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SSMIS and the Unified Pre-Processor (UPP)

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Presentation on theme: "SSMIS and the Unified Pre-Processor (UPP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SSMIS and the Unified Pre-Processor (UPP)
Bill Bell1 and Steve Swadley2 1 European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, Reading, UK 2 US Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey

2 Overview Microwave Imager Data in NWP The SSMIS Instrument
Calibration Anomalies in F16, F17 & F18 Reflector Emission Solar Intrusions / Gain Anomalies Scan Biases Spillover Correction* SSMIS UPP data quality in NWP Summary, Conclusions & Questions

3 Planned Operational MW Imaging & Imaging/Sounding Missions
US China Russia Japan Research platforms not shown, eg: Windsat, AMSR, TMI, GMI, Mega-Tropiques …

4 Assimilation of MWI data at NWP Centres
Model/DA SSMI SSMIS AMSR-E TMI Windsat ECMWF (Europe) T1279/L91 4D-Var F15 only F16 Radiances F17/F18 Met Office (UK) N512/L70 F16 (LAS) (u,v) JMA (Japan) T959/L60 F16/F17 ENV F16 LAS radiances F18 NRL (US) T239/L42 WS/TCWV WS / TCWV F16/F17/F18 Canada 35km/L80 Sea ice Meteo-France T798/L70 Assimilated Monitored Planned in 2010

5 SSMIS Instrument 24 Channel Microwave Imager/Sounder
Conical Scan (53° Incidence Angle) 0.61 m Graphite Reflector (VDA/SiOx) Res. (km) Freq. (GHz) Imaging 12.5 km (5) km 19 – 37 (5) LAS T km (8) LAS Hum km 150, 183 (3) UAS T km (5)

6 Biases in SSMIS Radiances
Reflector Emission Solar Intrusions/ Gain Anomalies Cross Scan Biases Spillover Correction Errors Residual Doppler Signals

7 Biases in SSMIS Radiances
Reflector Emission Solar Intrusions/ Gain Anomalies Cross Scan Biases Spillover Correction Errors Residual Doppler Signals

8 Biases in SSMIS Radiances: Reflector Emission
Difference between Observation & Model (in TB space): (OB-BK) (also known as First Guess Departure) Un-corrected OB-BK / K Solar Intrusion Earth Shadow Scan Non-Uniformity

9 Frequency Dependence of the SSMIS Reflector Emission Bias
Time series of Scan Averaged OB-BK for SSMIS Channels 5 and 11 These are plots of the scan averaged OB-BK departure vs. time for channels 5 and 11 (55.5 and 183±1 GHz) for the F-16 on the left and F- 17 on the right. The horizontal GRAY bars show the times of the earth and spacecraft shadow for F-16, and the earth and solar array shadowing for F-17. The GREEN line is the reflector rim temperature for F-16, and the rear refelector temperature for F-17. F GHz Channel Shows 1.5 K Jump at emergence from Earth Shadow F GHz Channel Shows 7 K Jump at emergence from Earth Shadow ε(55.5)Rflct ~ ε(183)Rflct ~

10 Reflector emission: entering Earth shadow
Visualisation Software (DGS) Mike Werner, Aerospace Corp. Main reflector ε ≠ 0 (Imperfect VDA coating, reducing reflectivity from → ) Effects correctable, if TANT & ε known ε NOT known from pre-launch measurements, TANT measured NOT representative for F16 Main reflector exposed to direct sunlight on exiting & entering earth shadow

11 Characterising TANT & ε : Channels 2 – 7
Temp sounding channels trop – lower strat (AMSU-A like channels) Ch : ε = 0.01 6,7 : ε = 0.02 T corr = 30 – 40 K (effectively calibrating reflector emissivity using NWP T fields) Assume : Chs ( GHz) ε = 0 (Status in 2007)

12 Analysis and Verification of Root Causes
Precise Effective Conductivity Measurements Of Reflector Surfaces Using Cylindrical TE01 Mode Resonant Cavities Aluizio Prata, Jr. (USC)‏ Ezra M. Long and Shannon T. Brown (JPL)‏ A new technology was being developed by researchers at JPL and USC, to measure the effective conductivity of the reflector surfaces, and from that measurement compute the resulting emissivity.

