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STATUS OF SPIROC measurement

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1 STATUS OF SPIROC measurement
Michel Bouchel, Stéphane Callier, Frédéric Dulucq, Julien Fleury, Gisèle Martin-Chassard, Christophe de La Taille, Ludovic Raux jeudi 10 janvier 2008

2 Reminder : Block scheme of SPIROC
Analog channel Analog mem. 36-channel Wilkinson ADC Event builder Main Memory SRAM Ch. 0 Analog channel Analog mem. Ch. 1 AHCAL SLAB Analog channel Analog mem. Ch. 35 12 bit counter Time digital mem. Bunch crossing Com module Trigger control Memory pointer jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

3 Reminder : One channel jeudi 10 janvier 2008
ns 50-100ns Gain selection 4-bit threshold adjustment 10-bit DAC 15ns DAC output HOLD Slow Shaper Fast Shaper Time measurement Charge measurement TDC ramp 300ns/5 µs 12-bit Wilkinson ADC Trigger Depth 16 Common to the 36 channels 8-bit DAC 0-5V Low gain Preamplifier High gain Preamplifier Analog memory 15pF 1.5pF 0.1pF-1.5pF Conversion 80 µs READ Variable delay IN Discri Gain Flag TDC Analog output jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

4 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement
Measurement set-up SPIROC test board 36 SiPM Inputs ALTERA Cyclone Test bench GPIB port (unused) USB port Programmable by JTAG ASIC jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

5 SPIROC : tested features
Power pulsing Programmable stage by stage Preamplifier Preamp disable Preamp Feedback capacitances (from 100fF to 1.5pF) Compensation capacitances Slow Shaper: different time constant : 25ns-175ns Auto-trigger Trigger with 40fC observed in measurement Calibration injection capacitance Embedded bandgap for references Embedded DAC for trigger and gain selection threshold Serial analogue output Probe bus for debug : not operational jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

6 First measurement High gain channel output
680fC ( ~4 gain=106) in SPIROC Vout=30mV Noise=1mV Gain=45mV/pC pe/noise~7 (expected ~11) Charge measurement Auto trigger Set up: Cf=400fF Tau=50ns jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

7 Simulation 680fC ( ~4 pe @SiPM gain=106) in SPIROC Vout = 50mV
Noise = 1.1mV RMS pe/noise = 11 jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

8 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement
Shaper simulation 100ns 50ns High gain Vin=10mV Ctest=2pF 25ns jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

9 Preamplifier simulations
High Gain Tau=50ns Cf = 0.1 ; 0.2 ; 0.4 ; 0.8 ; 1.5pF Qinj=10mV*15pF jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

10 Preamplifier measurement and simulation
jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

11 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement
Pedestal dispersion The pedestal measurement is coherent with what we expect : No pedestal pattern (random values according to statistical dispersion) Statistical dispersion equivalent to what we get with that technology Standard deviation : σ =1.8mV peak-peak=8.3mV jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

12 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement
Gain uniformity Standard deviation : σ =1.09mV (~1%) moyenne=110.43mV jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

13 Input DAC linarity 4.5V Standard deviation : σ =8mV (~0.2%)
moyenne=4.49V Linearity residuals in per cent Linearity -/+2% jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

14 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement
Input DAC linearity jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

15 Trigger and gain selection DAC measurement
Linearity Gain selection DAC Trigger DAC Residuals (mV) jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

16 Crosstalk and trigger time walk
Very low Cross-Talk : 0.3% (long distance cross talk due to slow shaper voltage reference: If this voltage decoupled with 100µF, it becomes negligible ~0.04%) Trigger time walk: ~6ns jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

17 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement
S-curves jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

18 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement
S-curves jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

19 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement
S-curves Measured Noise ~8mV (expected ~ 5mV) jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

20 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement
jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

21 Digital part Frame with an external trigger…. BCID (12bits)
Chip ID (8 bits) Data Signal Transmit on signal jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

22 Conclusion Dynamic range Linearity Trigger efficiency 16-depth SCA
SPIROC tests have started and are in progress Many features to be tested Dynamic range Linearity Trigger efficiency 16-depth SCA ADC resolution TDC resolution Power pulsing & consumption Digital part jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

23 Preampfier measurement
Qinj= 680fC (~4pe at SiPM gain of 106) Cf (fF) noise RMS(mV) tau=25ns noise RMS (mV) tau=175ns Vout (mV) tau=25ns Vout (mV) tau=175ns 200 1.2 2.2 42.6 32.5 400 1.0 1.3 26.3 18.7 600 0.92 1.15 18.8 13.2 800 0.9 13.9 10 1000 0.95 11.4 7.8 1200 9.6 6.6 1400 0..9 8.2 5.6 jeudi 10 janvier 2008 Ludovic Raux - Calice electronics meeting - SPIROC ASIC measurement

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