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Highly Infectious Disease management

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Presentation on theme: "Highly Infectious Disease management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Highly Infectious Disease management
PPE & Biocontainment Units

2 Like….Ebola for instance

3 Spillover to humans from bats and primates

4 Bushmeat….it’s what’s for dinner.

5 Symptoms

6 Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever

7 Spread from Human to human
Blood and body fluids


9 Tests for Ebola

10 ELISA PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
Detects and measures antibodies in the blood Determines if a patient has antibodies related to certain infections conditions Blood--> petri dish containing antigen for which the patient is being tested-->enzyme added + if the 2 bind and contents change color Sections of DNA are reproduced and amplified for analysis Amplified segments are compared to others from a known source of the pathogenic organism

11 Terms Incubation Period Myalgia Febrile
period between exposure to an infection and the appearance of the first symptoms. Muscle Pain With fever

12 Duct Tape fixes Everything….

13 Biocontainment Unit Omaha, Nebraska

14 Bluetooth Technology

15 Donning and Doffing **While watching this video please write down how it differs from the donning and doffing protocol you have previously learned.

16 Sim Lab Quiz Review

17 T2S—in your blue folders and Weebly
SM (2) FOM (3) Ima Pashunt Ebola (today 2/27/17) Ima Pashunt Luke Emia Ebola (today 2/27/17)

18 T2S Ima Pashunt Luke Emia

19 Ebola

20 Additional T2S Lectures without an Assignment
Labs Therapeutic Communication CBC Chem-7 Techniques- The use of specific strategies that encourage the patient to express feelings and that convey acceptance and respect.

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