13 Effective Conductivity and Thermal Emissivity
For Large Effective Conductivities, the approximate v and h polarized emissivities are: Effective Conductivity, σ [MS/m] Example: 183 GHz Pure Al at 300 K Өi = 18° σ = MS/m : Frequency [Hz] : Free-space permittivity [F/m] : Surface Incidence angle The equations governing the relationship between the Effective Conductivity measurements, which are independent of frequency, and the vertical and horizontal polarized emissivities at a given incidence angle and frequency. θi = 18° corresponds to the SSMIS reflector offset from the focus of the parent paraboloid. [MS/m] = MegaSiemens/m Ideally, we want an εRflct approaching that of Pure Al

14 JPL/USC Effective Conductivity Measurements
SSMIS Mass Model Bare Graphite Composite Reflector SSMIS F18 (Spare Reflector) MS/m‏ SSMIS SN03 Original F18 SSMIS SN04 Original F19 CMIS Coupon AMR Anomalous Coupons 60.0 Pure Al Reflector Emissivity Emissivity vs. Effective Conductivity Effective Conductivity vs. Computed Emissivity for various SSMIS frequencies. Clearly , the uncertainty in the current surface coating process cannot guarantee a reflector that meets the needs of precision microwave radiometry. Pre-flight measurements of this nature must be made a requirement. Effective Conductivity [MS/m] A. Prata & S. Brown,

15 Analysis and Verification of Root Causes
Roughened Surface Smooth Surface VDA* Layer Carbon Fibers of the Unidirectional Cross-Layered Tape (P75S/ERL1962) forming the Epoxy Shell 32 GHz σE = 3.4 MS/m 55 GHz ε = 32 GHz σE = 33 MS/m 55 GHz ε = JPL surface roughening methods included differing degrees of Scotch- Brite applications. Yes, Scotch-Brite scrubbing pads just like the ones at home. Here is the result of aggressively applying the Scotch-Brite roughening (pressing hard). Note the discontinuous VDA layer, i.e. a poor conductor *VDA: Vapor Deposited Aluminum

16 Reflector Emission Model
Assume Reflector Emissivity can be estimated by the slope of an ensemble of:

17 F17 Ch. 3 εRflct ~ 0.019 OB-BK TRflct-OB

18 F16 Reflector Emissivity Estimates
LAS Channels 3-7, 24, DTG: F16

19 F17 Reflector Emissivity Estimates
LAS Channels 3-7, 24, DTG: F17

20 F18 F18 Reflector Emissivity Estimates
LAS Channels 3-7, 24, DTG: Verifies Pre-Flight Conductivity Measurements F18

21 Scan-Averaged OB-BK Time Series
F18 OB-BK F18 Scan-Averaged OB-BK Time Series F17 OB-BK F17 Scan-Averaged OB-BK Time Series

22 F18 OB-BK Ch 3 F17 OB-BK

23 F18 OB-BK Ch 11 F17 OB-BK

24 Biases in SSMIS Radiances
Reflector Emission Solar Intrusions/ Gain Anomalies Cross Scan Biases Spillover Correction Errors Residual Doppler Signals

25 Solar Intrusions into the Warm Calibration Load
Visualisation Software (DGS) Mike Werner, Aerospace Corp. warm load SSMIS can suffer from both DIRECT and INDIRECT (reflected) Intrusions into the warm load F16 had both Fence mitigated direct intrusions in F17 onwards Attempt to eliminate INDIRECT intrusions may have led to new problems in F18

26 Calibration anomalies: warm load solar intrusions
Effect of intrusions wc cc wl radiometer counts Brightness temperature Tb0 Tb sc UPP V2 uses modified gain data, based on Fourier filtering of the actual gain, to correct for intrusions. Direct & indirect for F16 Indirect only for F17 onwards

