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ROADS Services Training Group

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1 ROADS Services Training Group
LOCAL AUTHORITY ROADS CONFERENCE 2016 Reforms, Challenges and Safety Radisson Blu Hotel, Rosses Point Road, Sligo, 18th May 2016. 1

2 Reforms, Challenges and Safety
MapRoad Roadworks Licensing John Horgan Senior Executive Engineer Dublin City Council


4 Content Increase in Licence Applications Irish Water The T1 Process
Current Status – Applications and Applicants Registration Process Charging and Finance Issues Affecting Licence Turnaround MRL Development and next release.

5 Major Works - Broadband
“No town, village or parish will be left behind under the National Broadband Plan” “next generation broadband to every house and business in the country by 2020” “we will establish a mobile phone and broadband taskforce to provide immediate solutions to the broadband/phone coverage deficit”

6 Major Works – Gas Networks Ireland

7 Major Works – Irish Water

8 Irish Water Ongoing Engagement - Irish Water / DTTAS/ RMO
Results to date: IW Feedback on Purple Book Discussions on Implementation Identification by IW of ‘Early Adopters’ to Online Licensing – Capital Projects Presentation to IW Capital Projects IW Capital Projects Rollout to be agreed

9 The T1 Process T1 Notification (Max 3 Month Process)
Large/ Complex Works Early Engagement and Consultation Agree T2 Licence Applications Phasing of works Geographical Limits Time Limits T2 Applications linked to T1

10 Applications per month

11 Applicants Currently 70+ Registered Applicants
Paper Based applications phasing out

12 Required Insurance Format
Registration Process Required Insurance Format Registration < 5 days

13 Interim Charging RW2/ 2016

14 Finance and Payments Finance Module Large Applicant:
Centralised RMO FMS system All applicants are Debtors – not Cash Customers Nightly routine to match MRL to the FMS Refundable / Non Refundable charges Refunds made at T5 approval (asset charges) and End of Guarantee Period (all other charges) Large Applicants billed and pay monthly Ordinary User pays per licence Road Authority paid Monthly from central FMS Large Applicant: Capped Reinstatement Fund Capped number of open licences Review of limits by RMO at National Level

15 Charges – Standard Approach
Application Charge + Long Term Impact Charge Reinstatement Charge (Refundable) Road traffic Asset Charge (Refundable) Specific Charges (if applicable)

16 Issues affecting Licence Turnaround
Licensing / Road Closures (Section 75 Roads Act 1993) Separate processes Temporary Traffic Management Plans Applicant Responsibility – Safety / Statutory Obligations Authorities Role – Traffic Compliance with RW2/ 2016 Delays during Holiday Periods Holiday Cover Attaching Licences

17 MRL4 Release – June 2016 June 2016 Multiple Traffic Management Plans per application T4 (Emergencies) – entry for up to 21 days after works Excavation locations can be edited to T5 stage Licence Condition Templates can be set up for each Traffic Impact Number Authorities can have ‘View only’ users Licences ordered by which is next to start Co-Ordinate System to include ING/ ITM July 2016 Mapping & Improved Search Functionality

18 Next phase of development – Release in 2016
Notifications App Inspections module and app Finance module Road closures/ 254’s/ abnormal loads etc

19 Thank You

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