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History, Anthropology, Political Science, and Philosophy

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1 History, Anthropology, Political Science, and Philosophy
Advising with Aplomb: History, Anthropology, Political Science, and Philosophy Breadth and Depth (and GLOCUP)

2 American Institutions:
HIST 1700: American Civilization -- Covers 500+ years in 16 weeks -- NOT for History or Social Science teaching majors/minors (they take 2700/2710) -- International Students– take later on in schooling (rather than as Freshmen) --Other options: HIST 2700/2710; POLS 1100; ECON 1740

3 History --HIST 1100/1110: Western Civilization (before/since 1715)
Social, political, religious, literary developments; European Enlightenment --HIST 1500/1510: World Civilization (before/since 1500) Ancient civilizations; European exploration/empire; Globalization --HIST 2700/2710: U.S. History (before/since 1877) Exploration to/since the Civil War

4 Anthropology Engaging professor, background working with Native Americans --ANTH 1000: Intro to ANTH Usually evening class How people live and learn, relate to world culturally Organized by topics (rather than regions) --ANTH 1010: Cultural ANTH Explores specific topics in more depth Case Studies

5 Political Science (GLOCUP)
--POLS 2100: Intro to International Relations War and Peace, how govern relations with each other, role of international organizations, debate theory of realism vs. liberalism --POLS 2200: Intro to Comparative Politics Compare political structures in different countries, which are more or less desirable and why

6 Philosophy -- PHIL 1000: Intro to Philosophy
Basic concepts, discussing both sides of an issue, critical thinking, topical -- PHIL 1120: Social Ethics Main Q: What is Justice Explores questions philosophers raise about society, making connections between time periods, between disciplines

7 Philosophy (cont.) -- PHIL 1250: Reasoning and Rational Thought
Epistemology (Study of Knowledge); how we know what we know; construction of arguments, knowledge, fallacies -- PHIL 2600: World Religions (GLOCUP) three semester cycle. Spring 2017: Jerusalem-based (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) Fall 2017: East Asia (China) Fall 2016: Indian Subcontinent

8 BONUS -- PHIL 3100: Aesthetics: Art and the Beautiful
-- PHIL 3200: Philosophy in Literature Upper division electives, NO PREREQ’s

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