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Buckeye Lake 2030: Charting the Course Together

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1 Buckeye Lake 2030: Charting the Course Together
Community Meeting IV January 21, 2017 Buckeye Lake 2030: Charting the Course Together

2 A LITTLE HISTORY December 1, 2015……………………..Exploratory Meeting at the Yacht Club January 23, 2016……...……………….Community Meeting I: Visioning Session at Lakewood High School May 14, 2016………………………….. Community Meeting II: Adoption of the BLR 2036 Charter at Lakewood High School September 24, 2016…..……………… Community Meeting III: BLR 2036 Update January 21, 2017……………………… Community Meeting IV: BL 2030 Update May 2017………………………………. Future Community Meeting V September 2017………………………. Future Community Meeting VI January 2018………………………….. Future Community Meeting VII

3 OUR MISSION The Mission of BL 2030 is working together across existing political boundaries to marshal the unique assets of the Buckeye Lake Region, to attract State and Federal resources to enhance the wellbeing and economic prosperity of our residents; by the Buckeye Lake Region contributing to the wellbeing and prosperity of Central Ohio, our State and the Midwest.

4 BL 2030 CHARTER Printed copies of the BL 2030 Charter are available by the door Posters of the “Vision” are available for a final opportunity for participants to sign

5 NINE TASK FORCES Task Force: Chair/Leader:
ABC - Administration, Branding, and Communication Doug Poorman GAFF - Government Affairs Kitty Zwissler GOV - Regional Governance Duane Flowers L3U - Lake, Land, and Leisure Uses Jeff Ritter PFG - Public Funding & Grants Mike Anderson PRC - Private Resources Coordination Rich Smith RPM - Regional Planning Management Yaromir Steiner SECDEV - Sector Development not yet activated WQ - Water Quality Matt Bauman

6 ABC TASK FORCE Administration, Branding, and Communication
Chair: Doug Poorman Monthly meetings at the Buckeye Lake Museum New BL 2030 logo and tagline adapted and designed Visual identity and website for BL 2030 have been created and will be launched by 1/17/17 at Noon Once launched, the URL for the website will be: Social media efforts, including a Facebook page and Instagram feed will be active no later than 2/1/17 Ongoing coordination to hire help for managing social media content


8 L3U TASK FORCE Lake, Land, and Leisure Uses Chair: Jeff Ritter
Activities: - Cyclicking bike ride held 9/24/16 attracted over 50 participants - 1st Annual Bike Buckeye Lake Bike Drive raised over $6,000 in 6 weeks Marketing & Communications: - the Bike Buckeye Lake Facebook page is active sharing news, events, photos, etc. - proposed Route Map around lake with connectors from North, Southeast, South, and West has been developed by LCATS - marketing brochure developed and being distributed Region wide Route Planning: - various partnerships have been established across the Region to participate in Route Planning - primary focus is Lakewood Schools connecting Rt. 40 south on Lancer Rd to Cristland Hill Rd., connect Hebron south along Canal Rd to Buckeye Lake with multi-use trail, and connect Hebron to Lakewood Schools along Rt. 40 for safe school routes Future activities include hosting Regional Business Summit and 1st Annual Buckeye Lake Tour

9 PRC TASK FORCE Private Resources Coordination Chair: Rich Smith
Funds raised to date are $153,500 vs. goal of $300,000 by 6/30/2017 Solicitation letter developed for mailing to all individuals with ties to the Lake; initial mailing occurred 1/12/17 Solicitation materials compiled to assist in fund-raising efforts Funds obtained to date primarily from in-person solicitations and very successful; however, need much broader group of donors Fund-raising campaign being developed to target businesses around the Lake in February Disbursements Scheduled Van Meter Ashbrook (Gov Affairs) $15,000 Madison & Fifth (Website) $ 7,500 Gruen and Gruen (Econ Impact Study) $10,000 Rizzo (Dam Study) $ 2,500 Mesocosm (Lake Study) $ 5,000 EMHT (Lake Study) $12,000 Carlile Patchen attorney (Incorporation) Total Scheduled Disbursements $54,500

10 PFG TASK FORCE Public Funding & Grants Chair: Mike Anderson
Two grants awarded to the Region to date. Buckeye Lake Economic Adjustment Grant - $300,000 to assist region during dam revitalization and comprised of several sections, each awarded to a service provider to deliver on key benefits. - Community Development Services – comprehensive assessment of area’s infrastructure and assets with recommendations - Downtown Revitalization – strategies to secure funding to upgrade and revitalize business structures - Business Development – support and encouragement engagement to develop strategies to increase sales and profits - Market Analysis – market research to identify gaps in local retail and commercial market - Promotion of Local Tourism and Tourism Assets – establish brand and create tourism opportunities during low water levels at Lake - Local Business Promotion – identify resources for advertising and promotion and develop cost share program strategies Perry County Access Project – development of property at the south east end of the Lake

11 WQ (Buckeye Lake Tomorrow) TASK FORCE
Water Quality Chair: Matt Bauman Grants and other funding: need to reduce population of geese to eliminate e-coli problem by implementing a roundup solution (estimate $8,000) which needs to be funded Continue to work on increasing dredging, compared to 60,000 cubic yards per year; 300,000 cubic yards removed last year with chance to increase to 500,000 this year if State of Ohio can lease acreage to use as dredge material retention areas (DMRA’s) Looking for grants, or purchase opportunities, to return DMRA’s on farmland back to usable farmland; farmers request $8,000/acre Looking for option to get sewer out to islands in east end of the Lake where no sewer service currently exists Investigating cost of doing water testing internally to save the $5,000 currently spent each Summer Trying to obtain permission from ODNR to cut trees growing in Maple Bay area Crystal Lagoon concept locations

