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National Dialogue on Integrated Employment and Social Policies the next steps from the Employment Perspective Sukti Dasgupta.

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Presentation on theme: "National Dialogue on Integrated Employment and Social Policies the next steps from the Employment Perspective Sukti Dasgupta."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Dialogue on Integrated Employment and Social Policies the next steps from the Employment Perspective Sukti Dasgupta

2 EP development: where are we and what do we need to do?
MOLVT has requested ILO support for NEP, within the framework of the NSDP and the Rectangular strategy. As part of the ILO/EU project on Employment and Social Protection, a concept note on issues for Employment Policy for Cambodia has been prepared and disseminated, another paper on integrating EP and SP – many capacity building workshops held including with TUs. NEXT STEPS USING EU/ILO PRJECT INPUTS : Carry out in-depth studies on specific issues _ such as rural sector, opportunities for migration that is legal and protected Identify sectoral and macro policies to support priority sectors, such as SME Setting up of interministerial committee TRIPARTIE and INTERMINISTERIAL consultation on priorities PREPARE EP with action plan for govt consideration

3 THE VISION for an SP integrated EP : A well functioning labour market that supports Cambodia s growth with equity Preparing the youth to face the labour market, to equip them with necessary skills that market demands Institutions to match skills to demand to adapt and adjust to changing skill requirements of the market Support the poor during job search with basic income security and ALMPs Creating an enabling environment for good jobs to grow through sectoral and macroeconomic focus , extending protection to those jobs which are not protected Providing supportive mechanisms to enhance productivity, protection and security, and promote social justice

4 SP integrated EP with focus on young people: the framework
DEMAND SIDE Sectoral policies for garments, agriculture, tourism and construction – where is productive employment growing? What other new sectors need attention? Industrial policy for diversification? Prospects for international migration Entreprenuership development - credit? market? 96.6% of establishments are unregistered (Economic Census 2011) Public Works for employment creation SUPPLY SIDE Skills mismatch – appropriate skill development- what kind of new skills needed? Wage policies MATCHING DEMAND AND SUPPLY, MATCHING SOCIAL PROTECTION WITH EMPL Reliable labour market information systems- regular data / LMIS Job centres / One stop shop/ ALMP

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