated various genres in the song that include R &B, hip hop and soul. The artist has brought out his message through the form of language. he has used music as a media to convey his message The subject matter of the art is on death. Difficulty in copying with death also comes out as a subject matter. Lastly, the damages and loss brought by death also comes out as a subject.

14 Techniques in “I Wish” The artist has differentiated his work from the rest in the same discipline through use of various genres. The artist has also used stressing technique to differentiate his work from the rest. For example he stresses on “good old days…”

15 Artistic composition elements
The song “I wish” by R. Kelly has incorporated various elements of artistic composition. Among the elements incorporated include: Rhythm Design Song composition Tone All these composition elements have been used to make the song unique, attractive, easy to master and appealing to the audience. For example the tone used captures the attention of listeners.

16 Subjective meaning in Death of Ivan Ilyich
subjective analysis refers to an analysis based on emotions, aesthetics and personal feelings making it open to greater interpretation as seen in the below discussion (Press, 2003). From the novella “death of Ivan Ilyich”, we see that life has more than what is seen and one deserves to live an authentic life rather than artificial life. Having seen the pain and suffering that Ivan experiences in the face of death for having lived an artificial life, we can therefore say living an authentic life is the life one deserves to live. The novella also tries to bring out the importance of creating good relationships in the society through acceptable morals like self sacrifice, pity and compassion for others rather than being selfish and materialistic.

17 Mood of the novella “Death of Ivan Ilyich”
Various moods come out of the novella as seen below: Sadness- through the pain that Ivan Ilyich faces Anger- through the feeling that Ivan Ilyich has over why he suffers despite having lived right. Empathy- seen through Gerasim actions towards Ivan Ilyich in his pain Sickness- seen through the pain that Ivan Ilyich faces Loneliness- depicted through Ivan Ilyich in his pain

18 Theme in the novella “death of Ivan Ilyich”
In the novella “death of Ivan Ilyich” various themes come out however, for this discussion we shall base our idea on one major theme seen below The inevitability of death- this theme indicates that death is inevitable and everyone needs to prepare for it through having a proper attitude towards life and living an authentic life.

19 Reaching conclusions on theme, mood and personal interpretation
I reached a conclusion on the theme, personal interpretation and mood of the novella through personal evaluation of what I feel about my reading of the novella in terms of emotions, thoughts and the manner in which characters come out.

20 Subjective meaning in “dance of death”
From the drawing ‘dance of death”, my personal interpretation is that as one dies there is life after death and for this reason the skeletons dance as a form of welcoming the dead into a new life away from the previous life of an individual. The living on the other hand dance as a sign of celebration for having accomplished one journey of life hence escort the dead into its new life through dance.

21 The mood in “dance of death”
The drawing “dance of death” depicts various moods as listed below Joy- the dancing indicate a joyful mood in the picture Love- this also comes out through the dance performed for the dead Sadness- death itself depicts a sad mood in the picture as its viewed as a sad incident to loose a person Loneliness- the escort despite the living dancing loneliness comes from departure

22 Theme in the “dance of death”
Inevitability of death comes out as the main theme in the drawing “dance of death”. The celebration as a sign of escort indicates that one can not evade dead and it’s a life journey that people pass through into another life.

23 Reaching conclusions on theme, mood and personal interpretation
I arrived at the theme, mood and personal interpretation of the drawing through considering the emotions that the drawing brings in me and the feeling that the drawing draws from me.

24 Subjective interpretation of “I wish”
My personal interpretation of the musical art by Kelly is that death is inevitable and when one dies the living have to live with the loss, loneliness and the void left by the dead. Death leaves memories behind that came from the bonds and relationships one forms before death hence, calling for the living to live a good life.

25 The mood in the song “I wish”
The song “ I wish “ creates different moods Sadness- despite of the many years the artist still finds it hard to cope with loss Happiness/ joy- this comes through memories of activities engaged in in the past before experiencing the loss Love- the pain and grief that Kelly feels is as a result of previous love for his friend

26 Theme in “ I wish” The theme that comes out of the song “I wish “ is inevitability of death. Despite of the strong friendship that Kelly had with his friend and the love neither him nor his friend could evade the power of death. Death comes unexpectedly and has no pity on the gap it leaves in the society

27 Reaching conclusions on theme, mood and personal interpretation
I used my personal feelings on the song, the emotions aroused by the song and past experience to arrive at a conclusion on theme, mood and personal interpretation of the song

28 Analysis of relationships of the works
Similarities All these three arts despite of the difference in disciplines they all have death as a subject matter in all the three disciplines The three also share some moods of the arts such as loneliness, sadness, and love Additionally, all these three forms of art have a similar theme in them. The theme of inevitability of death comes out clearly in the three forms of art despite the difference in the disciplines and art.

29 Analysis of relationships of the works
Differences From the three disciplines of art despite of the close similarities, it also has a slight difference. Despite of the similarity in subject matter they all portray death in a different angle. Additionally, their mood varies as one is happy while the other sad. Lastly, they have all portrayed the theme inevitability of death in different and unique manner

30 Use of similarities and differences
Similarities and differences has been used in the three disciplines of art to enhance understanding of the theme and mood of the works. The similarities depict the close relationships that exist in the artistic work The differences on the other hand help in indicating how different arts can help bring out different moods and themes despite of the close relationship that may exist in their interpretation

31 How theme, mood and meaning shed light on the human condition
The theme inevitability of death shed light on human condition by making people live right knowing death can strike any time. The Sad mood exhibited in the works makes people fear death while happiness and joy makes people accept death knowing they lived right. The meaning of the three arts creates different light on human condition. First “dance of death”, enables people to celebrate death and “death of Ivan” makes people want to live right and lastly, “I wish” makes people want to create relationships before its too late and accept death when it comes.

32 Relationship of theme, mood and meaning to profession
The theme, inevitability of death relates to elementary education profession by enabling the teachers to accept when they loose their colleagues and even students. The moods relate to elementary school profession through the many themes that both colleagues and students exhibit in the daily learning. The meaning of the art works also relates to the profession by indicating that death should not only be sad but celebrated for the life well lived as indicated by “ dance of death”.

33 Value of humanity knowledge to profession
Humanity knowledge plays significant roles in the elementary profession as seen below: The knowledge helps to motivate and mentor the students into being responsible citizens It also helps enable one to understand and know the problems that students encounter Enables one understand the factors affecting societies through equipping one with knowledge to understand and plan for the future

34 conclusion Art through literacy, drawing, and novella as seen in the discussion above helps in conveying important and complex message to the society in a simple manner It is therefore, right to conclude by saying that different art disciplines can convey similar ideas and message through having similar meaning and moods attached to the work as seen above. Knowledge on humanity helps in profession by giving a better understanding of the community and occurrences through various happenings to an individual.

35 references Press, S. J. (2003). Subjective and objective Bayesian statistics: Principles, models, and applications. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience. Preston, D. J., & Child, L. (2005). Dance of death. New York: Warner Books. Tolstoy, L., & Briggs, A. (2006). The death of Ivan Ilyich. London: Penguin.

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