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Passports and equipment out please.

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Presentation on theme: "Passports and equipment out please."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passports and equipment out please.
Welcome Passports and equipment out please.

2 Experiment – Method Add sachet of yeast to water bottle.
Poor in 250ml warm water and swill it around. Add 1tsp sugar, swill mixture around again. Place the balloon over the bottle neck. Leave in a warm place.

3 Lesson Objectives Lesson Outcomes
Bread – ingredient functions Lesson Outcomes Working towards bread practical

4 Bread

5 Quick History on bread The concept of bread has been around since 9500BC. Humans used to mix cracked and ground grains with water to gruel and porridge. They left the paste outside in the sun to dry out and form a crust. Bread varied in ancient times depending on the type of grain, availability of wild yeast and the weather.

6 So what is in bread? 200g strong plain flour 50g margarine
1 sachet easy blend yeast 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt 125ml warm water

7 Back to our experiment... Who can explain what this experiment shows?
Yeast eats the sugar and when no oxygen is present, the yeast produces Carbon dioxide.

8 Ingredient Functions So we know the ingredient function of yeast in bread is to produce CO2 to help the bread rise.

9 Strong plain flour Ingredient Functions Adds structure Adds bulk
Contains gluten. Why?? Strong plain flour Adds bulk

10 Fat Ingredient functions Adds flavour.
Coats the gluten in the flour so they can’t combine as easily. This gives the bread a fluffier texture. Helps the bread brown during baking. Fat Adds flavour.

11 Sugar Ingredient functions Holds moisture in the finished product.
Caramelises to contribute to the brown colour of bread. Adds sweetness Sugar Food for the yeast to allow it to produce co2 Holds moisture in the finished product.

12 Salt Ingredient functions Enhances flavour Strengthens gluten
Helps moderate the effect of the yeast so it doesn’t rise too quickly.

13 Water Ingredient functions
Acts as steam during baking to help the texture of the bread. Helps form gluten bonds. Water Needed for yeast to develop, reproduce, and produce co2

14 Working towards bread practical
Lesson Objectives Food labelling Bread Lesson Outcomes Working towards bread practical

15 Plenary - Have our balloons blown up??

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