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Provide folders with initial information in

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1 Provide folders with initial information in
Provide folders with initial information in. Introduce yourself and your background, including what makes you passionate about Primary Science. Don’t forget contact details. This could be as a business card or in the pack, or on slide 3. Complete the Session Evaluation form part 1. 5 minutes

2 Session 1: Getting started on the PSQM Journey

3 Add your contact details here!

4 Where is your school in terms of science?
Why are you here? Where is your school in terms of science? Where do you want science to be? Activity A: Discussion as a group about why are they are here? What do they hope to get out of it? Introduce yourselves and your situation and school. 10 minutes Activity B: Visualisation (eyes closed, breathe slowly and reflect) activity to reflect on what makes a good lesson and when last happened and how it felt, regardless of the subject it was taught in Make notes. What can you take from this experience and apply elsewhere? Activity C: Use the ideas and notes from the visualisation activity to encourage delegates to complete the ‘Science is good when…’ cards, for the shortened version of ‘Activity 1: Principles of Science’. Provide a few extra moments to complete more. Don’t explain what this activity is about at the moment.

5 Some Comments ‘Hard work but very rewarding. It helped me appreciate how much we were already achieving and focus on what still needs to be done. I'm using the model of the application process to drive improvements in another subject area this year.’ Has been the best tool for school improvement ever!’ Very reflective and well structured process. Being involved in the PSQM has definitely raised the standards of science at our school.’ ‘The process gave me a framework to lead change in Science teaching and learning in my school. Science in my school has transformed beyond recognition. I would recommend for every school to become involved.’ Refer to interviews on website

6 How the PSQM scheme works

7 The Primary Science Quality Mark is
an award scheme to develop and celebrate the quality of science teaching and learning in primary schools. Schools can achieve Bronze, Silver and Gold awards. We were created to help you do what you have said you are here to do – this is the reason behind the creation of the PSQM. PRIMARY SCIENCE QUALITY MARK® 7

8 PSQM Aims To raise the profile of science in primary schools
To encourage an increase in the range and quality of teaching and learning in science To recognise, promote and spread good practice in science teaching and learning To provide a framework for evaluating, planning and developing the quality of science teaching and learning To celebrate a commitment to excellence in science in primary schools Half the interested schools express a wish to do number 1 and number 2. The other half stated number 5 as their priority! Today in many schools, number 1 is the most important, as science continues to lose it’s status…and PSQM has been successful in this – as you can see from the next slides.

9 The National Perspective
The state of Science in Scotland (2013): Learning &teaching in the sciences in the classroom is continually improving. Much progress has been made in developing and embedding new and improved learning and teaching approaches in everyday educational practice. The use of interdisciplinary learning (IDL) which offers opportunities for children and young people to experience learning from different subject &curriculum areas in motivating and relevant contexts, is an increasing feature of learning across all sectors. [However but needs to be] planned sufficiently well to ensure breadth and to develop children’s knowledge and skills in a progressive way. [We need to] ensure that all children and young people’s entitlement to a broad general education is being met.  

10 The Story So Far….. Draft criteria established and programme piloted National roll out began in 2011, supported by the Wellcome Trust schools have achieved a PSQM award since its launch in 2010 Currently 500 schools per year achieve a PSQM award From 2013 onwards PSQM has been supported by partnership of University of Hertfordshire and the Primary Science Teaching Trust (PSTT) 80+ trained and active hub leaders in the whole of the UK and wider afield. Team of 7 senior hub leaders

11 PSQM self evaluation framework
Science subject leadership Teachers and teaching Pupils and learning Broader opportunities There are criteria within each section for each level of award, to give you guidance on what next steps you should plan for the future. 11

12 The Process Schools achieve a Primary Science Quality Mark award through a process of initial audit, followed by action and reflection. Supported by compulsory training and mentoring they: complete an initial audit against PSQM criteria; decide which award to aim for; design an action plan which they put into place over a period of terms; submit key pieces of evidence to support their submission for the selected award and to illustrate the impact that their actions have had whilst working towards the achievement of the PSQM award criteria. The b process for a school to work through.

13 What challenges can you see?
Responsibilities The Terms and Conditions agreement was set up to ensure that all parties were aware of the roles and responsibilities that each has. It is the document that shows your Head teacher is fully behind this. What challenges can you see? The basic process for a school to work through.

14 The PSQM Calendar Mentoring Complete self assessment
By October By end of Nov By December December   January onwards By April By May End of June September November ½ or full day Training Complete self assessment ½ day Training Complete action plan and upload to PSQM website Implement Action Plan. Evidence collection is on-going Submit reflections with supporting evidence Award notification Award Ceremony Introduction to PSQM    Action planning Writing reflections   Compiling a submission Mentoring Add in your specific dates if you have them. Tip – Set the deadline for submission at least 1 week before the final deadline! Remember that these dates are part of the responsibilities for all parties to meet. 14

15 Using the PSQM Website
Need access to internet for this part. PRIMARY SCIENCE QUALITY MARK® 15

16 PSQM Structure GOLD AWARD
The subject leader ensures that excellent practice is visible, sustained and evolving across the whole school. This excellent practice has a clear impact on partners beyond the school. SILVER AWARD The subject leader is having an increasing impact across the school, where science has a high profile. Many excellent practices are developed and implemented. Some links with partners outside the school are being established. BRONZE AWARD The subject leader is beginning to have an impact beyond his/her own class and the profile of science is growing across the school. Some excellent practices are being developed and implemented. PSQM SILVER PSQM GOLD PSQM Bronze Broader not necessarily better, as Gold is about broadening the reach of science to other schools and the wider community, not about doing more ‘stuff’! 16

17 Activities to Support Criteria
An example of an activity and the criteria it links to, that it could provide evidence for. There are 18 of these on the website to download.

18 Activities to Support Criteria
An example of an activity and the criteria it links to, that it could provide evidence for. There are 18 of these on the website to download.

19 Gap Tasks Carry out a Pupil Voice Activity
Use evidence from Pupil Voice and discussion with SLT, to complete your self-assessment before the next session, and make notes on things you may need to complete to reach the award level you wish to go for. Hold a staff meeting to run the Principles of Science activity. 19

20 Association for Science Education Membership Special PSQM only offer of discounted membership to ASE - Only £87.20 This is a special discount of 20% off Primary School Membership (usually £109) + a ‘Golden Ticket’ details below. This is only available to PSQM schools from Round 12 onwards. This includes: Whole-school CPD at no extra cost – The ‘Golden Ticket’ You will receive a “Golden Ticket” to ASE Annual Conference valid for 3 years (attend in 2017, 2018 or 2019 as you choose). This entitles you to 1 free day at the conference.  We have a dedicated programme for Primary and over 400 primary teachers attended the conference in 2016. Find out more. 5 copies of ASE journal Primary Science, which is packed with ideas and news. In addition you will have a subscription to the ASE magazine Education in Science. Plus access to the full resources from previous issues. Plus opportunities to attend ASE regional events, TeachMeets and great member discounts on books in our bookshop. See full list of membership benefits. How to apply: Simply go to PSQM website to find the  application form and submit to

21 Remind subject leaders to complete remainder of Evaluation Form

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