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Industrial Revolution

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1 Industrial Revolution
A Time of Change in America

2 Lesson Vocabulary: Technology Inventions Impact Progress Setback
Industrial Revolution Productivity Economics Lifestyle Primary Sources Benefits Consequences

3 Lesson Objectives I can identify and describe inventions from the Industrial Revolution time period. I can explain the impact of inventions from the Industrial Revolution time period.

4 Check this out…

5 Write down everything you know about the word “REVOLUTION.”
THINK Write down everything you know about the word “REVOLUTION.”

6 PAIR Now, partner up. Compare what you know with what your partner knows. Choose TWO main points about the word “revolution.”

7 SHARE WITH A GROUP Now, with another group, share your main points.
Develop, as a group, a definition for the word “REVOLUTION.”

8 A “revolution” is….

9 Be ready to share… Think of a time you experienced change in your life. Did this change benefit you or did this change have consequences? Explain

10 SHARE Benefits Consequences

11 Time to think about change in American History…
You will be placed in groups of 3-4. You will be silently rotating around the room analyzing the primary and secondary sources on the Industrial Revolution. The timer will indicate when you rotate to the next set of pictures. You may use your marker to make any of the following marks on the posters: -Questions about the pictures -Inferences about what you think -Statements about the pictures **You must continue to write until the timer sounds. ONLINE STOPWATCH

12 Take a moment… You’ve just seen pictures relating to the Industrial Revolution. Based on what you’ve seen, how does your group feel about this question: How did the inventions/technology impact the 18th and 19th centuries? **Write this hypothesis on the top of your graphic organizer.

13 How this will work: You will spend around 10 minutes at each station reading the information provided. It is your job to find information that supports or refutes your hypothesis. Don’t forget to use evidence to support your decision. You will rotate to the next station (clockwise) when time is up.

14 What do I do with the Post Its?
While reading the information, you will be looking for key points (evidence) from the reading. Write AT LEAST 2 key points on the Post It notes. After the reading, everyone in your group will share his/her key points with one another. Think about which key points help you support or refute your hypothesis. Finally, you will need to transfer at least 5 key points to your organizer.

15 Now it’s time to become an expert… YOU have a mystery to solve…
How did the inventions/technology impact the 18th and 19th centuries? You will be reading the information packets and completing the organizer. You will be using all of this information when supporting your position. ONLINE STOPWATCH

16 Industrial revolution-Expert organizer
Clue Station Gather evidence: What do I see in the image that is important in answering the mystery question? Interpreting evidence: While reading, collect evidence that supports or refutes my hypothesis. What were the impacts of this invention/ technology? Factories Cotton Gin Living Conditions Steam Engine Working Conditions

17 Now that you have completed your organizer…
After you complete your graphic organizer, please complete the t-chart. If you find impacts that were beneficial, write those changes on the “benefits” side of the chart. If you find changes that had consequences, write those changes on the “consequence” side of the chart. **Remember…you must clearly state your argument, and JUSTIFY your answer with support.

18 T-chart United States Industrial Revolution Impacts Invention Benefits Consequences

19 Do you still feel the same?
Now that you have been given information on the Industrial Revolution, let’s think back. As a group, think about how you feel about the essential question: How did the inventions/technology of the Industrial Revolution impact the 18th and 19th centuries? Do you still feel the same as you did in your hypothesis? Complete your post thought as a group.

20 Industrial Revolution Assessment
The Industrial Revolution time period was a time of change for our country. Describe one invention from the Industrial Revolution time period. B. Explain the impact of this invention. Be sure to include both the benefits and consequence of this invention.

21 Scoring Guide: __correctly gives one invention __correctly describes this invention __clearly explains the impact by giving a benefit __clearly explains the impact by giving a consequence __elaborates answer (adds detail to support)

22 Reflection Questions:
What was your favorite part of this activity? What was your least favorite part? What gave you the biggest challenge? If something needed to be changed with this activity, what would it be and why? How well do you think you understand the changes during the United States American Revolution? Rate yourself from 1-3. 1—still clueless 2—getting it, but need more help 3—got it

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