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Update on the National Coalition on Truck Parking

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1 Update on the National Coalition on Truck Parking
AASHTO Sub Committee on Highway Transport August 2-4, 2016 Denver, Colorado Office of Freight Management and Operations Federal Highway Administration

2 Jason’s Law Section 1401(c) of MAP-21, referred to as the Jason’s Law Survey and Comparative Assessment, directs the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to: Evaluate the capability of each state to provide adequate parking and rest facilities for commercial motor vehicles engaged in interstate transportation. Assess the volume of commercial motor vehicle traffic in each state. Develop a system of metrics to measure the adequacy of commercial motor vehicle parking facilities in each state.

3 Jason’s Law Survey USDOT received valuable support from five national organizations in identifying metrics and completing survey activities. These organizations were: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO); American Trucking Associations (ATA); Owner-Operator/Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA); National Association of Truck Stop Operators (NATSO); Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA).

4 Truck Volumes on the National Highway System

5 Volumes in Relation to Spaces

6 States Reporting Truck Parking Problems

7 Recommended Metrics The stakeholder working group and survey findings identified a comprehensive list of key factors influencing parking to measure. Metrics were developed for the following eight categories: Parking Demand Driver Demographics Parking Supply Location Economic Valuation Environment Safety Development

8 Tier I Metrics – Ready to Implement
Metric Category(ies) Metric Data Source Readiness Scale Demand Truck Travel on NHS Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Freight Analysis Framework (FAF) Current Corridor Supply Number of Spaces, Public and Private Inventory of states for public spaces and use of private truck stop resources for private data Current, Requires state data input and purchase of private data Corridor and Facility Number of Spaces in Relation to NHS Mileage HPMS mileage for the NHS Number of Spaces in Relation to VMT HPMS VMT Number of Spaces in Relation to GDP by State Bureau of Economic Analysis GDP Data

9 Survey Conclusions Truck parking capacity is a problem in all states, although the level of awareness of this challenge varies significantly among the states. Consistent, continued measurement is important to provide data to understand dynamic truck parking needs and whether the situation is improving. Truck Parking analysis is an important component of state and metropolitan planning organization (MPO) freight plans, as well as regional and corridor-based freight planning. Public and private sector coordination is critical for analysis and project development to address long-term truck parking needs. Jason’s Law was specific in requiring USDOT to do three main tasks as part of a survey and comparative assessment to evaluate the truck parking issues currently and to provide a means for evaluating parking needs. FHWA’s work contained in this report reiterate the various public and private analyses of the truck parking needs in the U.S. and adds to the understanding of truck parking needs using State level and motor carrier stakeholder assessments. Common ideas on location of shortages and challenges, as well as ideas related to the truck parking problem were derived among the stakeholder responses. Areas of shortage and areas with identified unauthorized parking correlated with the assessment of truck volumes revealing challenges along many of the nation’s most active freight corridors. While a current system of metrics is prescribed, there are a number of metrics that require further research on approaches and data collection that FHWA and its partners including the motor carrier stakeholders can work to advance. Additionally, FHWA encourages the incorporation of truck parking analysis into freight planning at the State and regional level, as well as in discussions with Freight Stakeholder Advisory Groups.

10 Recommended Next Steps: Federal
Develop new approaches and data to support advanced measurement of truck parking and inclusion in transportation planning.   Educate and provide outreach with MPOs, State Highway Agencies, and private sector stakeholders to ensure that all partners are aware of the opportunities to advance projects and the eligibility of these projects for funding under the Federal-Aid Highway Program.  Continue to support Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)- based solutions that improve truck drivers’ awareness of parking availability.  Investigate P-3 approaches that involve private sector partners in the development of truck parking investments. 

11 Recommended Next Steps: State and Region
Begin or continue coordination with other public sector and private sector stakeholders to identify and prioritize short- term, emerging, and long-term solutions. Expand dialogue and coordination to the corridor level with neighboring counties, states, and countries where necessary. Improve data collection and analysis. Update plans and investment programs to include truck parking solutions, both for facilities and technology for truck parking information services. Engage law enforcement in education and training to aid truckers in accessing safe and available parking.

12 Truck Parking Safety, Post-Survey
Release of the Survey Results and Assessment – August 2015 Formation of the National Coalition on Truck Parking – August 2015 Inaugural meeting of the Coalition in DC – November 2015 Four regional meetings in the US – Summer/Fall 2016 Goal: Public, Private, and Shared Planning and Investment to solve for truck parking needs.