12 GAFF TASK FORCE Government Affairs Chair: Kitty Zwissler
Aided by Rep. Tim Schaffer and Senator Jay Hottinger, funds received include $1M in state budget, $500,000 for grants, and $500,000 for loans to assist businesses in financial distress due to lack of water in the Lake In process of trying to get $970,000 re-appropriated Successful in receiving millions in the State Capital Improvement Budget Federal grants secured allowing the hiring of renowned engineers and architects with proven experience to help achieve the BL 2030 vision Formed relationships with agencies dealing with the Dam establishing communication with residents and the Advisory Council to manage expectations during and after construction of the Dam

13 RPM TASK FORCE Regional Planning Management Chair: Yaromir Steiner
Phase I: Coordination of (4) studies presently underway - estimated completion May 2017 Phase II: Initiation of the Preliminary Regional Plan to illustrate community’s vision - target date January 2018 Phase III: Regional Plan - target completion May 2019

14 SECDEV TASK FORCE Sector Development Chair: not yet activated
This will ultimately cover hospitality, agriculture, tourism and the arts The department of Agriculture of the OSU has confirmed the existence of grape varietals that can be grown around Buckeye Lake Whites: MN1285 – Itasca, La Crescent, Chardonnay Reds: Regent, Chambourcin, Landot Noir, Fontenac Exploring the growing of barley as winter crop and the possibility of malting facilities in the region, to help with the resurgence of breweries and distilleries in the region

15 GOV TASK FORCE Regional Governance Chair: Duane Flowers
Buckeye Lake 2030 is incorporated as a non-profit corporation and will soon file for 501c(3) charitable status Task force designed to ensure mission/vision of BL 2030 is achieved by assuring a coordinated effort among all parties connected with the Lake in line with the pubic/private partnership that is at the core of all efforts Task for includes representatives from all (3) counties, local governments, civic leaders, homeowner associations, and (9) task forces charged with making BL 2030 a reality Total of (33) members and will itself be governed by a Board comprised of (9) Trustees Entire task force will meet quarterly with Board of Trustees meeting monthly

16 BL 2030 Board of Trustees Civic Community Leaders
Buckeye Lake Area Civic Association * Ron Craig, President Buckeye Lake Region Chamber of Commerce * Tim Ryan, President Counties Fairfield County * Dave Levacy, Commissioner Licking County * Duane Flowers, Commissioner Perry County * Jim O’Brien, Commissioner County Professionals Fairfield County Regional Planning Commission * Holly Mattei, Executive Director Licking County Planning & Development Gerald Newton, Executive Director Director of Economic Development * Tom Johnson, Director Villages Village of Buckeye Lake Clay Carroll, Mayor Village of Hebron * Mike McFarlane, Mayor Village of Millersport Gary Matheny, Mayor Townships Union Township Board of Trustees * Charlie Prince, President Walnut Township Trustee Leigh Doug, President Licking Township Trustee TBD Thorn Township Trustee Bob Coleman, President Homeowners Associations Cranberry Bay Homeowners Association * Rickie Sue Grunden, President West Bank Homeowners Association Brad Smith, President Harbor Hills Civic Association Chuck Haire, President Heron Bay Master Association * Robert Hitt, President Fairfield Beach Homeowners Association John Miller, President BL 2030 Leaders ABC Task Force (Administration, Branding, & Communication) * Doug Poorman GAFF Task Force (Government Affairs) * Kitty Zwissler L3U Task Force (Lake, Land, & Leisure Uses) * Jeff Ritter PRC Task Force (Private Resources Coordination) * Rich Smith PFG Task Force (Public Funding & Grants) * Mike Anderson GOV task Force (Regional Governance) * Duane Flowers RPM Task Force (Regional Planning Management) * Yaromir Steiner SECDEV Task Force (Sector Development) TBD WQ Task Force (Water Quality) * Matt Bauman School Districts Lakewood Local Walnut Township Local Northern Local

4100 · Grant Income 4105 · Columbus Foundation 10,000.00 15,000.00 0.00 19,500.00 54,500.00 Total 4100 · Grant Income 4200 · Founding Contributions 14,228.37 511.87 4,384.74 89.82 35.75 1,064.00 20,314.55 Total 4000 · Income 24,228.37 15,511.87 10,035.75 20,564.00 74,814.55 Total Income Expense 5000 · Expenses 5100 · ABC Admin Branding Comm 19,728.37 2,500.00 22,228.37 5300 · PRC Private Resources Coord. 5500 · RPM Regional Plan Management 10,385.75 5600 · WQ Water Quality 21,464.00 5700 · GAFF Government Affairs 5900 · GOV Regional Governance 5,134.74 Total 5000 · Expenses 18,011.87 Total Expense Net Income 4,500.00 -2,500.00

18 NEXT STEPS Application for 501c(3) status for BL 2030 non-profit corporation Operation of regular communications with the community via s, new website, and Facebook Hold Constitution Meeting of Board of Trustees Improve cooperation and planning efforts with ODNR and OEPA for water quality and water levels Organize dam residents and their jurisdictions for coordination with ODNR Organize next Community Meeting for May 2017


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