27 Biases in SSMIS Radiances
Reflector Emission Solar Intrusions/ Gain Anomalies Cross Scan Biases Spillover Correction Errors Residual Doppler Signals

28 F-17 SSMIS LAS Scan Dependence
Instrument dependent Due to spacecraft obstructions & RT modelling errors These biases are corrected in the UPP V2 using a fov dependent scaling factor

29 Biases in SSMIS Radiances
Reflector Emission Solar Intrusions/ Gain Anomalies Cross Scan Biases Spillover Correction Errors Residual Doppler Signals

30 Spillover Correction Errors
F15 SSMI Tscene : Estimated scene TB TREFL: Reflector temperature ε : Reflector emissivity K: Spillover factor Errors in K will be manifested as biases in TSCENE F17 SSMIS Biases are currently large for SSMIS, due to errors in imager channel spillover factors This will be critical for climate applications of the data: but not difficult to tune Bias correction / K

31 DMSP SSMIS UPP UPP Before After UPP V2 includes
Reflector Emission Corrections (F16 and F17) Spatial Averaging to reduce NEΔT to K level (NRL only) Uses Operational NGES Fourier Filtered Gain Files to Correct Gain Anomalies Produces ASCII and BUFR TDR output files at full and/or filtered resolution Performs Scan Non-uniformity corrections SSMIS UPP V2 Operational at FNMOC (F /2008, F /2009, F18 – Apr ’10) FNMOC distributes UPP data to NESDIS for use by the NWP Community The SSMIS Unified Preprocessor was jointly developed by the Met Office and NRL to specifically meet NWP DA needs. The UPP Produces SSMIS data that Meet the Stringent NWP Radiance Assimilation Accuracy Requirements for Temperature Sounding Channels Plans are to allow for user specified Averaging to meet specific application requirements. i.e. Mesoscale NWP SSMIS UAS Radiance Assimilation will also Require Pre-Processed SSMIS TDR data with the required Geomagnetic Parameters F-17 SSMIS Data Present an New Challenge for the Radiance Assimilation Community to Produce TDR Data meeting the NWP DA Requirements

32 F16 & F17 SSMIS UPP Imager Channel Data Quality: comparison with SSMI, AMSR-E and TMI
STD (FG departures) F16 – F18 SSMIS imager data quality similar to currently used imagers. (NB. Variational bias correction deals with relatively large TB biases – due to spillover correction error)

33 ECMWF MWI Upgrade (replacing F15 with F17, adding TMI)
Improved forecast fit to IR Radiances First Guess departures for HIRS, AIRS and IASI (normalised to F15+AMSR-E fits) Tropics only F15 + AMSR-E (current operations) F17 + AMSR-E F17 + AMSR-E + TMI (CY36R4)

34 ECMWF MWI Upgrade (replacing F15 with F17, adding TMI)
Improved forecast fit to MW Radiances First Guess departures for AMSU-B/MHS, AMSR-E and AMSU-A (normalised to F15+AMSR-E fits) Tropics only F15 + AMSR-E (current operations) F17 + AMSR-E F17 + AMSR-E + TMI (CY36R4)

35 ECMWF MWI Upgrade (replacing F15 with F17, adding TMI)
Improved forecasts NH SH 100 hPa 200 hPa 500 hPa degradation +5% improvement -5% T799 DJF 2009/10 RMSE Z scores CY36R4 vs current configuration

36 Summary SSMIS has become the most important MWI data set for NWP data assimilation F16 - F18 SSMIS suffer from a range of systematic biases, which has required the development of corrections & modifications to instrument design and pre-flight testing. F18 performs better than F16, but work remains to be done ! The UPP was envisaged as a community unified ‘pre-processor’, feedback welcomed. UPP data from F16 - F18 available from FNMOC, via NESDIS for NWP applications UPP-CP under development (see Joe’s talk next !)

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