13 Schedule of Regional Meetings
June 8, Salt Lake City, Utah July 12, Hanover, Maryland August 26, Dallas, Texas October 5, Grain Valley, Missouri © Photo Courtesy of Erik DeLine

14 Topic Area #1: Parking Capacity Expansion
Maryland SHA adds 39 spaces at I-95 South Rest Area and Welcome Center in Howard County. Indiana DOT constructs 360 new trucking parking spaces on I-70. NJ Turnpike Authority expands truck parking at Vince Lombardi rest area.

15 Topic Area #1: Parking Capacity Expansion (cont.)
Supply Number of spaces Siting and Accessibility Location of facilities Design Non-traditional truck parking locations Weigh Stations, Brownfield Sites

16 Unilever Safe Haven Parking Initiative
Location # of Safe Haven Spots Newville 10 Pontoon Beach 2 Jacksonville Wilmer 4 Rialto Location # of Safe Haven Spots Raeford 1 Jefferson City Jonesboro 2 Hammond Suffolk Independence, MO Kilbourn Location # of Safe Haven Spots Covington (DC/Plant) 4 Henderson (DC) 2 up to 7 Hazleton (DC) Sikeston (DC/Plant) 5 up to 20 Sandston(DC) 17 Edwardsville, KS (DC) 10 New Century (Plant) St Albans/Waterbury (Plant) Turlock (DC) 6

17 Topic Area #2: Funding/Finance
Federal-aid Programs with Truck Parking Eligibilities* Based on §1401 of MAP-21 Surface Transportation Block Grant Program Highway Safety Improvement Program National Highway Performance Program * Other program requirements may apply © Photo courtesy of: Vern Keeslar

18 Topic Area #2: Funding/Finance (cont.)
Eligible improvements must “serve the National Highway System” Eligible Activities provided under MAP-21 §1401 (b) – Constructing safety rest areas Constructing parking facilities next to commercial truck stops and travel plazas Opening existing facilities to truck parking Promoting availability of public or private parking using ITS Constructing turnouts along the National Highway System (NHS) Making capital improvements to convert seasonally operated parking facilities to year round availability Improving geometric design of interchanges on NHS to improve access to parking facilities Eligible Activities per §1401 of MAP-21.

19 Topic Area #2: Funding/Finance (cont.)
FMCSA’s CVISN Program: FAST Act §5101(a) authorizes FMCSA to issue Innovative Technology Deployment Grants (CVISN Grants) for intelligent transportation systems (ITS), including truck parking ITS projects ITS truck parking projects must qualify for Expanded CVISN eligibility State must be CVISN Core Compliant ITS truck parking must be in the Expanded CVISN Program Plan/Top Level Design 80%/20% Federal to State match but state match can be waived. No cap on grant.

20 Topic Area #2: Funding/Finance (cont.)
FASTLANE & TIGER Discretionary Federal funding Public-Private Partnerships Local/Business Incentives CMAQ Funding

21 Topic Area #3: Technology/Data
I-5 (Caltrans) I-94 (Michigan DOT) I-94 (Minnesota DOT) – Truck Parking Availability System (TPAS) I-95 (Maryland DOT/Virginia DOT) I-75 (northbound) FMCSA Smart Park in TN (TN DOT) TIGER Award to Eight Midwest States

22 Topic Area #3: Technology/Data (cont.)
Roadside ITS In-vehicle Technology Smartphone Apps Big Data Interoperability, Data Collection/Validation

23 Topic Area #4: Government Coordination
Weed, California Truckers allowed to park on local streets Town leased property and constructed a parking lot 30 spaces designated for truck parking only Elmira, New York Constructed truck parking lot with 30 spaces Overnight, weekly, or monthly parking fees

24 Topic Area #4: Government Coordination (cont.)
Community Outreach Planning at the Regional Level North Jersey Truck Rest Stop Study Pennsylvania Statewide Study Virginia Truck Parking Study Truck Parking Partnership Study (BMC) Communicating Needs and Benefits

25 Topic Area #5: Creative Models
Unilever/Kriska Transportation Safe Haven Parking Program Reservation system for Kriska drivers at Unilever facilities Allow drivers to park on-site Caterpillar Eliminated sleeper cabs for specialized loads to allow for longer trailers Pays for drivers to stay in hotels overnight

26 Topic Area #5: Creative Models (cont.)
Labor Management Scheduling Teaming Supply Chain Planning Trip planning Use of weigh stations for truck parking Emerging Truck Technologies

27 For More Information: FHWA Resources
Tretha Chromey, Office of Operations Tom Kearney, Office of Technical Services FHWA Jason’s Law Survey: g/jasons_law/truckparkingsurvey/ FHWA Truck Parking Website: g/index.htm

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