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Trends in the Periodic Table

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Presentation on theme: "Trends in the Periodic Table"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends in the Periodic Table
Properties Shielding Trends Atomic Radius Ionic Radius Ionization Energy Electronegativity

2 Properties Elements in the same column (group) have similar properties but not identical properties. _________ Reactivity of metals increases down and to the left ______________ Noble gasses are …

3 TeachWithFergy Preview File
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4 The Periodic Table

5 The Periodic Table

6 Alkali Metals – Group 1 Atoms of the alkali metals have a single electron in their outermost level ___________ They react violently with water and so are never found free in nature.

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8 Transition Metals – Group 3-12
They are good conductors of heat and electricity Form coloured ions Have varied valences Show catalytic activity Iron Metal Gold

9 Metalloids Have properties of both metals and non-metals B – Boron
Si – Silicon As – Arsenic Te – Tellurium Po – Polonium

10 Halogens – Group 17 Noble Gases – Group 18
They are very reactive and are therefore never found free in nature. They occur as diatomics Have 7 valence electrons Chlorine Gas Noble Gases – Group 18 They have a full outer energy level and are not reactive Neon signs are created using a combination of nobel gases which gives them their different colours

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13 Trends There are 4 trends in the Periodic Table: Atomic Radius
Ionic Radius Ionization Energy __________

14 Atomic Radius (AR) Is half the distance between the nuclei of 2 atoms of the same element Across a Period: AR decreases as … Down a Group: AR increases as the ____________

15 Atomic Radius

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17 Ionic Radius ANIONS (-’ve ions)
Are larger than the neutral state because: The +'ve charge per # of electrons has decreased ____________

18 Ionization Energy Is the amount of ___________________________ from an atom or ion in the gaseous state A "gaseous atom" means an atom that is all by itself (not bonded to others in a solid or a liquid state) 1st Ionization energy: the amount of energy required to _____________ 2nd Ionization energy: the …

19 Ionization Energy Increases:
From left to right as the number of protons increases which makes it more difficult to rip an electron away due to the ___________ As you move up a column since the valence e- _____________

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21 Check Your Understanding
Is the 2nd ionization energy going to be greater than, less than, or equal to the 1st ionization energy? Answer: _____________ ____________ ______

22 Electronegativity ____________
Assigned values of 0 to Fluorine is the most electronegative atom with an electronegativity of Fluorine has the highest attraction for electrons of an atom on the periodic table The trend …

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