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Presentation on theme: "SEMANTICS OF SMART APPLIANCES INITIATIVE Presenter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Title SEMANTICS OF SMART APPLIANCES INITIATIVE Presenter Mr. Francisco da Silva - ETSI (Huawei Sweden) Session Session#5.2: Strategic Topic #1: IoT Document Name/Version GSC20_Session#5_IoT_Francisco_ETSI Rev 0 Submission/Revision date: 19 April 2016

EC Goal: Provide the material to define the tools and data models for “smart appliances” helping EU to reach its 2020 goals on the reduction of greenhouse gas emission and buildings’ energy consumption. Next to that ultimate goal is the reduction of the cost for communication. Therefore, the development of a reference ontology was targeted as the main interoperability enabler for appliances relevant for energy efficiency. ETSI accepted to cover the communication aspect and provide the necessary standardization process support.

3 A 2-wheel mechanism What do you want to say? Say it properly

Tasks: 1.Take stock of existing semantic assets and use case assets 2.Perform a translation exercise of each model or use case to a common ontology language and subsequently a mapping between these models 3.Propose a common ontology and document it into ETSI M2M architecture Timing: The EC study call for the tender was in mid The link for the result is available as: Finished on April 1st 2015 End Result: SAREF Ontology (SAREF stands for Smart Appliances REFerence)

5 Standards used to bottom up create “SAREF” ontology
ECHONET FIEMESER UPnP SmartCoDE OMA Lightweight M2M SEP2 EnOcean OMS Hydra KNX ZigbeeHA CENELEC EN50491 W3C SSN OSGi DAL eDiana FAN DECT ULE Z WAVE SEEMPubs PowerOnt (previously SEIPF) FIPA Mirabel Adapt4EE

6 Device category classes

7 SAREF ontology standardisation
ETSI published SAREF standard Version 1 in November 2015: The standardisation work will include in its version 2 the aligned oneM2M Mapping (through its Base Ontology to be included in oneM2M Release 2 expected soon). SAREF standardisation work contributed largely to the work and concepts of semantics and creation of the oneM2M Base Ontology.

8 Smart Appliances – Communication Framework standardisation
ETSI TS : Smart Appliances; Communication Framework was approved in November It complements the SAREF ontology standard with the standard for the means to communicate and share information. It mandates the use of oneM2M as interworking and communication framework for Smart Appliances, to ensure the ability for smart appliances to communicate in a common way, either directly or via interworking with specific local protocol.

9 SAREF ontology test specs standardisation
STF 510 (Specialist Task Force) project started on 14 December 2015 under TC SmartM2M. Purpose is to develop Conformance test specifications for Smart Appliance Common Ontology mapped to oneM2M architecture. It is intended that STF 510 (as TC SmartM2M) will work closely with oneM2M WG 6 TST (Testing). Purpose is to test SAREF into the communication framework and to test the mapping to oneM2M. 3 main deliverables are planned: ETSI TS : PICS - Conformance testing Protocol Implementation Conformance Statements ETSI TS : TSS&TP - Conformance testing Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes ETSI TS : ATS&PIXIT - Conformance testing Abstract Test Suite and Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing

10 Interworking in oneM2M oneM2M Release 1 provides communication and information sharing and enables the semantic interworking, but without an explicit support In oneM2M Release 2 the general interworking semantic interworking is completed by the standardization of a base ontology Smart Appliance Service provider Application Smart Appliance Smart Appliance SAREF Knowledge Specific protocol 1 Specific protocol 2 Specific protocol 3 Mca AE Inter-working Proxy AE Inter-working Proxy AE Inter-working Proxy Mapping on base ontology Mca Mca/dIa Mca Mcc CSE CSE Comunication framework Device/Gateway Gateway/Infrastructure Node

11 Expected impact of SAREF
SAREF standard defines a new reference conceptual language for energy-related applications. It will be used by devices in the home - from lamps and consumer electronics to white goods like dishwashers - allowing them to exchange information with any energy management system. SAREF is expected to enable demand-response to flourish, to bring additional energy and cost savings for building owners and users, and to foster new markets. It builds on converging standardization work and on the development of platforms on which technologies and solutions will co-exist and interact across application domains. The initiative has been welcomed by the Smart Appliance Industry, which clearly indicates the intention to adopt the SAREF ontology and its related communication framework.

12 SAREF Extension SAREF is now being expanded to cover the evolution of present requirements and also to include new requirements. Also the Smart Appliance industry has expressed an urgent request to extend SAREF to fill gaps of features not yet covered by the present version of specifications. The new work – being developed with the support of STF 513 under TC Smart M2M – addressing the extension of SAREF standard will take into account: - Energy demand/response use cases. - Remarks and comments made by parties that started working with SAREF. - The Smart Home Device Template of HGI/oneM2M TS-0023 (home appliances abstract informational model). - A full mapping between the oneM2M Base Ontology (oneM2M TS-0012) and SAREF. Additional requirements provided by interested parties to the STF 513 between April and September 2016.

13 Smart Appliances standardization roadmap
APR APR MAY NOV JUN SEPT Saref Study Publication: Inclusion of oneM2M base ontology mapping Publication: Extended Saref TS SAP Onthology TS SAP Comm. Framework Approval Publication TS SAP TESTING Publication

14 ankThank Thank You For more information, please contact Francisco da Silva


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