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HSA Review: Bill of Rights.

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1 HSA Review: Bill of Rights

2 Answer in a complete sentence
Success Criteria 5/1/2017 1.We can identify the purpose of the Bill of Rights.  2.We can compare and contrast our due process rights. 3.We can close read scenarios in order to determine which right is discussed. 4.We can evaluate the effectiveness of the Bill of Rights by writing arguments. Answer in a complete sentence Do students have the same rights inside of school as they do outside of it? Why or why not? Do you think this is right? Why or why not?

3 House Cleaning Coach Class Tuesday Lock-In!
HSA Date! June 1st or June 2nd I need make up work by next TUESDAY to count for Progress Reports Notebook Quiz make ups

4 HSA Review Unit 4 – Rights & Responsibilities
Today we begin with The Bill of Rights

5 Origin of the Bill of Rights
The first 10 amendments to the constitution that outline the individual rights given to citizens that cannot be taken from the gov’t

6 Entitlements Anti-Federalists Federalists
Wanted to pass the constitution with a strong central gov’t and NO Bill of Rights Anti-Federalists Wanted a weak central gov’t and the Bill of Rights

7 Bill of Rights 1st Amendment 2nd Amendment
Right to freedoms of Speech, Religion, Press, & Assembly cannot be taken away 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms (own a gun)

8 Due Process Rights 4th Amendment Exclusionary Rule
Protection against illegal searches and seizures. Gov’t must have probable cause or a search warrant to search you Exclusionary Rule Evidence gathered illegally cannot be used in court

9 Due Process Rights 5th Amendment
1. No Double Jeopardy = someone cannot be tried for same crime twice 2. Protected Against Self-Incrimination (You don’t have to testify against yourself in court) (i.e. Your Right to Plead the 5th) 3. Right to Due Process (the gov’t has to follow the law when arresting you)

10 Due Process Rights 6th Amendment
People have the right to a speedy (fast) and public trial by jury. Also have the right to a lawyer

11 Rest of the BoR 7th Amendment 8th Amendment
Right to a trial by a jury in a civil case if enough money is at stake 8th Amendment Protection against cruel and unusual punishment

12 Rest of the BoR 9th Amendment 10th Amendment
Citizens have rights even if they are not directly listed in the Bill of Rights 10th Amendment Any powers not given directly to the federal gov’t are given to the states

13 What Amendment Is This? 1st

14 What Amendment Is This? 2nd

15 What Amendment Is This? 6th

16 What Amendment Is This? 8th

17 What Amendment Is This? 1st

18 What Amendment Is This? 8th

19 What Amendment Is This? 1st

20 What Amendment Is This? 2nd

21 What Amendment Is This? 5th

22 What Amendment Is This? 6th

23 What Amendment Is This? 4th

24 Bill of Rights Gallery Walk
Read the scenario presented and decide which amendment is presented. In the next box, write one sentence explaining WHY this is the correct amendment.

25 Quick /1/2017 The exclusionary rule states that prosecutors may not use illegally obtained evidence in court. Do the advantages of the rule outweigh the disadvantages? Explain why or why not.

26 Quick /1/2017 “It is better to allow 100 guilty men to go free than to lock up 1 innocent man.” How does this quote relate to the Due Process Rights we looked at today? Do you agree with the quote? Why or why not?

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