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Reviewed by Mara and Paul

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Presentation on theme: "Reviewed by Mara and Paul"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reviewed by Mara and Paul
Measurement Games Reviewed by Mara and Paul

2 How the applet works… Measure line segments with ruler provided on screen. Can adjust difficulty by adding more deviations to the ruler Multiple choice answers Metric or Amuuuricn Keeps track of score

3 Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Quick Easy to adjust level
Exposure to various measurement systems You don’t have to line up the ruler, it is there already.

4 Evaluation of Applet The computer allows for no set up- quick
Medium engagement Work on all computers Free and easy

5 A Problem-Based Task Task: Measure line segments
Connection to the standards and/or big ideas: MA.03.ME.01- Select most appropriate tool and metric unit to measure length, time, wieght and volume

6 Questions to Ask to Assess and Advance Student Thinking
Launch: How do you know your measurements are accurate? Explore: Why is using a standard tool important? Summarize: If the ruler wasn’t lined up what would you do?

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