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MENTEP main components and milestones

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1 MENTEP main components and milestones
MENTEP first partners’ meeting Brussels, 14 April 2015 MENTEP main components and milestones Patricia Wastiau European Schoolnet

2 MENTEP will: Develop an online tool (common core prototype based on existing similar tools) for teachers to self-assess progress in technology-enhanced teaching (TET) competence Test the tool’s impact on TET competence and peer learning in field trials: Provide policy-makers with a national and EU picture of teachers’ TET competence, its evolution over a school year and training needs

3 Protocol’s and sampling Nat. field trials coordinators training 1
Countries with assessment tool (NO, EE, EL, ES?) Countries without assessment tool All countries Literature review Assessment: self-, peer-, online, etc. TET competence Country initiatives M 1 – March 2015 Partners’ meeting 1 (March 2015) Scientific Committee (3, 4 members) Comparing existing tools Analysing existing tools Protocol’s and sampling Strategy definition by IRVAPP (+EUN) with validation by country representatives during meeting 2 Partners’ meeting 2 (June 2015) Existing tools adjusted Common prototype tool MOOC 1 What it takes to assess the TET competence? M 8 – Oct 2015 Partners’ meeting 3 (Oct. 2015) EU certification Content issues MoE workshop 1 (Oct 2015) Nat. field trials coordinators training 1 meeting (Bxls) by IRVAPP & EUN (sampling’s strategy & protocol) Nomination of nat. field trials coord. Eco-systems dev. Online tools’ tech. dev. M 9 – Nov 2015 Sampling (country level) by IRVAPP Schools’ lists for sampling M Dec 2015 M 11 – Jan 2016 Recruiting sampled schools M 11 – Jan 2016 MOOC 2 Why to use sampling in schools for ? How to proceed? Partners’ meeting 4 (Feb 2016) EU certification Content issues MoE workshop 2 (Feb 2016) Nat. field trials coordin. training 2 (Feb. 2016) M March 2016 IRVAPP/EUN visiting countries (March/April 2016) Sampling teachers in schools Preparing protocol’s implement Eco-systems and online self assess. tools operational and inter connected M 15 – April/May 2016 Testing policy experimentation’s protocol Nat. field trials coordin. training 3 + Partners’ meeting 4 (June 2016)

4 Policy experimentation’s protocol operational EU certification
Mini virtual learning env. MoE workshop 3 (Sept 2016) M 19 – Sept. 2016 Field trials implementation general coordination Field trials starting September 2016 in all sampled schools in all participating countries Benchmark survey of all sampled teachers (test and control groups) Treatment applied to the test groups’ teachers EU certification Mini virtual learning env. MoE workshop 4 (Jan 2017) Nat. field trials coordin. meeting 4 (Jan. 2017) Re-test survey of all sampled teachers MOOC 3 Why to use policy experiments for? How to proceed? M 27 – May 2017 Field trials ending May/June 2017 in all sampled schools in all participating countries M 28 – June 2017 Data centralisation, cleaning and weighting (by IRVAPP) M 31 – Oct 2017 EU certification Feasibil. Report + prototype MoE workshop 5 (Oct. 2017) MoE meeting 5 (Oct 2017) First data analysis (econometrics by IRVAPP) Experimentation results eval. by country Trans national evaluation Trans national peer review (clusters) Self evaluation M 34 – Dec 2018 MOOC 4 What did we learn from the MENTEP policy experimentation? End results evaluation and recommendations for upscaling M 36 – Feb 2018 Final dissemination conference

5 MENTEP literature review
Purpose: Identify existing (online) (self-) assessment tools of the Technology-enhanced teaching competence and learn from it Clarify the dimensions/areas to be covered by the technology-enhanced teaching competence Understand the conditions for teachers online self-assessment to be implemented properly Deadline: May 2015 (to fuel discussion at the next partners’ meeting in June) Writers: Scientific Committee experts Janet Looney and Diana Laurillard (+ EUN) Dissemination: written document + 1st MOOC (produced by end of June 2015)

6 MENTEP common core prototype tool (TET-SAT)
Guided by the literature review Inspired by the existing tools (Norway, Estonia, Greece, Spain) Define the main competence areas: safe and responsible use? digital production? Technology-enhanced pedagogy? etc. Define the competence sub-areas within each main area Decide to which extent the operational competence, attitude and opinion has to be covered by/integrated into the tool Guidance from external experts (Scientific Committee + others) Deadline: end of October 2015 (for translation and technical develop.)

7 TET-SAT/MENTEP common core prototype tool: the constraints
A self-assessment approach (a political choice) The tool must define different levels for each sub area of competence These levels must correspond to scores (even if transparent for the users) It must be informative/formative to the users (no numbered scale), and user-friendly Closed type of questions (tick boxes) because: a multiple language tool a ‘sustainable’ tool a reasonably ‘quick to do’ test

8 MENTEP national field trials coordinators
3 training meetings (Brussels) Understanding the sampling strategy and protocol (October 2015) Progress and issues with the sampling being processed (January 2016) Possible visits on site (IRVAPP, EUN) if needed Feed-back after the pre test in a few schools ; final preparation before launching the field trials in September 2016 2nd MOOC on why, when and how to use sampling of/in schools

9 MENTEP eco-system EUN Academy:
EUN Academy: access to all running courses about technology enhanced teaching National portals: Existing or to be created In national language Promoting existing training resources and digital teaching resources

10 Time for questions…

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