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1 Study guide

2 Know the 7 principles of government
Checks and balances Federalism Republicanism Individual rights Separation of power Limited Government Popular Sovereignty

3 Empresarios Similar to real-estate agents Brought families to TX
Set up best land deals Acted as representative for the colony

4 Presidents of Texas Anson Jones Sam Houston Mirabeau Lamar

5 Against TX Annexation Slave state Debt Conflict with Mexico

6 Civil War TX was a Confederate state Slavery Geography
Believed in states rights

7 Fugitive Slave Act Forced idea of slavery into North
North didn’t want to follow act A “slave” could be convicted on testimony of 1 person Very corrupt system

8 3 causes of Civil War Slavery State’s rights Tariffs

9 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Finally set border of TX at Rio Grande Mexico finally agreed to recognize TX Mexico gave US land US gave Mexico $15 million Officially ended the Mexican-American War

10 What attracted settlers
Cheap land

11 Battle of Gonzales First battle of TX Revolution Started TX Revolution
“Come and Take It!”

12 Bill of Rights 1st 10 amendments to US Constitution

13 New Braunfels Majority of settlers from Germany

14 TX Constitution vs. US Constitution
3 branches of government TX Constitution longest in nation TX constitution amended over 400 times US constitution amended close to 30 times Bill of Rights

15 13th Amendment—banned slavery
14th Amendment—gave freedmen the rights of citizens 15th Amendment—gave freedmen right to vote

16 Reconstruction Rebuilding the south Rebuilding the nation
Passing of amendments Black Codes KKK Rebuild Feelings Economy country

17 State Advantages Stronger economy Protection
Close ties/connections to US

18 Jim Crow Laws Another term for “slavery” Segregated blacks and whites
Separate parts of everyday life

19 Black Codes Spelled out rights for blacks
Keep freed men at bottom of social order

20 Drawbacks of becoming a state
Have to give up some individual state’s rights Allow slave state to enter union

21 Law of April 6, 1830 Canceled all empresario contracts
Outlawed slavery Placed taxes on US goods

22 TX Constitution Longest in US Amended over 400 times Bill of Rights
Follows 1876 constitution

23 Sharecroppers vs. Tenant farmers
Rented plots of land Paid landlord with 1/3 of crop Owned own animals Sharecroppers “shared” crops with landowners Owned very little Very, very poor

24 3 branches of government
Executive Carries out laws Judicial Judges laws Legislative Creates laws

25 3 North Advantages Majority of factories Larger population Railroads

26 Manifest Destiny The idea/belief the US was to spread to the Pacific Ocean

27 Literacy tests Poll taxes Black Codes Jim Crow Laws “grandfather” clauses

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