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Curriculum mapping Strategies for Developing a Quality Map

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1 Curriculum mapping Strategies for Developing a Quality Map
Jan Lashbrook Calvary Christian Academy




5 What is curriculum mapping?
A plan for teaching and learning, but it is one that constantly changing. Never finished—it’s on-going from year to year. Similar to Scope & Sequence, but with Non-negotiables. Identify basic principles or concepts you want your students to master in a year.

6 What is curriculum mapping?
Curriculum is like a vacation journey. You have an ultimate destination but as you go along, you may make changes to increase the value and enjoyment of the trip. (Van Brummelen, 2009)

7 Why Plan? because God plans
Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. Amos 3:7 | NIV Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22 | NIV Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3 | NIV Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? Luke 14:28 | NIV

8 Good Planning takes thought

9 Why map? Make instructional decisions & establish direction
Discover any gaps between grade levels Identify overlaps & avoid repetitions Common language among teachers/administration Address areas of deficit in learning Valuable tool for collaboration Eliminates confusion Effective tool for providing parents information Enhance student achievement


11 Getting started SMART goals
“A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow.” George S. Patton SMART goals S-specific M-measurable A-attainable R-realistic T-time-based

12 Mapping is a work in progress
Start with the current year Start slowly; be realistic Build on each year by revising or fine-tuning units as you go. Ask essential questions: What is working? Not working? Go back and make additions/deletions Constant communication needed among grade level teams Inspect what you expect If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind Seneca

13 Curriculum Mapping is a verb
This constantly evolving, working document will guide your teaching and student learning. Start with a consensus (or core) map Themes (monthly or units) Topics (concepts covered) Skills Standards to be met Assessments used Resources/activities used Essential Questions

14 Unit or Theme: Should give an indication of what is to come that month: What is the goal of the unit? Subject Areas: Unique to your school-add what you want to add (Specials classes? Special Events? Community Helpers?) Essential Questions: What are the overarching questions that frame your unit? These are not “yes or no” questions, but rather questions that require higher order thinking, (i.e., “What do good readers do?” What is most important for your students to understand or remember about this unit? What questions will they be able to answer after mastery of unit? Assessments: What skills did the child learn? What is the evidence of learning, i.e., How will you know that your students “caught” the concept taught? List the variety of ways assessment happened that month. Change anything that didn’t work. Resources/texts/Activities used: Every resource you used to teach the concepts that month. What worked? What didn’t? This may change the most from year to year as you tweak and update how you teach the units. Standards Met: Listing the standards met by your students will be beneficial for you, your parents, the grade levels below and above you, and administration. We are accountable to the state of Florida, our administration, and our parents and students for the content we teach. Listing the standards in each unit will ensure we met them, show the progress made for the next grade level teacher, and show satisfaction of the requirements of the state and your school overseer.


16 Concepts/objectives Dates of Unit Assessments of Unit Texts and Resources Comments Aug Sept Oct Nov


18 Tips for Successful Mapping
Collaborate Develop a consensus map (Do not start with everyone creating their own maps) Understand this is long-term, ongoing, stay-with-it, go-back-and-revise-it work for all your teachers Create Start with a consensus map: an Essential core map of non-negotiables (less is more for teacher flexibility) Decide what you will call your maps (Essential Map? Core Curriculum map? Teacher Year Plan?) Review Review team should include teachers and administrators (lots of collaboration and accountability). Team should feel equipped, invested, and in the loop with understanding of your goal before starting Use the maps Developing goals for our students will help us create the vision for our maps

19 Tips con’t…. Team Review Revise and improve as you go Map Intentionally Add curriculum mapping planning on your school professional development calendar-make time for collaboration with your team and the teams above and below Continue the cycle each year Keep on keepin’ on! It takes 5-10 years to develop a good quality map that works! Embrace Trial and Error Don’t be discouraged if you have to start over in areas of your map—that’s what makes a good map better


21 Resources used Johnson, Ann (2010, June). Developing Quality Maps 1103T/1203T. Session presented at the 2010 ACSD Professional Development Conference. Tribuzzi, Jeanne (2010, June). Where to Start: Creating a Vision and Goals for Curricuum Mapping 3209T/3309T. Session presented at the 2010 ACSD Professional Development Conference.

22 Resources (con’t)

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